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Our bs3 having a hard time adjusting to sd15 being gone.

jstorie's picture

Bs5 has dealt with sd15 being out of the house 4 or 5 times already hes handling it like a trooper... He said to me "you should of called the police bc sissy's not a good girl at MEMEs house either." on the same thing he misses his sister he tells me that. I tell him I miss her too but he can see her soon. He has been acting perfect lately. I have gotten compliments from all his teachers on how well he is doing. Complete turn around!

BS3 was mean all day the past few days at daycare he might actually be close to getting kicked out.... So wehn i picked him up he was screaming bloody murder. he continued to scream so i took bs5 to his meme and asked her to watch him while i dealt with bs3 becuase he wasn't going to get to watch tv. and i didn't want bs5 to get the bad part of the deal. she went outside to talk to bs3 becuase he decided to stay on the porch and scream... she walks out to see if she could get him to calm down. nope no luck. sd15 walks out the door. bs3 runs to her and says finally u comming home...

I know im doing the right thing for my entire family but this is harder than I ever expected.

It was a very long night. crying started when we left there and stopped at bedtime...
I went for a drive after DH GOT HOME AND CRIED MYSELF...


learningallthetime's picture

I agree with the above comment. Kids deal with parents/siblings coming and going all the time. It is no excuse for this kind of behavior (either by the kid or the parents). When BS was 3, me and him left the USA for the UK - long story, but an 11 hour drive then 10 hour flight, and 18 months with him not seeing his dad or 4 siblings for 18 months. I would never have allowed this! He would get upset occasionally, we would sit and hug and he would cry. But, after a little bit he really did not remember.

I suspect you are making excuses for bad behavior. Bad behavior has to be nipped in the bud, regardless of the cause - especially at these ages. There may be a reason, but that is NOT an excuse.

I am sorry you are dealing with this, but control the behavior...even at this age they should not be acting out this badly due to emotions, unless there is an underlying issue, and that needs intervention of a counselor or doctor.

jstorie's picture

OH YEAH... NO DON'T GET ME WRONG. I DON'T SHOW MY FRUSTRATION. HE GETS DISCIPLINED. i might try the spray bottle thing though. . i just wanted to vent. and not to anyone around here. just here. where they don't think i will cave and let sd15 back in. becuase im not already got the paint to paint her room!