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Sending pictures or vidoes to your ex.

Sweet T's picture

Do you or your ex or bm send pictures of the kids doing activities to each other?


Tuff Noogies's picture

dh and dumb@$$ have never done that. back before cell-phones, my parents didnt do that except for once - my mother took us to get our pic done, i was 5, bro was 7. she gave dad and mom (my a copy, which they still have. dad even posted it on his instagram as a TBT thing. other than that ONE time, they never swapped pics.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

My ex and I would occasionally send pictures of BS to each other if one of us missed a special event. By no means was it excessive or even regular. If the photo sharing is excessive, or if BM is included in the photos, or if it's something stupid like a random pic of a kid sleeping with some comment like, "Awwww, look at our baby" or some sap like that, then IMHO it's definitely not appropriate.

WalkOnBy's picture


Monchichi's picture

Yes on Facebook before me. Once he settled down with me, she blocked him and all civilities ended. It was mostly from my husbands side though.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I'll send pics of my kids to the ex and his wife and to his mom. I'm not in the pictures. They in turn send me pics of the kids at events on their days. They too are not in the picture! I'm fine with this.

What I was never ever ever fine with was how BM would send selfies with her looking good in full make up and the kid might be in the photo but if they were their face was half cut off and they looked terrible. SO would also send selfies with the kids in them to BM. He'd also screen shot facetime when BM would appear next to the kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sweet T's picture

My ex had our son for the first time in 3 weeks and too him to an amusement park to celebrate his birthday, he and his girlfriend. He sent me a vido of our son singing Sweet Caroline. Unfortunately the only person you can hear is the ex screaming out the lyrics. He and I do not speak to each other at this point so not quite sure what made him send me that. The other funny was bs9 told me that through church they signed up to buy a poor kid his school supplies. Dad says if I find a flash back pack I should buy it for this kid and he will pay me back. Not sure why I would be participating in this as both he and gf are able to shop themselves and they signed up to do so. Gotta live it.

I told bs, if we see one we will get it, but since I already ordered all his school supplies through his school for next year in may, we really wont be shopping for that stuff.

Sweet T's picture

I do not send pictures or videos or anything from things we do. I order 1 extra 8x10 school picture and send in bs''s suitcase for him to give his father. I communicate only what is necessary and leave it at that.

BSgoinon's picture

Yes, my ex and I do. But it doesn't happen often because we are both usually at everything for them. If he has to work and they are playing softball or getting an award, I will absolutely send him pics.

BM, well. She sucks, she gets nothing. But I do send pictures and videos to her parents.

Maxwell09's picture

Before I came along SS was having a lot of his "firsts" so they would share those moments. Also before she knew about me she would send him a picture of baby SS to lead off into memory lane to get DH to go see "them". Meh. She stopped sending and started asking for more once she found out I was dating DH. I think it was to see if DH was with SS or if he'd left him somewhere and provide a picture which he always could because we almost never leave SS with a babysitter unless he's sleeping over at a friends. I think the last picture he sent BM was on accident and it was when he was trying to send me a picture of SS4then3 finally successfully writing his full name. He and I had been practicing for PreK3 and DH sent it to her by accident. Owell. She got lucky that day.

still learning's picture

I send pics to exh since he lives several states away. I copy exmil and big sister so I just have to send one email or text. I'm never in the pics.

z3girl's picture

Not really. My initial reaction was no. DH rarely even takes pictures, so he certainly never sent anything to BM. SD used to put some pictures in Father's Day cards for DH, but not every year because she only sporadically ever acknowledges Father's Day. BM did send a big envelope filled with old pictures to DH right after our first son was born. I think that was her not so subtle way of trying to remind DH that he already has a child and not forget her. (As if!) In that envelope were pictures of SD throughout the years, and some even included BM. Ugh. Oh! BM also wrote a pleading note to DH to "Please give these to SD when she's old. It will mean so much for them to come from you!" Uh, I don't think so. I filed them away and DH can give them to SD if he wants, but they don't strike me as anything with particular meaning. When our second son was born, BM finally sold their former marital home and yet another envelope with more pictures came. Thankfully nothing arrived after our third child was born. I think SD's obvious pleasure in being in new pictures with her baby brother may have stymied BM. *fingers crossed*!!

Stepping_off_the_ledge's picture

SO and his ex do not - she is nuts though.
Myself and my ex only on rare occasions. Usually for something like a sport pic, school event he missed or if the kids ask him to send me something they did and wanted us to see. It is very rare and without issue though. I think that is the main idea. If it does not cause an issue in your household it is acceptable behavior.