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BM uses my bathroom-cue creepy laughter

HappyCow's picture

Last night around 6 I was finishing up making my delicious coconut crusted chicken with delish dipping sauce when SD16 comes home from her long weekend at BM's. She tells me that BM really has to use the bathroom and could she use ours. I have no problem with it and I have actually had to use her bathroom in the past.

BM comes in and I say hello and SD16 walks her upstairs to the bathroom (we don't have one on the main floor). I also am really happy that I used all day yesterday to clean my house like royalty was coming to visit. Hanging in our main bath upstairs are two black and white pictures one of SD when she was about 10 after she had a really cool face painting done and the other is of DD when she was an infant. They are pretty cool pictures.

I hear SD16 and BM talking but I can't really understand what they are saying and decide that I really didn't want to know. BM comes back downstairs and walks into the kitchen and says "I just want you to know that this could have been my life but you stole it from me" followed by creepy laughter. I stood there with my mouth hanging open like WTF did you just say.

At this point DH who was sitting on the couch walks into the kitchen and says to BM "we were divorced before I starting dating HappyCow. I have no idea what you are talking about. Let me show you to the door"

I still haven't said anything at this point but SD16 looks like she turned green and hasn't said anything either.

BM spouts and I quote "You were such a looser when we were married. If you would have shown me that you could get a good job I wouldn’t have let you divorce me. We could have had this house together and my kids pictures would be hanging up" Then she did that creepy laugh again.

DH escorted her out of the house and as they are walking out I hear DH say that there is a McDonalds only a few minutes up the road and to use the bathroom from now on.

When DH came back in we both giggled and then set the table for delish coconut chicken.

Come to find out SD16 says that BM has days when she talks about how much better life would be if DH just had the job he has now during their marriage and basically she would have made it work. Of course she doesn't mention her cheating or the crazy behavior DH put up with trying to keep his family together.

We didn't really talk about it during dinner. My chicken was too good to ruin by crazy.

Moral of the story is don't let BM come into your house to use the bathroom.


StepKat's picture

That should be rule number 1 lol. Never ever let the crazy BM in your house to have a bm or even to pee. Castle troll is banned from my home. At least the crazy didn't ruin a yummy dinner Smile

HappyCow's picture

Here you go ladies. It's from my Weight Watchers website so I can't paste a link to it.

1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon hot pepper sauce (I double it for a kick)
1 can light coconut milk (in the Asian food section)
1 lb. of boneless skinless chicken breast (I use a pack or two of tenderloins)
¾ cup breadcrumbs
½ cup sweetened flaked coconut
½ teaspoon of salt
¼ teaspoon of ground pepper
For the dipping sauce
3 ounces crushed pineapple
3 ounces fat free sour cream
4 ounces Pina colada nonalcoholic drink mix
Mix together (so delish)
1. Preheat oven to 400
2. Combine first 3 ingredients in a large plastic bad
3. Add chick to bag and seal
4. Marinate in fridge 1 ½ hours turning occasionally
5. Combine breadcrumbs, coconut, salt and pepper in a a bowl
6. Dredge chicken 1 pc at a time into breadcrumb mixture
7. Place chicken on sprayed baking sheet
8. Coat top of chicken with cooking spray
9. Bake for 30 minutes or until done.

luchay's picture

Mmmmm yum, me too.

(oh and your BM is nuts, and yes, lesson learnt - NO BM'S IN THE HOUSE!)

princessmofo's picture

:jawdrop: Wow! Jealous much, bm? I'd have told our bm to drive up to the Conoco on the corner and use that bathroom.

StepKat's picture

I would have told her to go squat in a bush out by the road on her way home(hopefully on a cactus)

Evil stepmonster's picture

BM1 has a asked once and I told her the bathrooms weren't working at this moment, very politely. She got the hint. Inbred has tried several times to push her way into the house. Even once saying that her children are in there so she has a right to come inside and look at how we live. have the right to have my princess cut sting as I back hand you.

momandmore's picture

We drove BM to the gas station to use the bathroom during her first visit here. She is not allowed in my bathroom at all...from the get go!!

Next time I won't be driving her ass.. She can go squat in the field. HAHaHa. I'm mean like that.

Glassslipper's picture

I see both your BM and my BM have the same level of pride and self respect!
OMG, who says that! I could have had this wonderful life...
seriously BM, keep your opinions to yourself and go over there and pretend to like your own life!

MY GOD! What kind of lack of self respect do you have to say things to your EX like that! Have some pride and dignity BM!

momandmore's picture

LMAO.. BM used to go on and on with DH on the phone while ugly crying..she was with someone else and she didn't start it until DH and I got married.

No shame at all!

godess-clueless's picture

I have heard this remark from my son's ex wife and ex girlfriends. If the relationship had worked out between them then maybe the nice house and nice life could have been their life. I think in most cases if life is good it is because the new wife has come into the relationship with her own assets, an education, a job, and a totally different mindset then the ex.

The ex would love to have the life, but would never be willing to make the sacrifice it takes to accomplish it.

Glassslipper's picture

My BM tried to claim that the ONLY reason DH and I were successful is because of HER pain and suffering having to split the house equity with DH...

Um, hello??? I make a living and work on our home too...

ChiefGrownup's picture

YOUR DH IS AWESOME, Happycow!!! Great quick thinking on his part and great spring into action. Just LOVE his response!!!

And still reeling from the BM's behavior. OMG. Speechless.

Plus totally agree with godess-clueless.

What an incident! Can't get over it! Must tell this story to DH. MUST!

ChiefGrownup's picture

When I met him, dh had been doing all the driving multiple times a week for years. It took a huge bite out of our week and it was why I often went with him just for the ride so we could get a little time together (25 - 30 minute drive, one way).

Shortly after we married, an old bf resurfaced for BM. He would vent to her about things like how his ex-wife never did any of the driving for pickups or dropoffs of their kid. Magically, BM started offering to do ONE of the trips per week.

So that's how we got her to do it.

It's a mixed blessing. DH and I get a bit of a breather together on the day she does it, but it also gives BM more control: time she arrives and other details. But most of all, she has obviously decided it's the highlight of her week to march into our house and hold court. She has long since broken up with the bf, but she seems to love coming to our house and staying as long as she can get away with so she still does that one dropoff per week even though the bf she was showing off for is gone.

By the way, we have just gone to the system where the car is running when she arrives and skids are instantly deposited into our car -- no going into the house at all. Great idea, wish we'd thought of it 2 years ago. Sigh, you learn as you go.

HappyCow's picture

You ladies crack me up! No, I don't think she was high. I honestly think that she was just trying to be funny in her own delisional way.

There have been hints before about how she feels once in a long winded text message to DH when she was thinking about getting her real estate license (DH is a mortgage broker) and how if they had just had these jobs when they were married life would be good. Of course she didn't mention the two other children that she had with her new husband. I really wanted to forward it to her husband. Of course she didn't actually get her real estate license. That would require her getting off the couch.

Glassslipper's picture

^^^ ME TOO!
I would NEVER let BM in, I have vowed she will not be within 50 feet of me. ever, period!
So I would have said no to using the bathroom as well.
I like that your husband stood up to BM ...very sweet of him!

Ninji's picture

Kids BM has tried to use the bathroom at our house too. I told SO that there a gas station right down the road. She will NEVER be allowed in our home.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Ok, I read this story to DH just now and between the gasping and the laughing and the "no, come on!"s, he is as shocked and entertained by this story as all of the rest of us were. Very satisfying.

Also, it was not lost on him about the not letting BM use the bathroom at our house!

ChiefGrownup's picture

"never really by my home"

Oh my goodness, I know what you mean. And I'm not even living in their old house. Just bachelor dad's house. But the standards for cleanliness will never really by mine, every change I make is a national crisis, and so on and so forth. I want to move, too. It doesn't help that i just plain hate the house.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Everything you said. Every damn thing. This is the house I would tell the realtor, "what were you thinking? don't waste my time!" Ugh.

biomomof1's picture

oh my BM goes to the doctor w me regarding my SS bc we have primary custody and hes on my insurance so I take him I always invite her bc we get the you never let me know anything about my son card so she goes to the peds apt with me and she never wants to talk about her son she always wants to talk to me about my DH like really we are here for SS not a hx lesson about you and my DH... so I understand completely and we have also had to block her from our FB due to she like to get on there and take our pictures as they are her own