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Am I wrong to feel like I should get more support/help from DH?

amackeral's picture

I'm going crazy, DH thinks I'm blowing things out of proportion, I think I'm justified.

I've been telling him for 6 months now "we need to get tires on the car before it snows". The tires are completely bald, down to the little line in the middle of the "tread" that indicates where they're no longer safe to drive on. They've been that way for the about 4 months. His response is always "yeah we will". In that time, he has put new tires on the pickup (which he was no longer driving because I was stupid and agreed to getting a Harley) and put a new/louder exhaust on said Harley. Oh and went to Nascar in Phoenix for a week, unpaid because he hasn't been with his new job long enough to have vacation pay...without me, because I had to work and even if I didn't have to work, there's no way our budget could have afforded both of us taking a week off unpaid!

So here we are, halfway in to November, and we get our first snowstorm last night, and it was BIG! Lightly snowed all day yesterday except for maybe an hour. By the time I left work, there was at least an inch-an inch and a half on the ground. And I was sliding ALL OVER the place. One intersection I didn't think I was going to be able to stop, ended up stopping when I hit the curb (better that than another car right?), and any time I got over 1000rpm's, the car had absolutely no traction. Traffic was ridiculous and thankfully everyone was going super slow, too slow but whatever. Ended up going 5-10mph on the interstate all the way home- everyone was going that speed, it was kinda silly but oh well, not much I could do. Took me an hour to get home, and I was white knuckled the whole drive, all it would have taken was one idiot in front of me to suddenly stop and there's no way I could have stopped due to no traction at all.

I got home, slammed the door and burst in to tears, had been holding it in the whole time. I am usually a very confident driver in the snow, but knowing I couldn't stop was so scary. DH asked what was wrong so I told him how scared I had been and how pissed I was that he had put off getting tires on the car. His response: Well it's not like I knew it was going to snow today. I remind him that they've been talking about it for a week, and oh yeah, it's the middle of fucking NOVEMBER! Told him how tired I was of him putting everything off except things that directly benefit him. He walks away, doesn't even comfort me, say he's sorry, not a damn thing.

I go to our room and shut the door. DH comes down the hall a little later to tell my BD11 that dinner is ready. Says nothing to me. Before she goes to the kitchen, DD11 comes in to comfort me. How sad is it that an 11 year old has more empathy than a grown man? Why does he think it's ok for him to be mad because I spoke the truth?

This morning, DH says we'll drop the car off to Les Schwab to get tires. Where I wanted to take it months ago, but DH wouldn't let me because he was going to save money and go to Discount Tire. I ask what happened to going to Discount Tire? He says that since we don't have the cash to pay for them, it would be cheaper to put them on my account at Les Scwab than to put them on a credit card at Discount Tire. /headdesk

I get ready for work, then notice it continued to snow all night. Go out and start the pickup and the car. Go back in to get my winter boots on and start to clear off both vehicles. DH comes out, on the phone, and just watches me clear off both vehicles. Doesn't offer to help a single bit. After we dropped the car off, I jump his shit about being so damn helpful. He says "it's not my fault my brother called". I tell him he could have told his brother he'd call him back, that he needed to help me clear the snow off the vehicles. Remind him that he's always talking about men needing to be gentleman, and most men help their wives out with this sort of thing, to be a gentleman. Nothing, dead silence. So I add "but it's alright, I've been doing things on my own for so many years (when I was a single mom), I can handle it and don't need a man to do shit for me".

Why is it so hard for some men to step up and do things that need to be done, without being asked or harrassed? I swear he wasn't this god damn lazy before we got married but it's like he thinks I'll just put up with his shit for all of eternity.


amackeral's picture

I should have just taken the car in, but I honestly thought he would follow through with something so important. A tire could have blown at any time, especially on his drive to Phoenix, 14 hours each way! But I'm coming to learn if I want anything done, I have to do it myself.

If I had waited for him to help, I would have been late to work. I walked past him twice, giving him a look but apparently he was too enthralled in his call and the didn't even notice what I was doing. He does this when I'm unloading the dishwasher too, no matter how much noise I make, he incredibly doesn't hear it in the next room, LOL. Eventually DD will help me before I even have a chance to make DH get off his ass and help me.

This morning, had I known it was only his brother, I would have said something but I thought it was his boss.

Evil stepmonster's picture

My DH likes to drag his feet with that stuff too. He always tells me he wants to do the maintanence and repairs himself to our cars, well after going 100 miles over because he was always to busy or to tired to change my oil, I just went and had it done at walmart, bought me some nice makeup while I was there too. lol

zerostepdrama's picture

If I need something done, I take care of it myself. I wouldn't wait for my DH to do it, especially for something like new tires.

blayze's picture

Agreed. I only count on a man for company and sex, and I expect both of them to be DAMN GOOD. Everything else is a bonus.

DaizyDuke's picture

Wow! I bitch at my DH for a lot of things, but even he would NEVER do something like this!!! First off, my DH would have insisted that HE would drive the car with the bald tires if snow was in the forecast. Secondly if this snow was truly a "surprise" then my DH would have come and picked me up in his truck with new tires before allowing me to drive home in a car with 4 bald tires. Thirdly, my DH would never stand there and let me clean off his car while he chatted on the phone. Call your damn brother back. Geesus!

You have every right to be pissed off!

amackeral's picture

"Secondly if this snow was truly a "surprise" then my DH would have come and picked me up in his truck with new tires before allowing me to drive home in a car with 4 bald tires."

He told me I should have told him how bad the roads were before I drove home and he would have come to get me but it was all lip service. I told him yesterday morning that my drive to work was hell because my car was so squirrelly. And my last text to him before I started driving home after work was "Finally got my windows and the windshield cleared off, heading home. Going to take me a little longer to get home cause I'm going to have to go super slow". It snowed all day and the roads didn't magically get any better at 5:30.

kathc's picture

So you're raising your daughter to see that men can go off on trips, buy new toys for themselves, not do a damn thing to help out and it's ok.

Ninji's picture

I would kiss BFs feet if he remembered one time in the last 5yrs to take the trash to the curb on trash day. My mother NEVER took the trash out.

I purposely didn't take it out Monday to see if he would remember. Nope. That night when I mentioned it to him he says, I guess we will have to work together to remember this more. What?

simifan's picture

I don't think your expectations were high enough. Next time tell him your expectations. Call him & tell him he needs to come pick up you up in the truck & then take the car to get fixed. Tell him real men clean off the car for their wives and him the brush to clean off the car.

LuckyGirl's picture

Good God woman grow a pair and tell him - slowly and clearly, he is not going to understand subtle hints - exactly how you DEMAND (not request, mind you, DEMAND) to be treated in the future, and spell out the consequences for failure to meet the standard.

He is being an ass, but you are being a doormat - time to notice that you aren't getting out of the way of his feet.