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nothing is good enough for sd8

onstrike's picture

We went to my sister's house yesterday and she worked incredibly hard to make a beautiful holiday for all the family. Sd8 was whining and pouting at dinner "I don't waaaaaant to eat this foooood" After dinner we all put out a bunch of great deserts,but I hear sd whining to dh "I waaaaant a popsicle ". She is such an ungrateful brat. Thank God dh didn't indulge her crap for once. He told her to eat the stuff we made !


moeilijk's picture

What would happen if you let them just not eat? I'm wondering as I've been on both sides of this and don't really know a good answer.

For example, a friend of mine came over for dinner with her husband of several years. First time I'd met the husband. They brought their own salad dressing because he only likes the one kind. She'd warned me of food preferences beforehand, but the list was long and some stuff got missed so she was all worried about whether he'd eat or not. Looking back, that was probably the most weird food preferences meal situations I've ever been in.

I usually ask guests if they have any food allergies or dislikes, but sometimes it still goes wrong. A friend came for lunch once, turns out she hates goat's cheese. Fortunately I hadn't added it to her portion yet, so she just had the salad without. And I have two good friends who always apologize profusely for their picky eating, but at least I always know what to make for them.

I guess with your skids, I'd pack PB&J when going to McD's a few times. You know. Because otherwise they just won't eat.

LuckyGirl's picture

One of my SD's is a coeliac. In this situation, we adapt the food at home and take hers if we go anywhere (or if she's invited to a party, sleepover, whatever).
Other tan that - you eat what you're given, or go hungry.

moeilijk's picture

If the hostess asked me, or if I had food allergies (or such strong dislikes that I just couldn't eat something) I would say something.

But if it's just not very good, oh well... if things get desperate I can go by a drive-thru on the way home!

There's a meal very popular here (in the Netherlands) made with chicory. It's soooo gross. So I have a few bites, do not take seconds, fill up on sides, and eat when I get home. But if were anything *worse* than that, I wouldn't even be able to have the few bites. I'd feel guilty for letting my hostess waste food by putting it on my plate.

Teas83's picture

We're coming home from dinner with my family and SD6 is the same. It's so embarrassing. And my husband doesn't notice or do a damn thing about it. So happy I made the decision to move out.