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Back to Reality

EvilAngel's picture

DH and I had a great weekend. No interruptions except for Thunderfoot calling once to ask if we had her cell phone. I guess she was going to get her gmother to take her to the house and look for it. He told her he didn't know where it was. (I have it) She said that it had her period calendar on it and she needed to know when she was going to start. I even know when she I told him to tell her 2 weeks.
We decided to stay an extra night. I would have just stayed period! It was so nice to be away from her. He got up early Monday morning to go get her and his dog. I text him about an hour after he left to make sure all was well. He text back and said that Mac (his dog) and Thunderfoot missed me. I didn't even respond to that because I did not miss them one bit. I stayed behind and relaxed until it was time for him to be home. I got home and he wasn't there so I just decided to hang outside for a while. 3 hours later he shows up. I was livid. Only because I had heard sirens everywhere and thought something may have happened to him. He has a POS cell phone that breaks constantly and he couldn't call me so that is being replaced...with my old cell phone. I am sure Thunderfoot will LOVE that. She must have figured out that I was outside. I guess his big stupid dog was inside barking. So she comes out to irritate me. Then she starts, "Where is Dad? Still at work? Is he fixing those ribs tonight? I hope so because I have been DYING for ribs!" I just looked at her and said I didn't know.
When he got home, she runs out in the garage. "I am SO happy that you are home because I am STARVING and I saw ribs in there. Are you fixing ribs? Gosh I am so excited!" DH said, " Gee thanks! was your day? I'm glad your home. Instead, after I have been working ALL day...all you can think about is food. Why am I not surprised at that?" Then of course I had to put my 2 cents worth in and say, "What's up with those two Fs you got in your math class Friday and today?" She looks at both of us like we just sprouted another head. To him she says, "I didn't mean it like that. I am glad you are home." Yeah so he can fix you something to eat. And to me she said, "I get to retake the one from today." Sure you do. Then she asked DH if she could call her BF. DH told her, "With two Fs? I don't think so. Go study."
I guess it's back to reality ... again....sigh.


Monchichi's picture

Completely unrelated, I now have the song Back to Life from Soul 2 Soul stuck in my head.

Back to Life, Back to Reality
Back to the here and now
However do you want me ...

EvilAngel's picture

I thought that was rather clever. Period Tracker. LOL Good one Thunderfoot. Her dad told her when it got here she would know.

I immediately went into "I hate this place" mode as soon as I got out of the truck. I can't even make myself be nice to her...because I just can't stand her. She's going to be super pissed when she finds out she has to go back to their house the weekend after this one. DH and I are going to an amusement park, without her! LOL