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Just in case

TinyDancer's picture

Should anyone ever need this information, some ladies on another board were kind enough to put it all together. Well thought out. Here's to hoping that no one needs it, but just in case, here it is.

Practical Advice for Leaving A Bad Relationship

This is not a Step forum, but a Mother in Law site, however the ladies there have some serious battle experience.....


misSTEP's picture

Not too long ago, I thought my MIL was a wonderful person. Now, we have both cut her completely out of our lives. ::sigh::

TinyDancer's picture

It's amazing how 'family' can cause more trouble then friends and strangers. That forum has helped me learn how to walk away. This site has taught me that I'm not alone. Lol, what the hell did we all do before the internet!

TinyDancer's picture

It's amazing how 'family' can cause more trouble then friends and strangers. That forum has helped me learn how to walk away. This site has taught me that I'm not alone. Lol, what the hell did we all do before the internet!