Is it normal to pull your kids teeth out?
So last year when Ss got his first loose tooth, Bm called Dh and made a huge deal about demanding that if he "lost" his tooth with us, that dh "better" give it to her. It was stupid. Dh basically let her know that he didn't have an issue with giving her the tooth but she didn't need to call him acting so rude and asked her if she could act like a civil person. Bm didn't like that very much and hung up on Dh and that was the end of that. The following weekend Ss told us his mom pulled his tooth out before he came to our house because she didn't want him to lose his tooth with his dad.
Anyway, since then Ss has lost 2 more teeth and we didn't think much of it. Well today I seen on FB that Bm put a picture of Ss with teary eyes and a black hole where his tooth once was and capationed it "*insert Ss's name* gets so emotional when he loses teeth, I'm surprised the neighbors don't call the cops from all his screaming." Whaaaat? Is this normal? I'm pretty sure Bm is purposely pulling the teeth just so that there isn't a chance that he will lose them at our house... I could be wrong but I'm doubtful. Is it normal to pull your kids teeth out instead of letting them fall out on their own?
Now now, I'm not judging, I just don't remember my parents pulling my teeth so to me it seems odd and I'm wondering if any of you do this?
Also, before I get flack for looking at her FB, right now I'm only keeping an eye because of the upcoming hearing next month.
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I am also a BM...and a SM...I
I am also a BM...and a SM...I have never pulled a kids tooth out, and I hope they fall out at the others house and NOT mine!
1) I don't want to deal with the kleenex of blood
2) I don't want to deal with the 20 minutes of the kid opening its mouth and saying (mouth wide open) "is it still bleeding"
3) I don't want to have to stay awake till they fall asleep and sneek in and touch their nasty tooth and put money under their pillow
4) I never have cash...
SERIOUSLY kids, lose that tooth at your Dad's or BM's...I don't want to be a fairy tonight and I don't have the cash on me, please stop wiggling it!
"I don't want to have to stay
"I don't want to have to stay awake till they fall asleep and sneek in and touch their nasty tooth and put money under their pillow."
^^^^This one!!!^^^^
We were supposed to put money under SS12's (he was younger then) one time and DH and I kept forget and not waking up to do it lol
I couldn't agree more
I couldn't agree more Glassslipper, I know I'm certainly not looking forward to dealing w/ Dd's bloody lost teeth when she gets older. The whole losing teeth issue is beyond me and I'm a Bm too. I don't see what the big deal is but whatever floats your boat right? I get it, it's sentimental or whatever.
All of these! Loose teeth
All of these!
Loose teeth gross me out so much! Not sure why but I always feel like I'm going to puke when BS wiggles a loose tooth.
I'd say don't worry too much
I'd say don't worry too much about it unless you know the full situation.
One of my skids wanted me to pull one of her teeth out that was very loose because she was having trouble, not big deal.
Her older brother however hates pulling his teeth out and will let it sit in there WAY past when it should and most of the time my DH has to threaten a grounding or something to get him to pull it out. (it gets to the point that he can't eat because his tooth is so loose when he chews it pokes his gums and hurts because it's just hanging there) If DH suggests to just let him pull it out SS will start crying and freaking out.
So maybe the tooth is way ready to come out and your SS doesn't like getting it pulled and freaks out and cries when his BM pushes the issue.
Or she's being crazy and pulling out a tooth that is not quite ready just so she can keep it instead of your DH. :?
I don't really know the answer but, there's another point of view maybe you haven't considered.
My parents never pulled my
My parents never pulled my teeth. The only time I've seen the skids' teeth pulled were when they needed to be by the dentist.
That's what I thought too. My
That's what I thought too. My brother needed his front teeth pulled because they wouldn't come out.
My BS had two pulled prior to
My BS had two pulled prior to getting his braces because they hadn't come out on their own. He was 13 at the time so they should of already been out but weren't. The orthodontist told us it wasn't that unusual to pull a tooth or two in such situations. He then let the adult teeth come in prior to the braces being put on. SD11 also had one removed last year in preparation for braces.
Yeah, I used to pull my kids
Yeah, I used to pull my kids teeth when they were really loose and wouldn't fall out on their own. I'd basically grab it with a napkin and just yank up or down.
We pull super loose teeth
We pull super loose teeth too. My skid is terrified of losing teeth and the adult tooth will fully grow in with the baby tooth hanging by a thread most of the time. Skid lives with us and has never lost a tooth with BM, she probably thinks we've planned it, but we hate playing tooth fairy.
yikes, that sounds painful!
yikes, that sounds painful!![Sad](
LOL It's funny you say that
LOL It's funny you say that about the string and the door, when I was a kid and I had a loose tooth my dad would often joke and say that he was going to pull my tooth out like that. Of course he never did but he'd say it and laugh.
Yeah, I could see that if the
Yeah, I could see that if the tooth was really loose. The weird thing is that when Ss's has a loose tooth he will show us and usually it's barely wiggling and then the following weekend it will be gone. This past weekend Ss didn't mention a loose tooth and I checked his teeth to make sure he brushed and I didn't notice anything loose, of course I could have missed it but who knows. Ss does make a lot of comments though about how his "mommy" doesn't want him to lose his baby teeth at our house because she'll be too "sad".
I remember my mother pulling
I remember my mother pulling one of mine out that didn't fall out in a week or so of being loose. I think it was because I was complaining about it after a few days of it being extremely loose but not coming out. I remember her hardly touching it and it came out.
I've never pulled out any of my BS teeth.
I don't think it's normal to
I don't think it's normal to be obsessed with pulling the teeth.
Oh wow... That's crazy.
Oh wow... That's crazy. :O
Yeah, that's what I thought
Yeah, that's what I thought was odd is how terrified Ss looked in the picture.
I pulled one of my own out. I
I pulled one of my own out. I wanted the Tooth Fairy money! But otherwise, no. I haven't even heard of this being an issue. If she really IS pulling them just to make sure they don't fall out at the dad's house? Creepy.
LOL I did that too when I was
LOL I did that too when I was kid because I was so eager to get that TF money. haha.
To each his own but to me it seems creepy. The only reason I think she is doing this is because Ss saying how his mom pulls his teeth out because she doesn't him to lose his teeth at his dads house. Any other circumstance I wouldn't even give it a thought. Bm is very weird about everything though. A few times Bm has balded Ss because Dh got him a haircut.
Our BM did this with SD's
Our BM did this with SD's first tooth. SD came to our house, unable to eat because BM and GBM tried to pull her tooth out before she came over to Daddy's house. Her tooth was very loose, but I am unsure if it was that way naturally, or because of the pulling done by her mom. I gave her a Big Hunk candy bar, and after two bites, the tooth fell out.
Geez I never would have
Geez I never would have thought such a normal bodily function would get a BM so riled up. I pray SS loses his teeth with her. She can atleast be the tooth fairy since she doesn't bother paying her copays for the dentist or anything else. Gross.
Luckily this was never an
Luckily this was never an issue. The tooth fairy visited both houses depending on when it fell out. Even when one fell out that day and they were coming to our house for the night BM would send it with the kids.
I remember one time though DH forgot to play tooth fairy. He snuck out of the back door to the house... came around to the front and taped it to the front door with a note that said 'your baby brother was still awake so I couldn't come in the house...' It's amazing what kids fall for at that age!