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Say a prayer

Wah-wah-11's picture

DH has to work tonight and I have to keep the SKs.. First time in a year I would say. Say a prayer I survive until bed time.


GoodBye's picture

How old are they? If they're young enough, make some popcorn and have a "movie night". They're usually so engrossed in the movie that they don't bother you.

Teas83's picture

Do you have a good relationship with them? Meaning, do they at least listen to you about eating supper and going to bed?

Wah-wah-11's picture

One of them I have pretty good relationship with the other not at all. He does stuff jury to prove to me he can. It's been a long time since I kept them bc of this. Last time I had shoes thrown at me, he screamed at me bc inwouldntnlet him have a certain thing. At mcdonalds. So I told hubby if that's how it was going to be with him teen I wouldn't keep him ever bc it's not fair to me or our child.

Wah-wah-11's picture

Why? Bc when she goes out of town she doesn't send them to him.. Her husband keeps them.. There's no working together ...