New here but already love it!
Thank you everyone for your stories.
Knowing that I am not alone in despising my SS's has been a bright light in a very dark day.
This is my story and it is a great weight off my shoulders to be able to tell it without judgement.
I have one SS20 who at least does not live with us. I call him the Oxygen Thief. University drop out, works graveyard shift a couple of nights a week at a BP servo (after 8 months of doing nothing) and plays video games the rest of his life. He doesn't call or visit (unless he wants something) but I get upset for DH because he is so disrespectful.
Other SS16 lives with us Monday - Thursday and some weekends and half the holidays. UNLESS of course the BM (AKA CuntAnge) changes her mind.
He is a lazy, immature, manipulative, underachieving, lying, thief and I hate it when he is here! DH changes into the doting dad and it's like I am invisible!
He has been at BMs for the last wonderful, blissful 3 weeks but is now with us for the next 2. (school holidays down under).
I have been forbidden to say anything negative to the little darling as "he shouldn't have to hear negative things from when he arrives" even though he again failed to return stolen items that he took more that 5 months ago AND ditched his father to stay with a friend over Easter, AND he didn't come when he was supposed to and didn't bother to let us know until 5pm that day.
I hate that my beautiful home and wonderful DH disappear when he arrives. DH focuses all his attention on the SS and barely even bothers to engage with me (until bed time of course).
This visit he is in suck-up mode. Because he chose not to come for 3 weeks (yay) he is now sucking up to his father. Being overly helpful (but needy - show me how dad, even though he has mowed the lawn before) and sickeningly sweet. I know it's all fake because he has done it soooo many times before. Next visit he will be moody, sullen and lazy (his true and much more common self).
He invades MY home, gets in the way, stinks up the bathroom and generally disrupts our very pleasant life. I REALLY hate it when he tries to take over MY animals like they are his. MY dogs, MY cat, MY chickens and MY horse. Stay away from them! They are not yours. He actually physically forces himself between me and DH so we can't have any together time.
I turn into an angry, jittery, reactive, hell-monster when he is here because I just hate the invasion into my personal space. DH and I have a fantastic life together and we never argue except when he is there or the BM interferes. I just wish he would live with her permanently and leave us in peace.
Finding this site has been a god send to know that there are sooo many of you feeling and experiencing what I am! Such a relief to find a space to vent and rage and not have my poor girlfriends subjected to my constant whinging about the little shit.
- Ruthless's blog
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Welcome!! Im from Sydney and
Welcome!! Im from Sydney and have been dealing with stepcrap for 3 loonngg years. There are vets here who are very wise..they have great advice. As for SS..sounds like darlin daddy has to step up and introduce boundaries. He should be protecting you fromtheir crap and teaching them respect. Vent away when u feel like ur going crazy..believe me, it helps!
Thank you everyone. DH is
Thank you everyone.
DH is very good usually but has read one parenting book that says you must praise 90% of the time and only be angry with them 10%. For me it's the other way around. so I am sticking with the "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything"!
We have 4 chickens that SS desperately had to have, but of course the novelty wore off within a week. He occasionally collects eggs and then acts like he laid them! He never feeds the girls, or lets them out or God forbid, cleans their hen house. I get to do all of that (they are so gorgeous and I love them so its easy). But he still calls them his!
Then if I'm spending time with the dogs he'll call them too - like he is trying to show they like him more than me! They are both my dogs and were never bought for him.
The silly lovable staffy will go to anyone if they scratch her belly, so I'm sure he feels victorious when she goes to him.
I feel like I am not only competing for DH's love and attention but for my dogs' as well.
They probably seem like silly petty things but they are constant and annoying and makes me so mad that life is turned upside down every few days. I feel like a stranger in my own home.
I thought I was good...
I thought I was good... cunning... but Ms Sally is the fucking Queen. She's got an enormous bag of this stuff, and can find one to fit pretty much everything one might be experiencing in StepHell.
My idol. Listen to this woman, she is one of the wise empresses on this site
And, welcome!
Seriously, I love you, man
Seriously, I love you, man
I'm betting you're not creepy, but I get it. I do similar things, and I usually never blow up, or insta-react.. I wait it out and plan my moves, but my moves got nothin' on yours! I bow to the Queen
Thank you for your advice. I
Thank you for your advice. I will try it!
Welcome to a little slice of
Welcome to a little slice of heaven in the midst of hell!
My SD is only 6. To read stories of how skids as old as 16 and beyond still act the same way, totally freaks me out! The whole trying to "wedge" between, act out, and pretend to be helpless at that age makes me sick :sick:
Not to mention DH's not nipping that kind of stuff creeps me out.
SD14 laid her ass on top of
SD14 laid her ass on top of DH's lap the other day and I literally wanted to throw up. Instead, I just walked out of the room and left them sitting in the living room by themselves.
No. Just No.
No. Just No.
Welcome! I have an SS16 with
Welcome! I have an SS16 with a CuntAnge for BM also! The last time I saw my SS was 1.5 years ago when he was at our house and DH and I went out for a late lunch for my birthday and came home to a house full of pot smoke. I told DH nope, not happening. If that little loser fucker wants to smoke dope and his dimwitted BM wants to let him, then whatever, but he WON'T be doing it in MY home when we have BS5 and I work in a school district where that shit could get me in trouble. Nope. Told DH that he can talk to him on the phone, text him, take him out to lunch whatever, but he's not coming back to my house until he has cleaned himself up. Thankfully he's still a dope head, gang banger wanna be miscreant, so I've been SS16 freeeeeee!!!!!
Lucky, lucky you! I dream of
Lucky, lucky you! I dream of that day! Your first line made me LOL to know that there is another CuntAnge out there! I don't know if that's what you called her before, but if it wasn't, how good is it for a name!
Yep seriously! Her name is
Yep seriously! Her name is Angie (goes by Ange) and she is the only person in my whole life I have ever called a cunt.
I never used to use that word
I never used to use that word until I met her. There is just no other word that fits her so perfectly! She calls my DH "CFC" on Facebook for the SS16 to see. That way she gets to call both of us one.