Anybody recommend a blog site?
I love this site for stepparent issues but I was wondering if anyone knows of any blog sites that are pretty decent? I actually started a blog today at but didn't know if that was a good place.
- stepmama2one's blog
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That depends on what you're
That depends on what you're looking for in a blog. Are you looking for another step-parenting sight? Or are you looking for things that interest you in general?
Like a life blog. Telling the
Like a life blog. Telling the story of my daily life.
Oh I see, I thought you meant
Oh I see, I thought you meant to read. You want to create.
I started a blog on Go Daddy last year.
I think you can use any blog site, as long as it's easy for you to post and design your sight. Play around with it until you make it yours.
Thank you
Thank you![Smile](
Thank you. I want to write a
Thank you. I want to write a blog that might reach a lot of audience or at least some.