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Step kids in all conversations

Wah-wah-11's picture

Shew. All I want is a conversation with my husband without the step kid's input.

No mater what the conversation is this child feels the need to be a part of it. Do we want to go on a small trip when they are with BM one weekend? Do we want to buy such and such? Do you want this suitcase? This kid has an opinion. When discussing a big purchase and he over hears, he is suddenly "we should do this" ... If we are in the car he wants the radio turned down so he can hear our conversations, in the kitchen if we are talking we ask him to go play and he won't bc he wants to hear what we are discussing.

But now if you ask him to go do something (pick up his room, not eat on the couch, not eat in his room) it's a fight of WHY.. Why do I have to? Why can't i? Dad does it..

Blaaaaaaaah -- DH said "this is an AB conversation, C your way out" lol


kathc's picture

I think all kids have this inclination. It's just that when it's Bios, the parents say "don't butt in to our conversation, go find something to do". When it's special snowflake CODs you can't hurt their fee fees by saying that.

Please tell me your DH shuts him down every time he butts in?

Wah-wah-11's picture

Most of the time he does. Like when he's asking prices, how much we paid for something, "we should buy this, we should tell them this" DH usually respond with "who is we? Bc last time I checked the we in this discussion is me and wah-wah not you"

steplife's picture

So we have the same Skid?! My SD7 does this and it's so annoying. DH and I discuss furniture, decorative, paint, groceries, etc.for the house and SD always butts in with her opinions. DH used to be really bad about stopping our conversation to let SD chime in, and I would just leave the room. I pointed out that kids have no say in what we purchase so why are you letting her interrupt.He got the point and doesn't defer to her about that kind of thing anymore.

Wah-wah-11's picture

At one point my DH thought the steps should have a say in what we named our kids ... I flat out said when they become the parent they get a say.
This kid wanted to decide what color I painted my bedroom, what comforter to get, the living room... How much to spend on vacation ..

new to this's picture

Exactly!! My kid I would tell them outright "it's none of your business" but with SD16 I can't do that....she might get upset and get her feelings hurt. Drives me crazy!!

Cover1W's picture

SD11 does this all the time. I just don't get into conversations with DP if she's around or I just stop if she interrupts. DP is better at shutting it down now. He gets props for that.

Wah-wah-11's picture

I flat out tell him when you get a job and start paying the bills then You will have a say

kathc's picture

Exactly. DH always shuts down skid when he's there so skid will occasionally try it with me alone. I'm looking at a catalog and I hear "you should get the blue couch" and I'll respond "I'll get whichever one I want since I'm the one paying for it"

Wah-wah-11's picture

I don't mind them occasionally expressing an opinion.. To me that's just kids. But the whole WE thing drives me crazy. And after a while it does get on my nerves with the do this do that..