Howdy all - Just checking in since it's been a while!!
Hope everyone's been doing well. I must say, I've missed coming here and venting, but since stepdevil is really pretty much out of the picture for me (except breaking my dear husband's heart) I didn't feel like I had much to contribute.
A bit of news: we haven't left Colorado for California yet and probably won't for another couple of years. My DD turned 17 a couple months ago and just came out for spring break with her boyfriend of almost 2 yrs. We had a great time and they both want to move in with us next year, so we're currently looking for a rental home to accommodate us all. We'll save for another year after my CS payments are done when DD graduates in June of 2016 and then DH will be almost done paying his CS payments to stepdevil's evil bitch mother.
On a personal note, I'm currently studying my ASS off for the PHR (Professional in Human Resources) exam in June. I hope that I can pass and get those handy little letters after my name and be able to command a higher salary later on.
Stepdevil and her evil bitch mother just got back from a school trip to Italy. DH texted her to ask how it was and she actually responded to him for the first time in months, just to tell him that she wished he would've contributed more to her fund so she would've had spending money, as her mom only works at a department store and doesn't make enough money to buy souvenirs. Yes, folks, she's still that manipulative little spoiled rotten brat that you all heard me talk ad nauseum about.
DH has been talking with stepdevil's therapist, since her evil bitch mother decided to spring a WHOLE YEAR'S worth of therapy bills on him at once...and therapist says she doesn't think stepdevil will allow him back into her life until after she's "matured a great deal". Obviously, she can't tell him too much about what their sessions are about, due to confidentiality and all, but she surmised that stepdevil is an attention seeker and really doesn't need to continue coming to therapy, she just does it because she claims she's alone and has no one to talk to about anything. Funny, that's kinda what happens when you stop talking to your father, grandparents, uncles and aunts and great-grandparents all because your evil bitch mother decides to talk shit about them and turn you against them.
So in closing, I still hate the fact that stepdevil is such a brat and hurts my husband's heart but I'm super glad I don't have to deal with her anymore!!!
Oh and guess who just made their 24th consecutive playoffs? That's right - Let's GO RED WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
- RedWingsFan's blog
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Glad everything is going
Glad everything is going well.
Stepdevil has a lot of nerve. "I don't want to talk to you or have anything to do with you but you should give me more money."
I feel for your hubby. I do hope she matures someday, for his sake.
Until then, enjoy not having to deal with her!
Sad to see Stepdevil is still a greedy snot, her BM is still a worthless twat snot but great to see you here!
Love you Echo!
Love you Echo!
I recognize some of your
I recognize some of your names, but have some changed??
I'm so nervous about this exam since my company is paying for me to take the study course $1400 and the exam is $400. I HAVE to pass!!!
You'll do GREAT!
You'll do GREAT!
LOL, you're mean!
LOL, you're mean!
That's funny because NO other
That's funny because NO other team in ANY other league has made it to the playoffs EVERY year for 24, except for us "dead wings"...oh and 11 Stanley cups...original 6. Hmmmmm, yeah, we must suck so bad
Sorry, I have been
Sorry, I have been overwhelmed with work, my side job and now studying for this exam. I'll try to stop in more often.
I actually have the the Red
I actually have the the Red Wings to make it all the way to the playoffs in our office pool
Nice to see you again RW!
Not sure we'll take the cup
Not sure we'll take the cup this year, but we're certainly going to give it a good enough go!
Heyyy!! Great to see you
Heyyy!! Great to see you again!
well hey girl!!!! nice to
well hey girl!!!! nice to see ya!!!!!
i'm glad u're enjoying a drama-free life. and that's so sweet of your dd and bf wanting to move in w/ u guys

Good to see you too Tuff!!!
Good to see you too Tuff!!! Been wondering how things are going here.
I can't wait for them to move in next year. It'll be fun. We all get along great and they're so excited to get out of Michigan!
I was reading an older blog
I was reading an older blog the other day, saw your name and wondered if you'd be back. It's always nice to see people come back after they haven't been around in a while.
I can't remember for sure, but I think my username was SM4ever then.
Oh, and I'm not a huge NFL follower, but I'd have to go with the Flyers, sorry!
I'm back for the time being
I'm back for the time being anyway, as much as I can be! Studying is really taking up a lot of my free time and work is overwhelming! Plus I have a side business doing Pure Romance parties.
I hate the Flyers! LOL
Yep, I had to take a couple
Yep, I had to take a couple month leave from here as well - just got too busy to keep up. I still seem to always be late to comment though.
I kind of have to be faithful to the Flyers since both my brothers and my dad play/used to play hockey. So they are kind of the 'family' team, but to be honest I'm more into football!
My SD likes The Capitals, but I'm not sure they're even an NHL team...shows you how much I know!
LOL that's too cute. Yes,
LOL that's too cute. Yes, the Capitals are a team and I've met their star player, Ovechkin, once when I lived in Virginia. Great team!
I understand being faithful to a team. I've been a Red Wings fan since I was old enough to know what hockey was and we had a lake in our backyard that we played hockey on. It was so fun!!
Oh boy, SD would be
Oh boy, SD would be jeeelous!
We grew up skating on frozen lakes too. Actually, my mom used to run a hose in our backyard and we would skate on that!
LOL That's awesome!!!
LOL That's awesome!!!
Hey Misssssssss - I've MISSED
Hey Misssssssss - I've MISSED YOU