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DH is sending SD10 to camp where I have already booked DD10 and DD11 to go (at the same time)

nunya1983's picture

They don't get along very well anymore. DD's get so tired of sd. Dh has major double standards. When sd does something wrong he will threaten to do X, but then never do it. DDs do something wrong and he grounds them (hasn't happened recently after I told him to quit disciplining my children). The DDs have seen this time and time again, and they feel it's not fair (which it's not, so I don't blame them). Also sd is very whiny, cries over everything, if someone looks at her "with a mean face" (like when you're so tired that you zone out and stare off into space with a blank face, but she walks by, that could be a mean face made at her. And she will bust out crying), if she has to fold her laundry, and dds don't (because they already did it and they don't have any more), yep she'll cry over that. Also sd is a major liar, she will do something (push one of them, grab a toy, make fun of one of them) and they will do it back to her (I'm not condoning this behavior), but sd will come out screaming and crying that dd did *insert injustice here*, and completely leave out the fact that she had anything to do with it. When dds try to explain what went down, sd interrupts them, and dh doesn't listen to what they are saying.
DDs have told me that they used to look forward to when sd came for her extended time in the summer (dh has 50/50 in the school year but then when summer comes he has 50/50 but then gets a month of sd wroth one weekend break in the middle, and BM gets the same in a different month in the summer). But dds no longer want sd to come in the summer, and I don't blame them. They are tired of the injustices. They are tired of sd Yalung advantage of the double standards. They are tired of having to tip toe around sd so that they don't get in trouble. They have to keep sd happy, even if sd is being a beast, just so they don't get punished. (They don't get punished for BS anymore, but they are still tired of it and her)

So I'm secretly hoping that she hates it there. I hope that the camp counselors see through her BS and she doesn't get special treatment over the other campers, and she will hate that.


nunya1983's picture

I told them to, luckily by then my youngest will turn 11,and will not be in sd's cabin, and that helps to really minimize exposure to her

Strengthh's picture

My daughter has an ex friend that cries as a manipulative tactic. Kids ignore her, and teachers/ school staff just tell her to calm down. Probably the first or second time she cries, it will work the other kids maybe and staff definitely will comfort for.

But it will stop working quick. And she will just be perceived as a "baby" that cries

I feel your pain. Your SD will probably be a trouble making bully all summer. Staff will see she is the instigator. Staff will tell her parents. SD will again cry and claim she is the one getting bullied, possibly by your daughters. Dad will sorry for his little precious and angry at yours.

nunya1983's picture

That's what I think it is too. Her teachers this year called her a drama queen. Even cries when people pronounce her name wrong. She goes to the teacher crying about it and the teacher won't do anything about it, why? Because towards the end of the year, they are tired of it too. Then sd comes home complaining about it, and I'm just like, "so?"

The kids supposedly "doing it on purpose", he isn't calling her names, he is just giving it a "country twang". She gets all upset that I'm not angry at the teacher and the kid. Dh says the "kid sounds like a brat."

She's going to 5th grade this year, I how she does a lot of growing up, if not, she will get her ass handed to her in middle school.