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O/T- Need Job Advice ASAP!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I'm hoping you ladies and gents can help me here.

I was offered a promotion by my supervisor. I didn't even apply for the job, but he said that I am the person he wants in the position, I am overqualified for my current position (true), and he thinks I'd do great in the new job.

The new job would require me to be in charge of an entire program for dual diagnosed (MR/MH) men with criminal justice histories. I am already familiar with all of these clients and most of the staff at this program. It wouldn't be much of a pay raise, but it would be a step up and give me supervisory experience. My current job is super easy, with lots of flexibility. The new job will entail more stress and being in charge of people, which I have never done. I'm afraid I'll tank.

However, my boss is so confident in my abilities, that must count for something.

With the details I've given, which way do you think you would go?


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I would be okay staying where I am, but I think a lot of that is because I'm afraid of failing. I've also been in this job so long I've become way comfortable with it, perhaps too comfortable. I would like to be able to advance and use the degree I worked so hard for.

I think my boss would understand me not taking the advancement, but if he has this much faith in me that he offered me the job when I didn't even apply for it, I suppose that says a lot.

I'm sure it would be a huge adjustment at first as the stress would be way more than what I'm dealing with now, but I'd probably get used to it, like everything else. And if it became too much, I could always demote myself.

My main thing is that I have a ton of flexibility right now.

HappyCow's picture

Go for it. I would hate for you to look back and think "what it". Your boss is confident and from the little bit of information I gather from your blogs you are a smart lady that has her shit together.

Sports Fan's picture

I think you should do it. You have handled this life. You can handle supervising people. Challenges and opportunities in life are rare and more so as we get older. We always doubt ourselves more than other people do. You got this! Good Luck!

Teas83's picture

Congrats on the offer! If it were me, I'd take the new job. It feels great to have all of your hard work validated.

Willow2010's picture

Congrats...but beware here. You are being offered a giant step up with a much larger amount of work to do...but you are only getting a small raise? Weight that very carefully. It sounds like they are trying to take advantage of you.

I have a friend that got promoted into management and received a very large raise at the same time. She HATED it. Management/supervisors have a huge amount of responsibility. They work long hours. They are usually over a bunch of crying whiny adults. They usually get crapped on my upper management. (yes I am in management. lol)

My friend ended up going back to her old job and she loves it.

What do YOU think. Do you really want the hours, the headache and responsibility that comes along with management? Especially with such a small raise. If you really want to go into management, then see if you can negotiate a larger raise.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Unfortunately, there's really no way I can negotiate. It's a government job and salaries are set.

Merry's picture

Yes, but can the position be reclassified? Not talking about salary at all is a big mistake, imho. Let your boss know that is an issue, as is the flexibility. It's easier to give up flexibility when the paycheck adequately reflects the higher expectations.

It's pretty common for women in particular to just accept what is offered.

Assuming the new challenges are more attractive to you than the old comfort, I'd say go for it. Managing people can be HARD. And rewarding. One of the things you can negotiate for is support to attend management training courses/seminars -- there are a gazillion of them out there.

CBCharlotte's picture

I think you should go for it, and congrats! I was inexperienced and under-qualified for the job I have now when I started, and now I'm kicking butt of people who've been doing it 10 years longer than I have. And negotiate that salary! You deserve it. Know your worth.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Thank you everyone for all the words of encouragement! You all brought up some good points. I know I don't have as much confidence in myself as my superiors do. I guess they see something in me that I don't. Maybe this opportunity has come to me so I can grow and develop confidence. Maybe it's time to get out of my comfort zone. If you're not growing you're standing still, right? I talked it over with DH and he thinks it could be a good opportunity for me. I'll give it some thought over the weekend. Thanks again!!

Shaman29's picture

Late in the game due to Hawaii time .....but I agree with the others. Go for it. Smile