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Oh how I hope fb is wrong

zea.momie's picture

My YSD13 missed the bus earlier this week and called me for a ride. I told her I would take her but she would be late for school. So I get my DS's up dressed and out the door we go. I get there and her moms car is there and so is her moms bf's truck. Royally ticks me off that two adults living there can't be bothered to take her to school. Oh well been the same for years and I get over it. My DH picked her up for our visitation and she spent the night.

Fast forward to last night. (OSD18 has been living with us since her B_Day and visitations between her and mom are up to OSD) OSD gets a call from her Mom asking her if she is still grounded from her phone, and other electronics. OSD says yeah and then Mommy says great do you want to come over this weekend. OSD says yeah she wants to see her little brother. They make plans and all is good. I do my usual premommy routine. Make sure you take the house key off your ring, don't take anything you don't want stolen or will need for school, remember to wear clothes you don't mind your sister keeping. Normal I'm going to moms house stuff, at least for us.

This morning I get up as her and DH go out the door for work and school. I got my DS's up and eating breakfast. Then I got on my OSD facebook to give myself something for one of my games and what do I see but a marriage announcement on facebook, dated the day YSD missed the bus. So lovely, marry a kid your daughters hate, who you kick out of the house every 3-4 months and then bitch about because he won't support the kid you had together, but make sure to not at least tell the girls you are doing it.

This is so gonna hurt the girls and here is why.
1. BM is 38, her bf/hubby is 21 and your daughters hate him. They never had a problem with any other guy you dated.
2. You have known him since he was 10, made the girls call him a cousin, and call his parents aunt and uncle,
then start sleeping with him when he is 17 and try and make them call him dad, and his parents GM and GP.
3. He is only 3 yrs older than OSD, and you expect her to treat him like a father figure instead of the hormonal teenage jerk he is. (OSD had to wear a bra, a tank top and a baggy shirt 24/7 so he couldn't see her boobs. Mommy caught him staring one to many times.)
4. You have a kid with him and then are suprised he wont hold a job or support the kid, but keep taking him back. (wonderful example to set)
5. YSD is in counceling we provide, but you refuse to attend, because she has such rage at the guy for how he treats her and has threatened to do self harm. (We have been called numerous times to calm her down, because the two of you couldn't). But she had no serious mental problems before you got together. All the poor councelor can do is try and teach her coping skills.
6. You kick him out, tell both girls he is gone for good. Both girls are thrilled, YSD starts doing better in school, and doesn't get upset about going back to your house.
7. Two months later you let him move back in, but lie to girls that you aren't together. You just want him to be able to see his kid.
8. A week later you marry a guy your kids hate without even telling them.

In what universe does this make any sense at all????? I don't get it. Hoping this isn't real but will have to wait till OSD gets back sometime this weekend. OSD will be fine as she doesn't have to deal with this on a constant basis anymore, it's YSd that I worry about. Between the school, councelor and the records we are keeping I hope we can get enough to prove unfit and take her. So far according to CPS and the lawyer we don't have any grounds to remove her. She always manages to walk the line without crossing it. And unfortunatly we don't have the thousands it would cost for a fight. Our state doesn't have an age rquirement for a kid to choose, they have to be able to talk to a judge with mental maturity, and she doesn't have it.


DaizyDuke's picture

For the love of Pete.. what is wrong with these "kids" who get suckered in by these women??

BM2 started dating her (now husband) when he was 19 and she was 36. She has a fucking SON (not DH's) the SAME AGE AS HER HUSBAND! I mean who does this and thinks it's A OK?

what I can't figure out is how a 19 year old would find a 36 year old woman who is a PT waitress, lives from paycheck to paycheck, attends some cuckoo for cocoa puffs cult church like 3-4 times a week, has 2 illegitimate kids, one who is the same age and one who is not much younger, dating/marriage material??? And it's not like BM2 is some super model.. she is very average. Actually of all the women that DH has dated in the past (including BM1.... BM2 is the LEAST attractive and she's a total bitch to boot) So go freaking figure how she managed to reel in this "kid"?

I'll never understand it. I tell DH that he must have something wrong with him that makes him undesirable to gals his own age... maybe only has one nut? Halitosis? B.O.?

zea.momie's picture

In his case he is extremely awkward around women, stares at them and doesn't know how to act. This came from a friend of my DH who is a supervisor at a place he worked. I also saw a picture of his mom once(she died when he was little) And my DH's ex looks just like her.

furkidsforme's picture

W.H.O.A. That is some Oedipus Complex shit right there.

Before reading that juicy tid bit, my answer was going to be that
1- she gives a mean blow job, or
2- she was his "first" and he doesn't think he get any anywhere else.

But looking like dead Mommy?????? (shivers)

DaizyDuke's picture

That's what DH says.. mommy issues. He said that SS told him something about how the guys mom was never really in the picture, so he married a new one. BARF

zea.momie's picture

Age difference doesn't really bother me. It was his age at the beginning of the relationship, and trying to cast him as a "father figure" when he is only 3 years older than OSD that get me.

I know plenty of people in relationships with 10+ year age gap, but the younger one was always in at least their 20's when the relationship started. Not still in high school.

zea.momie's picture

I agree that she is, but his parents didn't press charges and we had no proof. The girls would come over for our weekends saying that he was spending the weekend with mom to help her do stuff around the house. When he turned 18 he was hanging around more. The girls came over once saying they had something to tell us. I asked if it was about mommy and him dating and their jaws hit the floor. They didn't see it coming and were amazed we had.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

I dated a guy once who only had 1 nut... you really wouldn't notice it much. Everything 'down there' worked just fine too.

DaizyDuke's picture