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Over thinking my name change? Sort of O/t

MamaFox's picture

Okay so...doing research...I found out it is possible for me to use my late Grandmother's last name IN my name. The Gaelic prefix O'lastname means literally "Of The Generations Of", so if my Grandmother was a Toole I would be able to change my name to O'Toole.

After doing that (A legal name change to get rid of my Father's name, since I never met him.), My kids would be O'Toole-Bertelli (using random last names on here that are of FDH's and I's ethnicity). But the Skids would only be Bertelli.

But I wont be Just a Wife. I'm a Daughter, a Twin and a Granddaughter. My Grandmother was the other parent in my life, besides my mother. I don't want to forget her in my name.

I don't like the idea of going to MamaFox Anne Bertelli. My actual middle name is connected to 8 generations of first born daughters in my family.

But I am physically OBVIOUSLY very Irish. FDH is physically OBVIOUSLY very Italian.

But is having a long hypenated last name like that putting too fine a point on the fact the Skids are not mine? Would that create animosity when I have bio-kids?

I dont know....Opinions?


MamaFox's picture

Actually, I've been able to draw my family's history back to 950ad. By DNA and family trees.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Last names sure can be interesting.

So, my son had my ex's last name, I have mu hubby last name, my daughter has her new hubby last name - So I have no last name I share with my kids any more and they no longer share last names.

SD has hubby last name. His ex took his last name off and did not take back her maiden name either. She made her middle name her new last name. So now she is connected to no one. What is even funnier - is her middle name now makes it sound like she is Chinese - when she is European.

BethAnne's picture

What does your partner think? Personally I've always loved the idea of taking my husband's name when I married as in my mind it cements our identity as a family. My husband was thrilled when he found out I wanted to take his name as neither of his previous wives had and in his head that contributed in a small way to the failure of those relationships. I am very happy with my new name. Not because it was the name of the slave owner who owned my husband's ancestors, but because it is his name and now it is mine and it unites us. I fully respect those of my friends who choose to keep thier own name, I think that as long as what you choose makes you happy and cements your personal identity you should do what you want.

kathc's picture

I kind of like O'Toole-Bertelli...why the heck not?