What is your Love Story?
Alright... what is your "love story" with your SO.
At one time we were so in love we chose to spend our lives with these disney dads, spineless, balless people that have taken over our SO's bodies and minds.
How long have you been with your SO?
How did you meet?
Who said "I love you" first?
When did you know that they were "the one"?
What did you do for your first date?
How long after dating did you do the deed?
Wanna share any special memories- dates, moments, conversations, etc?
- zerostepdrama's blog
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Awwww sorry stepdown
Awwww sorry stepdown
Have you talked to him? Hows his new life with SD? Hows your new place?
Is it wrong of me to say your
Is it wrong of me to say your answers made me LOL and almost pee my pants?
Who said, "I hate you" first?
Who said, "I hate you" first?
I really felt the love when
I really felt the love when reading it...
Awwww that is so sweet!
Awwww that is so sweet!
Love that story Ladyface.
Love that story Ladyface.
oh lady, that made me tear
oh lady, that made me tear all up. how beautiful!!!!
How long have you been with
How long have you been with your SO? Will be 14 years together next week. Married 5.
How did you meet? At a local bar/lounge. I noticed him immediately because he is 6' 5" and I am 6' tall. I told my friends "Don't talk to the tall guy, he's for me." After a few laps around the bar area, he leaned over and said "Hey gorgeous" the rest is history.
Who said "I love you" first? I don't remember to tell you the truth, but we say it to each other every day.
When did you know that they were "the one"? I think I've always known he was different. (Been divorced twice) But what confirmed to me how different and special this man is, was when we found out about my BS16 knocking up a girl and he said to me "If she decides to go for adoption, we should take the baby as our own." You can't buy that type of man these days.
What did you do for your first date? We met at a bar, drank all night then went to a diner and had breakfast and talked for HOURS.
How long after dating did you do the deed? Eye-wink - 5 dates later.
HAHAHAHA! Sexed up! That is
HAHAHAHA! Sexed up! That is FUNNY!!!!! Ladyface, it sounds to me like we are in a good place with our DH's even though the whole BM/Skid baggage nonsense makes things tough. I adore my DH and honestly there's not much about him I would change. The Disney Dad thing I could do without, but the poor guy can't be perfect.
Ha Ha yeah mine and DH's
Ha Ha yeah mine and DH's involved Tequila as well.... it makes your clothes fall off
We met online. We talked for
We met online. We talked for months and gave each other support in our pending divorces. We finally met on the beach in person one day. We weren't romantic before that. He saw me and swept me up and kissed me. We moved in together two months later. We fell in love so quick and are so compatible with each other. It was fate. 7 years later . . I have never had any doubts about him. He disciplines harsher than me. He tells BM consistently to eat dirt. He is prince charming. I am very lucky. He even changed his last name when BM gave her second illegitimate child his last name.
"Life is short, if you aren't
"Life is short, if you aren't happy, you shouldn't settle for any less than what you want. On the flip side of that, even without stepbaggage, life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, SO and I are in this together."
"I can't imagine being without SO."
That is so sweet and so true.
I love this post!! How long
I love this post!!
How long have you been with your SO? 11 years!
How did you meet? It was a blind date set up by my friend. (What 12 year old thinks it's cool to set their 11 year old friend up with an 18 year old boy? Crazy!) He came to a party I was having.
Who said "I love you" first? Husband did. He yelled it out, arms wide open at the party. (We'd been talking on the phone for about a month.)
When did you know that they were "the one"? 11 years ago, when he bought me roses about 2x a week for the first three weeks we were dating.
What did you do for your first date? 1st date 25 years ago, he came to my party. 1st date 11 years ago, he met me at a bar that was walking distance from my house, then took me out to dinner and back to his house to watch tv.
How long after dating did you do the deed? The first time was when I was 14 or 15. He picked me up during mid-terms, and we went to the park. Then he took me to meet his grandma!
Wanna share any special memories- dates, moments, conversations, etc? It was about 10 years ago, and we got into a tiff. He convinced me to get into the truck with him, and we went for a drive. I was probably yelling like a banshee, so he pulled the truck over, got out, and just walked away! Ten minutes later, he was back with wildflowers. He apologized, and said he loved me.
We been together for 3 1/2
We been together for 3 1/2 years and married for two.
We met through a mutual friend who thought we'd be "perfect" for each other. I had no interest in dating ever again at this point, and he was reluctant as well after his experience with Psycho. But we dragged ourselves to the coffee shop and the rest is history!
He said I Love You first. We'd been dating a few months, but we both felt it long before that.
We knew we were meant to be after probably the third date. I don't know, when you're older and have been through so much crap, I think it's easier to know what you don't want, you're better at recognizing red flags, and when you don't see any, you know it's a good thing.
We had a pretty traditional first date- dinner at a nice restaurant followed by a movie. He paid.
The deed? Hmmm...a couple weeks later.
Funny how reluctant we were to even meet. I mean, our friend had to drag me kicking and screaming to that first meeting!
How long have you been with
How long have you been with your SO? We have been together for 15 years, married coming up on 13
How did you meet? At the bar...funny story
Who said "I love you" first? I did
When did you know that they were "the one"? I really thought immediately
What did you do for your first date? haha - what first date? A bar?
How long after dating did you do the deed? Ummmm...I will plead the 5th and don't recommend that fast for anyone else!
Wanna share any special memories- dates, moments, conversations, etc?
I got badgered into going to the bar by my BFF's BF at the time. There was this guy (lets say his name was Joe) that he really REALLY wanted me to meet. I was annoyed and in full bitch mode when I went. I sat at a table of people, most of whom I didn't know. The guy to the right of me introduced himself as Joe and bought me a drink. He asked if I wanted to play darts. I proceeded to not only whip his ass at darts (I am very good when pissed off!) but I played the biggest bitch EVER. He still wouldn't take a hint and leave me alone so I started flirting with the guy to the LEFT of me at the table. The left-hand guy ended up buying me a drink. His name was ALSO Joe...and the REAL Joe that I was supposed to meet. By the end of the night we were pretty much inseparable.
Poor first Joe. He must have wondered why I was so mean to him.
Just two nights ago, my DH (left-hand Joe
) told me that I was the most special person ever born. I smiled and said that I didn't think that was true but thank you for saying such a nice thing to me. We still give each other goosebumps when we touch!
How long have you been with
How long have you been with your SO?
3 1/2 years, married for 10 months
How did you meet?
Thru my neighbor who was dating his good friend... but we were both with people, it wasn't until a few years later that we finally got together.
Who said "I love you" first?
DH- like 2 weeks after we started dating...LOL... I waited for a bit longer before I said it back.
When did you know that they were "the one"?
Not really sure...it was just kind of like we were together and I knew I wanted to be with him and no one else.
What did you do for your first date?
Well first actual date we went out to the bar for neighbor/friends birthday. Got super drunk and ended up back at my place and were up till 5 in the morning. The following weekend we went to dinner and then bowling with his co-workers.
How long after dating did you do the deed?
First night after the bar...Tequila.....
Wanna share any special memories- dates, moments, conversations, etc?
When we first met I thought DH was really funny. But he was with someone and I was with Ex. I would always hear stories about him from the neighbor and sometimes we would see each other in passing and I always thought he was just really funny and there was something about him. I never thought he would end up my DH
The first 9 months were AMAZING. Thats when we really feel in love.
DH has his baggage but I have to remember that I have it too. I know I can be a difficult person. He truly loves me, I know that.
Yep! And its the alcohol
And its the alcohol that keeps me going now....
OMG exhausted that is so
OMG exhausted that is so funny!
Ugh I hated those "first" and when you were nervous to do normal bodily functions.
How long have you been with
How long have you been with your SO? Dh and I have been together 3 years, married 1
How did you meet? Dh and I met when were like freshmen in HS. We were both wearing Beatles tshirts and because friends over our mutual love for the band. Senior year he told me he liked me and I freaked out because I liked him too but at the time had a big bad military boyfriend who was going to take me away from my hometown. lol. needless to say nothing happened. After highschool we'd talk from time to time but lost touch but I always thought of him and always wondered what COULD of happened. a few years later I seen him walking out of walmart looking miserable as ever pushing a shopping cart with a carseat(ss) and a crazy looking girl with pink hair (bm) next to him. I looked the other way and thought "well that shipped sailed." then when we were around 25 I had got onto facebook to brag about how I had won tickets to meet Hanson and he messaged me. 2 weeks later we hung out and kissed for the very first time and I knew I loved him. annnd we've been together ever since. The crazy thing is he said he'd only stayed on FB in hopes that he'd find me.
Who said "I love you" first? he did, about 3 weeks after "dating". I use quotes because we picked up as though we'd always been together after all those years of wondering. lol.
When did you know that they were "the one"? when he kissed me on our first date.
What did you do for your first date? We had sushi.. He said he was all for sushi and we shared a beer. later I found out he hated sushi and didn't drink but said yes just because he wanted to hang out. lol.
How long after dating did you do the deed? 2 weeks!! I'm terrible!!
I love the motorcycle
I love the motorcycle story... so cute
How long have you been with
How long have you been with your SO? over 6 years
How did you meet? in a mutual aquaintance's driveway - holiday bonfire beerfest
Who said "I love you" first? he did, and i said it right back!
When did you know that they were "the one"? the day we met
What did you do for your first date? didnt really have a first date, we met at a holiday party, then went to another holiday party together the next day (long weekend). both nights we talked literally allllll niiiight loooonnnggg. the first time i was alone with him, we had beer and pizza and talked again 'til late hours
How long after dating did you do the deed? 2nd time i was alone with him i caved... }:)
Wanna share any special memories- dates, moments, conversations, etc? while talking the day/night we met, with such wonder and amazement in his voice, he told me "you are so different from any other female i've ever met- you're not stupid!"
SO and I have been together
SO and I have been together for 10 years now. We worked together. Actually he had dated my best friend at work for 2 years. She started working in a different office in a different city and she broke up with him. He and I started hanging out together, and slept together probably within weeks of first getting together. I remember him saying to me when he was leaving after we had sex, 'will this be strange tomorrow at work'. I said yup! We kept it on the down low for about six months around the office and from my friend, who I didn't see so much after she moved. I finally told her I was dating someone she had dated, and she said...'well that wouldn't be hard'...since she had dated several guys from our office. She was great with it, and we still hang out with her and her current husband (we were at their wedding last year) occasionally (she and I still see each every couple of months). We've always wondered if her husband knows about her and my SO, but we neither one have asked. Since it was only casual between SO and I at first, I never told him how old I was (I am 10 years older than him). I got bacterial spinal meningitis and he took me to the hospital ER and it was there that he finally found out how old I was when I had to tell them at ER. He doesn't seem to mind the age difference. I know age makes more of a difference when you get older, but I try to stay feeling, looking and acting as young as I can and as young as I want to feel. My ex was 18 years older than me...so I guess I went the opposite direction with SO. We neither one really thought it would turn into anything, we were just having fun! And we still are!
I notice a bit of a pattern
I notice a bit of a pattern with a lot of us (including myself) we had DH first before BM even came around! Whenever BM get's real annoying I like to remind skids in some funny/sweet sounding way of the memories I have of DH when we were kids. I know YSD is the little spy and reports back EVERYTHING.