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Happy anniversary to me!!!!!!

Sweet T's picture

Today is the one year anniversary to the ending of my marriage. For all of you putting up with crappy relationships with men who are incapeable of truly being a partner you deserve better. Quit making excuses and make yourself a priority! Show your children how strong you are and create the example and the life you want to live with them.


Sports Fan's picture

Congratulations Sweet T. I felt exactly this way when I left my exH. I even had a little party to celebrate.

Let's all have a little drink today!

Sweet T's picture

I know, it went by quickly but at the same time seems like a lifetime ago. I am busy packing, selling and getting new furniture for my new life. Saturday I went and bought a beautiful new couch and chair from my BF's mother ( she sells furniture) and went out to dinner with her. Had a great time. BF keeps saying that he hopes that we don't have to start taking his mom with us on dates since she is my new buddy. He said I know I have to share you with your son, but I really don't want to have to share you with my mom when I am in town :).

Last spring was hard, but it started me on the path to my own new life.