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Well that's never happend. Snaps for me!!

Evil stepmonster's picture

Normally if the exh has something special going on he asks for the kids on my weekends. If I've got nothing planned and they want to go sure no problem.
Last weekend, which was a daddy weekend exes mother comes to town. She's like many typical out of country grandmas that when she is here she lays on the spoiling super thick. Basically she treats every one of them like they are the second coming of Christ...and that's a little bit of an understatement too. No joke!!
Now, I think I've mentioned it before..her and I never got along. That's putting it a bit mildly too, bitch frickin hates me and the feelings are mutual. At least when she was my mother in law they were. I personally don't give her a second thought any more.
She came into town last Sunday night, the kids saw her for maybe two hours before they had to go to bed and 45 minutes Monday morning before they were brought back home for school. So the ex calls me the following Tuesday telling me about some big tournament that was this last weekend(my weekend) and since his mom was here he wanted to know if he could have the boys all weekend.
Well, OBS had a tournament him self for his HS soccer team and the last game would be Sat. afternoon. I told him he could have them after that which was no problem for him. At first I found that a little odd because BS9 usually plays early in the morning but hey, it could happen.
Thursday, they go to their dads overnight, and Friday at dinner I'm explaining what we're doing and what needs to be taken with us to OBS game so their dad can just get them from their.
BS9 - I don't have a game this weekend.
Me - Huh?
BS9 - We've been on break since right before Christmas, not even practices.
Me - So where have you been going when he says he's picking you up for practice?
BS9 - His house.
Me - Ok, well I guess he just wants yall there to visit with yalls grandma. Yall want to go?
ALL THREE Nope, not this weekend.
What did I just hear? Did hell just freeze over? Were those pork chops that kid flung really count as flying pigs? Please keep in mind that they have never passed up uelas visits, all the pampering, the cooking they love, the being doted on hand and foot like kings on a thrown. Not once have they ever not wanted to be there every spare second they could.
Me - What? Yall always want to go over ther when uela is here.
BS9 - I don't want to, just tell my dad no it's your weekend.
I look at the other two...both nod in aggreement. I was very confused. BS9 layed it all out for me.
Seems Uela can't stop talking shit about mommy, and when they don't agree with her she ignores them and treats them like they are invisible. A specific was she got on to BS9 alot for telling me about the problems he's had with his SM. She told him if he doen't quit tattle telling on SM (including the beatings with a belt) then his nasty mean mother will keep them from seeing their dad for the rest of their lives and it will kill their dad and break her old fragile heart. (The woman is 10 years younger than my mom) OBS and BS14 have learned to ignore those things. I've told them it's just not worth the drama. But BS9, he's gotten to the age where telling him something that he has seen for himself is a lie will make him think and question. Which he did. He told his grandma and dad "No, My mom has been really mad at dad and she's never stopped us from seeing him. And dad, mom doesn't talk about you or uela, and she don't let memaw talk bad about you, why do you let uela say all these things about my mom?"
I was shocked. He came to that conclusion all by himself and all three stayed home with us all weekend and we had a nice time playing games together since it rained. Even OBS's tournament was cancelled cause it was so nasty outside.
BS9 told hid dad that he'd like to come spend some time with them for a few hours Sat. afternoon but he didn't want to stay the night with them. ExMIL threw a fit and told him no, don't come at all, just stay with your mom all weekend and don't worry about seeing me.
He said ok, love you bye.
I wish could have seen the look on their faces after he hung up the phone. Priceless.


Evil stepmonster's picture

The most beautiful part is I didn't have to say or point out a thing. I guess that does make me a mean BM huh. lol }:)

Evil stepmonster's picture

You have no idea, this woman PASed both of her children against their father when they were young...and she still does it. If any mention of Exes dad comes up she cries and stomps and says stuff like I should just go laydown and die in a dessert because no one would care. (She comes through Arizona from Mexico)
I knew she'd try it with my kids, but thankfully it hasn't worked out in her favor.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Oh I wish I would have thought of this when she was still my MIL!! Just imagining her face if I were say that makes me giggle soda threw my nose.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Oh I was super pissed, I turned it on him though. I called him Friday night away from the kids and told him hey good news, we can take BS9 to his game after all. What do you know, I got a text the next morning saying it had been cancelled. Funny how that worked out.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Thank you, I was very proud of him. It's nice to know that me doing the right thing actually paid off. Not once have I bad mouthed anyone on his dads side, what really gets me is; her son and I have not been together for almost 8 years. I've had to do some forgiving, he's had to do some as well and we can manage to co parent without any negative telenovella type crap. Why is she still hell bent on being a major bitch?? Some people just have no lives I've learned.