heres the end to the "he held me down and let my brothers shoot me with bee bee guns"
Well.... she wrote it. she sees nothing wrong with it. we sat down and said we want to know what friend wrote it becuase we will be going to the school in the morning to turn it in to dhs. no kid deserves to be treated like that.
she went off! yelling thats not child abuse and that she wrote it to try to be cool. she just wanted people to like her. that there is nothing wrong with that note. in no way is that abuse. i stood up and said really? you want to go there with me? i was abused i was taken. i was in foster care. anything that could be thought of as abuse is not meant to be misused i don't f* around with this you are old enough to know better.and left.
i took a drive and i just cried. i came home and i wrote in my journal that i dont understand why she created all the stories. so now lets add up the dhs stories.
1. i bit her face
2. i kicked her but out and was never letting her come back. (all her stuff was in black trash bags on the front porch becuase of headlice) boy was dhs shocked to hear that one and see all the rid cans everywhere.
6.i strangled her dad holds her down while her brothers (2 and 5) shoot her with a bee bee gun.
I'm over this im tired. i have to much of my own past to handle this. I have my own issues i put behind me to have someone in my life who makes up these awful stories. I have disengaged from her i just made sure to let my husband know this isn't okay and letting him know how this makes me feel.
- jstorie's blog
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>Dh should think about
>Dh should think about sending her to a child and woman abuse centre<
Using child abuse as a means to augment her peer image is not only misguided but extremelly wrong.
I've seen plenty of angst-filled creative writings by teens. Heck, I wrote some pretty sick sh*t back in the day. Writing can be a therapeutic release. But as my old high school teacher once said. "Your writing is good, but watch what you write because the reader may draw the wrong conclusion and assume the author needs help."
(((HUGS))) Your SD14 sounds
(((HUGS))) Your SD14 sounds like mine. Her go to crap is "I was raped." "I want to kill myself." (even the school nurse said she was full of crap on this one) "I'm bi." "My mom tells me to go cut myself." and so on. I can't figure out why these girls want to use such horrible stories and lies for attention. What kind of attention do the think they are going to get with this stuff? I told DH that SD needs to see a therapist. Making up stories like this for attention is just not normal. As it stands the troll has yet to even get a referral for SD to see a therapist. And she took SD14 and SS10 to the doctor YESTERDAY for a sinus crud. Perfect time to get a referral. Nope. The troll claims she's still looking for the 'right' therapist. She's dragging her damn feet is what she's doing.
Yes, my sd14 is in counsling
Yes, my sd14 is in counsling and has been since she was 8. hate to tell you it doesn't help much. The thing is they know what they are doing when sd14 talks to the counsler shes all happy go lucky not a problem in the world. when they go try to work on something princess refuses. shes to good to journal or use coping skills or you know deal with the problems. I like Sallys idea but it probaly wouldn't help. she used to keep saying she was poor so we started volunteering at salvation army dinners everynight. she used that for attention.
they go tonight and it is
they go tonight and it is supposed to be addressed. im sure they will just say "now princess you can't make up stories like this that is dangerous. u need to write in your journal"
Yes, I keep everything i
Yes, I keep everything i find. notes saying she crys herself to sleep all she feels like doing is crying. a note to meet for sex. she has no privacy but i feel like i have to do what i can to keep me and my boys safe.
We tried Sally's method as
We tried Sally's method as well and it didn't work. She doesn't care about the truth or how actually abused/suicidal kids have suffered. All she wants is the attention.
she is 14 and this started
she is 14 and this started when she was 11. LADYFACE DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. if i didn't document everything my kids would have been taken last year. My sd14 won't say she wants to kill herself anymore. she has been in 4 mental health hospitals and 1 theraputic home for that crap. she doesn't say it anymore.
CTBB used to pull the "I'm
CTBB used to pull the "I'm going to kill myself if this happens or that happens" MIL fell for it hook, line , and sinker. That kid would throw a fit if he so much as got a paper cut. He got stung by a bee once and shot down the street like he was on fire. He never pulled that shit on me because he knows I would've laughed in his face. Or I would've said, "oh, good to see you're no longer pain averse! Before you go do that, let me pinch you really hard and yank your hair, mmkay?" LOL
I wish DH would get the troll
I wish DH would get the troll to do this.
We have a place here like
We have a place here like that. Before I moved, I used to drive past that place every day. Gave me the creeps. Oh the stories I heard! An exGF of a friend said she had to go there for treatment once about 10 years ago. She says that every now and then she has nightmares about that place.