Chef Quits His Job Just Before the "Final" Downward Mod Hearing Coming up on Monday!
Yep, what a dolt. Of course he has been pressuring me to marry him (justice of the peace wedding) so that he can get on my health insurance.
News Flash for Chef: Get your OWN DAMN INSURANCE! Take this opportunity to find a job with a LARGER COMPANY and get some insurance of your own. Chef tends to like smaller companies because he can "shine" amongst the others and basically call the shots. Smaller companies also tend to have that "family feel" (TM) :barf: that Chef is sooooo fond of. And they are also more loosey goosey with their policies so that Chef can take liberties.
Which is EXACTLY why Chef is quitting this small company for the umpteenth time (crying wolf?) Credit where credit is due; Chef is VERY good at his work. He is a model employee; shows up for work early, works late and resolves EVERYTHING in a timely fashion. Other employees? Not so much. And this is why Chef gets pissed off because he has to clean up after others.
WHO DOESN'T????!!!!! I've told Chef this a thousand times (without hyperbole ) that NO job is perfect and there will ALWAYS be slackers that suck up to management whilst management looks the other way. DUH!!!
Hopefully the timing will be so that the court hearing won't find out about Chef's job shift until after it's over.
On a side note. . .Chef started suddenly getting "Skid School District Closing and Delay texts" out of the BLUE! Could it be that the Girhippo (BM) is making a pretense of co-parenting just before the hearing? After all, because the skids have completely PASed out for well over five years now with not a word "boo" from them, the hearing should REALLY be for Emancipation by Conduct so that Chef shouldn't be responsible for ANY CS, never mind the whopping amount he is paying now!
Well the bright side is that that phone number is a COMPANY phone so when he gets a job elsewhere, the fake-o "co-parenting" will stop.
- thinkthrice's blog
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Oh his narcissism knows no
Oh his narcissism knows no bounds. He has always been able to get another job the next day. Funny thing is that when I felt impending doom this past weekend, I actually put in his resume to companies that would be preferable to work for. NO CALLS YET!
He is eight years younger than I am and has NEVER lived though the CARTER years. And I will say the OBAMA years are that much worse! Labour participation is at an all time LOW, yet the media keeps pumping out how how the economy is getting MUCH better (baloney).
I lived those Carter years, knocking myself out to get into BURGER KING! He has no clue.
I think what fueled this
I think what fueled this latest bout of lack of discretion was that he knew I'm getting promoted. He found out actually from a co-worker of mine who invited us to dinner recently. I'm sure he's wondering why *I* didn't tell him personally. . .
Also I'm buying a rental property. He did contribute to my current house's equity via his construction skills so he feels "entitled."
Yeah I don't think he ever
Yeah I don't think he ever quite made it past the toddler stage.
Did I mention he was spoiled and feral as the very last child of elderly parents on their second marriage after a huge crop of children/step children? His parents had waved the white flag a loooonnnnnggg time before "baby of the family" was born.
He has said before "All I
He has said before "All I have to worry about paying is my CS and taxes"
No I do not love him. I'm stuck with him for SEVERAL reasons mostly being a HUGE FINANCIAL hit that I explained about ad nauseum for the last ten years should he turn on me. And turn on me he would definitely do--now that he believes all women are nothing more than low life schemers. And I don't have that "golden uterus" title; he'd have no problem with causing me havoc.
I've suggested that he pinch hit for the other team (-Jerry Seinfeld)
He doesn't like this idea but it would tickle me pink for him to run off with another sugar mamma OR become alternative lifestyle.
Oh how I WISH! But the fact
Oh how I WISH! But the fact of the matter is she's moved on to a white collar sugar daddy. I do see glimpses of StepDaddyBigBucks dissatisfaction, not unlike Drac0's!
As much as I don't want to
As much as I don't want to see his ego fed...I do hope they beg him to stay at his current job which, we know from past experience, if they beg him to stay because they NEED him then he will. At least for a little while.
Dammit, every winter I hope he'll fall on some ice.
He is still under the
He is still under the delusion that he'll be snapped right up by another company. Just because he has always landed a job with no more than a week's gap.
Ummmm that was when he was a YOUNG BUCK and during MUCH MUCH better economic times!!!!!
I doubt many HVAC companies are clamoring for an almost 47 year old beer-gutted, balding guy no matter HOW many years of experience, skills or certifications he has in it.
I had a VERY hard time getting hired in my late forties and fortunately landed what seems to be a "for life" job here where I am now.