Dreaded Christmas is Coming
As I'm reading through everyone's crazy BM stories, I realized BM hasn't been psychotic in a while. Don't get me wrong, she's always nuts, that's just a given. But nothing outrageous enough to blow peoples' socks off with a nice juicy blog post. Then I realize...Christmas is coming. She must be saving it all up. Does anybody else's BM go bat shit crazy at Christmas or is it just me?? I'm sure I'll have some very entertaining stories for you all very soon! I wanna know...does Christmas bring out the true crazy in all step-lives?
- GoodBye's blog
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The bm in my life has a good
The bm in my life has a good chance of being in jail. So she will just have to go all Orange is the new black for Xmas. I see muffin eating Xmas morning in her future. }:)
Just what are you going to
Just what are you going to decorate? Muffin Xmas morning? "Good morning honey, look what Santa got you."
hahahaha...please elaborate.
Not usually. Last year BM was
Not usually. Last year BM was supposed to have SD, but SD got sick. Since BM wanted to spend Xmas with her boyfriend's family, she dropped SD off at GBM's house on Xmas Day and left her there for three days. So BM doesn't pull anything really crazy.... she just keeps SD from my husband even if she doesn't want to have her herself.
That's crazy enough! She left
That's crazy enough! She left her sick daughter at her grandmother's for Christmas? Poor kid...wow.
Yeah, SD came for her normal
Yeah, SD came for her normal weekend with us right after. She was pretty upset. She kept saying that she didn't know why her Mommy left her there. And this was before they put the ROFR in the CO.
dtzyblnd, if your sister in
dtzyblnd, if your sister in law has her way, she will be sending out her crotchfruits wishlist and numerous baby pics with her in them, yuck! Why are they all the same?? I dont know but its so true! If you must send a gift, make it a an ornament and let SIL choke on it!
I love you right now. You
I love you right now. You should patent this
I actually mentally sang as I was reading it lol
I'm not looking forward to it
I'm not looking forward to it either.
First of all, I only get xmas eve and xmas day off from work. The Wednesday/Thursday thing bums me out because I won't have a four day weekend. That ridiculous Friday is squished up in between my days off and I swear it's sitting there on the calendar mocking me since I don't have any vacation days left. As if we will get soooo much work done that day......
Secondly, I don't want to do the whole family thing. Because of the weird days, I can't travel out of town to see my family so that just leaves DH's family. Things have been weird with SD all year and I seriously doubt they will be resolved by Christmas. I don't want to be anywhere near her. I don't want to sit at his parents house faking goodwill towards all of them but especially towards her. There isn't enough wine in the world for that.
SD actually counts her gifts
SD actually counts her gifts to make sure she received just as much (or more) than everybody else...even though she is spoiled rotten at BM's house. And her grandparent's house. And by her step-father's family. And by MIL and SIL...etc etc. Ugh, gag me.
'Tis the season of joy and
'Tis the season of joy and giving...sigh