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I HATE being broke!

stepmama2one's picture

I hate bills and life sometimes! This week we barely have enough money to pay the bills. SD pulled her shit a couple of weeks ago and the juvenile officer said she either needed to go to counseling or she would be going to juvy and be put on probation. Since we didn't want to see her in kiddy jail we decided to take her to counseling to see if that would straighten her out. This counselor wants to of course see her every single week and now we are footing the bill for that on top of all the other shit we are having to pay for.

Me and DH haven't had a date in over 5 years and it's been years since we have had the money to do anything special with either just me and him or even with the kids. Things were actually starting to look up because my husband got a promotion and a $3 an hr raise but now we are footing a weekly bill for a child that doesn't know how to fucking behave and listen.

We were suppose to take a trip to Tennessee a couple of months ago but of course things came up and we needed the vacation money for an unexpected bill so we didn't get to go. That's life I suppose. We try every month to skimp on something so that we can just have enough money to live but it doesn't seem to do any good. Shit the only thing we have extra is internet and we only keep that around so that the kids can get on it every once in a blue moon and do some research for homework. I hate that were broke and SD walks around here thinking she can get whatever the fuck she wants. No, I don't think so.

I work my ass off, so my DH and it seems that at the end of the month we don't have anything to show for it. I have had a rough month this month. I lost 5 pigs and 3 rabbits that were recently born. When you own a farm, things like that happen every once in awhile. However this loss cost me $1000.00 that I will not be getting in a couple of months. That's a big loss. I have no profit off of this momma pig because I paid more to feed her than what she is giving me in babies.

I just don't know what to do. My husband keeps telling me that next month will be better but it seems to me every couple of months he is telling me this shit.


stepmama2one's picture

That's exactly what I said about the counselor. I mean shit, I can't afford my bills because I am contributing to paying hers!! I told her I wasn't trying to be rude but wanted to know if she knew how long these counseling sessions would last and she was like," Once a week for at least 3 months, and I'll add more if need be." Can't go anywhere else because the Juvenile Officer set it up.

EvilAngel's picture

I hate being broke too! We are trying to save every penny for our move. And it seems like everytime we get a good chunk saved...something happens and POOF gone. Keep your chin will get better. That's what DH tells me all the time anyway.

stepmama2one's picture

Yeah DH tells me all the time that next month will be better. Yeah the next month is a little better but then the month after is shitty again.

stepmama2one's picture

DH knows how I feel but says that we are just going to have to stick through it and it will get better. He told SD if she messes up again then she will go straight to juvy. We are only giving her one chance and once chance only, if she screws this chance up we won't do anything else but to send her off to juvy to let her think about what she is doing. Therapist hasn't said much just that she wants to at least see her for the next 3 months. Therapist said they were going to work on SD's lying and sneakiness.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I just paid $616 for Dd10 at dentist. That is with insurance that pays 80 percent. Wth?!?! Today the dogs face is all swelled up. I am thinking emergency trip to the vet. I need new tires and I just lost a check for $65. It is always something

stepmama2one's picture

Yep, always something. SD has counseling, we have bills due. My daughter was suppose to go on a little 3 day basketball camp and she can't do that now. My daughter never does anything and it seems that she is the one that has to lose out on things because after all the bills we have and SD's bullshit we don't have the money and of course us all eating is more important than basketball camp.

amber3902's picture

I know how feeling broke feels. It gets old very fast.

You mentioned you haven't gone on a date with DH in years.

There are ways you can do a date for little or no money:

- picnic in the park,
- a walk together,
- Are there any days where you don't have the kids? On that night make a special
dinner, then go out for ice cream.
- movie night at home - rent a movie for a dollar from Redbox or get it for free from the library.

A date does not have to cost a lot - it's about spending time with your loved one.

Sorry you lost your pigs and rabbits. That's a huge loss. But I think if you treat yourself one night - even if it's just a movie night at home, it well help give you a break from all the stress.

Being broke all the time will wear and wear on you. You need to do something for yourself, even if it's just a soak in the tub with a good book. It will recharge your batteries.

stepmama2one's picture

My daughter is DH's daughter too so she is here all the time. SD lives here full time as well so she is always here too. We try to have a movie night but my husband and I are so busy that we can't just enjoy it. Like the other day. We decided that we were going to try to do something like watch a movie because really, that's all we have the money for. I think this week we had $14.00 left over after all the bills and as far as groceries right now we even have to use a credit card to get groceries.

Anyway, we worked until about 6 p.m. came in and watched a 2 hour movie. DH sat on one end of the couch and I sat on the other. During this time, I had a load of laundry I needed to fold and DH sat and watched the movie. After the movie was over, I went my way he went his. He went to take care of the goats and I went to take care of the pigs.

stepmama2one's picture

That would be a good idea, sometimes though I feel like he doesn't want to make time for us. If I was to say let's go for a walk, which we live in the country, he would ask me why.

No saint's picture

stepmama2one , I totally get you: counting pennies is a sad way to live. You're not asking for luxuries but for peace of mind. I feel you.

stepmama2one's picture

Yeah I would like to know that if something comes up that I don't have to have my family eating Ramen noodles for a week just to pay for it. I would like to know that if I wanted to, me and DH could go have dinner once every 6 months at least. I would also like to know that even though all of our money is going to SD's counseling that my daughter won't have to cancel every single extra curricular that she has ever tried to enroll in. She is 7 and has only been able to play tball once year when she was in PreK. It's sad. It's not that we aren't trying, it's just we can try and try and try just to make enough money to pay the rest of the bills.

No saint's picture

I've been through hard times myself and totally get you. Sometimes it doesn't seem you are leaving but barely surviving. It doesn't help, but my thoughts are with you. *Hugs*

triplea2006's picture

I keep looking for the light at the end of this never ending broke tunnel. We finally got dh's spending under control and this month hits us so hard that for the last two and a half weeks of the month we can't buy any food. In my opinion blended families are more of a strain on the finances but hopefully we can save soon.

stepmama2one's picture

The only way we would have food this week is with the credit card, which because DH lost his job a couple years back it is almost maxed out. Like I said, I haven't bought groceries yet and after I paid the bills today, I have $14.00 left in my account. It's sad. We had about $6000.00 at income tax time and because my SD ended up with pneumonia and we didn't have insurance, because we can't afford it, it is all gone. We actually had about $300 left but that went for some of her counseling in which now we are paying out of pocket again for.

stepmama2one's picture

We tried to ask to see if the school counselor could just do it and he told me no. I am scared that if I tell them we are having money issues right now they will use that against us and tell us we shouldn't have kids because we can't afford them right now. You know how this works sometimes. They will say, "Oh you can't afford food, maybe you shouldn't have kids." We can't afford it but we still get it somehow because the kids don't need to go hungry.

stepmama2one's picture

Yeah that makes sense. DH told me that the counselor said this and that, I said well your her parent and she can't MAKE you or her do anything that isn't acceptable and making us spend $120.00 each week isn't acceptable right now. We needed money for groceries, but had to give it to the counselor instead because she said we have to keep our account paid in full. She sure didn't seem to have any sympathy for being a counselor and working for the people.

stepmama2one's picture

We usually do go feed animals together. It just seems like lately when we do have quality time we end up talking about SD's fuck ups or money or the animals or his work. If I say I don't want to talk about any of that then we just seem to sit in awkward silence because honestly it's been so long since we have had to spend time together that it's kind of weird for me anymore. Does that make any sense? I have been married to my husband for almost 9 years and it's weird to have a conversation with him, oh brother I just realized this.

stepmama2one's picture

It just seems like when it rains it pours and I'm just tired of going through this every other week. When you run a farm, your money comes from the animals. When they don't do too well, through no fault of your own, you don't do good either.

Maxwell09's picture

This is me and DH right now. Broke, completely and utterly broke. We did it to ourselves I guess, he was making a lot of overtime and we made the mistake of paying off debt instead of saving some of it. Overtime ended and we are now stuck with 40 hour checks which is doable if we are extremely frugal and budget hard. Any extra money we get has to go towards buying things for the baby coming in June like carseat, crib, and other necessities. It's tough, but I just keep trying to remind myself and DH that at least we don't have credit card debt like most people; we have a house, a car, and even if the bills are a little late they eventually all get paid each month. That and we've come a long way from last year so we are hoping that this time next year we will be above water instead of treading. Hopefully the same will be true for y'all.

stepmama2one's picture

If my DH didn't lose his job a couple of years ago I guess we wouldn't of been so bad off. We owe about $5000.00 to a credit card so right now ANY extra money goes to paying that off. Of course interest is insane and no matter what we pay it just keeps going back up every month because we can't afford to pay the suggested amount, only the minimum or a little over.


I hate being broke too. I have to use CC's just to bridge between paychecks. I literally ran out of money last week and I don't get paid again until Monday.

I can't get ahead either. Everytime I do something comes in and snatches it up.

BethAnne's picture

Do you two already have a plan for how you are going to stabilize and increase your income over the next few years (or cut expenses)? This doesn't have to be done straight away but it might be worth looking over your business plan for your farm again and seeing if there are areas that you can change or move into in order to get yourselves a more reliable income and maybe even a bit higher income. Are you a member of any farming associations? They might have some free courses or a business consultant you could talk to, to give you some ideas. Other than that you could also try scaling back on one area of the farm some that either you or your husband could find time for a part time job so that you have that as an extra source of income.

BethAnne's picture

If you have a plan that you are working towards to make things better, you will feel better and that this isn't going to continue forever.

stepmama2one's picture

With the farm I already work 80+ hours a week. My husband works the same. After working 7 days a week 12-15 hours a day farming, I don't have the energy to hardly walk across the house, let alone get another job. The money that we make, we usually put back into the farm.

Everything seemed to be fine, until he lost his job. Now he has a job and we were catching up but like I said we have lost so many animals (income) and now I am spending about $500 a month on counseling for a kid that just don't know how to listen.

As for the part time job and scaling back, there is just no possible way. All the animals that we have, are animals that we raise to make a living. There is no such thing as hobby animals on my land because all of the animals that we have make us money. I don't keep my animals for pets, they are all here for a purpose. I have 10 goats, 20 pigs 3 cows, and 17 rabbits that need cleaned up after, hayed, fed, watered, rotated, vaccinated, trained, bred, ect. Everything I do on a daily basis is done because it has to be done. In the Summer months and winter months it's more time consuming because with the heat and cold they, especially pigs, are more time consuming.

I appreciate your advice. Truly we have been making an effort and we have been doing better. We went from having no extra money to having about $600 extra a month in about 2 months. Now that SD pulled her shit we are back down having no extra money at all. I know this counseling isn't going to last forever. There are ALWAYS ups and downs to farming we just got hit with a huge down the moment my SD decided to show her ass.

I don't expect to make a million dollars off of farming the very first day I start. Little by little we put money into it and little by litte we make more and more money each year. It's hard to do that when SD wants to pull her shit and now we don't have a pot to piss in, so to speak, because every dollar we make is used for something. There is no saving money right now because all the money we have left to save, is now going to a counselor.