
NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I'm at work all day. I work 12 hour days. Anyway just got a text. My baby 8 months old as of Saturday just took her first step. For the sitter. I was afraid this was going to happen. awww man.


ClutterMusings's picture

I'm sorry Sad

I sometimes feel like I miss so much while my sweet baby is at the sitter while I am working.

I just keep telling myself that I work and do all that I do FOR HER! I am away, even though sad, FOR HER!

Then, when I get home...I gobble her up to pieces and enjoy every, single moment with her.

Being a working mom is super hard sometimes!


I feel you Nowire. This is my 3rd kid that I've missed so many things. I can tell you that my older children have a good grasp as to what I have given up to work, so they can live a nice life.

I know that doesn't make it better now but it really has helped me here lately. I still miss so much. I do have a friend who babysitters and she is a great friend and sitter. She texts me pictures, not that it's making up for it but I get a glimpse into her day.

I also know her, she's a friend and I know how she's taking care of my daugther, the daycare thing, kills me because it's most of the time so impersonal.

I have been lucky enough to see my kids first steps. However, I didn't get to witness my baby's first poop in the potty, and sadly she hasn't done it again. Sad

You can pm me anytime, I can sympathize for sure. I am a soon to be 40 year old of 3 kids, son almost 14, daughter just turned 10 and my baby who is 18 months. I get it. I do.

canihandlethis's picture

I feel your sadness. Today is my first day back after a year long leave. Huge hugs to you today. I'm counting hours down.

Jsmom's picture

I feel your sadness...<> Every working mom does. But, I will tell you in the long run, that kid is better off because you work and have not made that kid the center of your world. My BS20 was my whole life, but I was not cut out to be the SAHM and couldn't afford too either. But, he is almost fully launched and will have a good life. My mom was a career mom that could make a 4 star general cry and I saw that and wanted a career that made me as happy as hers did for her. She raised three daughters and all are successful and all of our children are good kids. When my husband died, my career and BS kept me going and for my mom, when my father left after 28 years of marriage, her career and her kids kept her going.

We may miss the small milestones, but we don't miss the big ones and those are the ones that they remember. Although if you ask my son, he doesn't remember all the soccer games I went to, he remembers the one I missed. So you can't win them all, but you have to remember you are in this for the long haul and that is to make that little person a good person on their own....

But, again <> because it just sucks...

QueenBeau's picture

It's so sucky that the sitter told you. Most sitters & daycare centers just pretend it didnt happen until mom or dad sees it. Sad


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Thanks gals. Yall are right. I work 3 12 hour days and one four hour day on Thursday. I get off at 11 am Thursday and don't have to be back until MOnday morning and I really pack in a lot of parenting on those days. I've done a good job with my other 3. THis one will be no different. I have the best of both worlds.

HungryEyes's picture

Wow! Taking steps at 8 months! That's early. Was she using furniture for support or were these her first real steps - unsupported?

My kids walked around a year or so. They are boys though.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

She's super ahead of the curve which is also irritating. She was 10 lbs at birth. She stayed in the oven an extra two weeks and came out with the ability to hold up her ahead and they had to go get her size one diapers. She's 22 lbs wearing size 12 month clothes. She's long been crawling. She stands up in the middle of the floor from a sitting position. She furniture surfs and has been for a good month. So I knew it was coming any day but i was hoping she'd hold off until Thursday or Friday. The pediatrician said months ago that she is super early in all her milestones. My middle child is my smartest kid and is in all the highest gifted classes and she didn't walk or talk util way way after 12 months so I know it says nothing about her future intelligence. She just thinks she's grown, I guess. She's definitely my last baby and she is just rushing into everything and rushing out of the cute baby stages. She doesn't even want to be fed with a babyspoon anymore. She prefers finger food she can eat herself. Miss Independent.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Awwwww! My last born was early at everything too.

Your a good Mom. The first step she takes to YOU will be the most important one she takes anyway. *hugs*