Never enough!!!!
So last week, I took our boys, SS12 and BS12 for an outing. We played mini golf, they got 50 tokens each for the arcade, then we went to the mall where they got a cinnabon and went in Holister where they got to pick out a new shirt. All on my dime. On the way out BS12 wanted to stop by Gamestop and look the games. While in there he found a used Xbox game for $20.00. I told him I was not spending any more money today to which he replied he had brought his own money, I said fine and let him buy it. That was a week ago, I never gave it a second thought. So, tonight, my husband proceeds to mention the fact and BS is always getting new stuff while SS never gets anything. I was like "what?". Seems 2 weeks ago when I ran to the dollar store, where everything is a dollar to pick up some wrapping paper, BS asked for a couple of thinks that I let him get-----total investment....$2.00. Then of course at Game Stop I should have said to SS since you did not bring your own money, go ahead and pick out something and pay me back. I told DH if SS had seen something he wanted I expressed interest in I would have been more than glad for that to happen, but according to DH I was wrong and it made SS feel bad because BS got something and he did not. I told him I was sorry, but SS needs to speak up, if he had wanted to get something to which DH replied, you know he is bashful and would not say anything. I told DH, sorry, I did not think about making that offer. DH insists if it were the other way around, I would have offered to let BS pick out something a pay me back. I told him no I would not have, I do not think it is necessary that if one kid gets something the other one does too. He acts like I took BS to Disney Word while SS was locked in a closet eating bread and water.
But DH fails to give me credit for anything else I do. I read about other people on here disengaging. I sure wish I knew how to do that. I think it harder with both boys being the same age. I don't know how I could do for one and not do for the other and I really don't want to. I just don't want my every action to be scrutinized. When I go to buy groceries, I ask everyone if there is anything particular that they want for the coming week, a certain meal they want me to cook or a certain breakfast food. The only one who ever speak up is BS, he will want toaster strudel or a certain breakfast food and I don't mind getting it.Once it is in the house, it is there for whoever wants it, not just for the person who asks for it. So, DH says tonight, you buy all this special stuff for BS, whatever he asked for you get it. I remind him that I asked the question of everyone and he is the only one who speaks up. His response is "well, you know he is not going to ask anything". HOW is this MY fault. I can't read his mind, I get the things he knows he likes.
I pour my heart and soul out to my family, and for DH it is never enough. The worst part is this is all coming from DH, I asked him what kinds of thing that SS says, oh he never says anything, I just know see how you treat him and know how he must feel. I just don't know how much longer I can continue to live like this....nothing is ever enough.
- JenLee's blog
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SS son did not say anything.
SS son did not say anything. It is all DH who has created an issue in his own mind, I don't think it is an issue with SS. SS has bought things with his own money before when BS did not. I can't take it out on SS because DH is so over protective, he thinks everyone is out to get his son. That is not fair. I am off work for the summer, so I try to kids the kids out of the house a few days a week.
Boy, have I tried. I even
Boy, have I tried. I even asked him why he married me if he thinks I am such and evil,hateful bitch. Then he syas, I did not say that. But basically he is.
I am about ready to walk. We have only been married 2 years, but have known each other 8. I love DH, he is a good man, but just so over protective.......
We have the same "discussion"
We have the same "discussion" about every 3 months or so. I will do one wrong thing, like not thinking to offer to let SS borrow money to buy a video game and everything else I have done right and good goes flying out the window. All the hours I spend with him working on homework, and talking to teachers and taking him to doctor and dental appointments...none of that counts for anything because of one over sight. DH is so protective and gets so defensive and angry. I beg him to just trust me that I am really not out to hurt his kid. After going rounds for hours, I alwasy end up saying, do you just want me to leave? At first he will not say anything, then he will say whatever you want to do, but I always put that ball back in his court. Then, fianlly he will say no and will agree to got with me to counseling.....that never transpires.....then things start building again....and it is just the same cycle over and over and over.......that is what he told me before he left for work this morning, that he is sorry and he will go to counseling....I reminded him how he has said it so many times but it never happens....he has assured me this time it will....I went a few times by myself but that was not really effective. DH is a good husband and father, we have a lot of good stuff going for us...I think if we can just get a little bit of guidance....only time will tell.
I did not mean it to sound
I did not mean it to sound like he does not contribute. He does. When he takes to boys out he foots the bill, or when we all go out as a family, he foots the bill. We each buy our own their clothes, unless I happen to run up on a sale or something. I do tend to be the one to plan and pay for the kids outings but only because of my schedule (I teach and have most of the same days off the kids do). I guess I was just making the point that no matter what I do, it is just never enough.
This is the kind of crap DW
This is the kind of crap DW pulls. If BS and BD gets a treat (like say, we take them out to McDonalds while SS is at his father's), DW goes around the bend to try and alleviate her guilt. First she'll actually try to stop all of us from going and insist we wait for a time when SS is with us. I told her there is a snow ball's chance in hell for that happening. I am not spending my life watching BS and BD grow up and not be able to treat them because SS is not with us. Next thing DW will try to do is try to arrange a "date night" with SS to make up for the time we went to McDonald's "just to be fair".
What is really happening here is your DH and my DW are magnifying the child's feelings. Of course the step-child is not going to speak up. They have NO FREAKING CLUE how to express their feelings because their bio-parent is all in their business figuring out their feelings for them. He'll tell you what you *should* have done which is, to make BOTH SS and DH happy. That is what it all boils down to. If the child shows just an iota of dissappointment, the bio-parent magnifies it and thinks the child is being utterly neglected.
Your example of one child going to Disney while the other is stuck in a closet may sound like an exagerration but it is spot on. In your DH's eyes, that is exactly what you did. They need to step back and realize that it is not the end of the world. For God's sakes teach the kid! They played arcade games, got some shirts, etc. Good times were had by all. Oh you wanted to do a little shopping with your own money too? Next time, remember to bring your wallet!
So let me ask you this? Does
So let me ask you this? Does your DH do for your BS like you do for SS??
Your story is sad to me because you seem to have a decent relationship with your SS, it doesn't sound like he is bad kid, but your DH is the one who is acting like a pestilent child! And whether he realizes it or not, his constant scrutiny and nit picking is making you want to distance yourself from your SS, NOT bring you closer together.
He does do things with and
He does do things with and for my stepson. I am the one with the boys most often though because I am a teacher and am off work most of the days the boys are home from school. Instead of letting them sit around on screens all day, I try to plan little outings, even if it is just going out to lunch and walking around the pet store or playing mini golf.
He does cause me to distance my self from SS. I feel a lot of resentment toward SS, I know that is wrong that it is not his fault.
Nothing is ever enough. Been
Nothing is ever enough. Been there, done it, spent it, was still not in the right. Kids are greedy. DH's don't seem to get it a lot of the time. I did made it a point to go on outings, out to eat, shopping trips, movies, swim parks and at the end of the day we had two different stories. My story was that the kids wanted more (which is most kids) I wouldn't let them order multiple desserts with lunch. I wouldn't let SD14 buy a $50 T-shirt from the mall, after I already made our planned purchased items from a discount retailer at the mall. They didn't get to see the R-rated movie they really wanted to see. Etc, Etc, Etc. Now, I no longer volunteer to do that crap. They can ask DH. I'm not going out of my way for ungrateful brats. DH can hear all the whining that I 'exaggerate' on.
I see the guilt motivating
I see the guilt motivating DH, but I also see an SS who is manipulating his father and you and using this "poor me" mentality to drive a wedge in your relationship with DH. This behavior needs to be curtailed ASAP.
I'd urge DH to redirect his angst and use it to motivate his child to speak up for what he wants. If he fails to speak up, he is not to make himself into a victim. You know, teach SS responsibility, that others cannot read our minds, and that the world does not revolve around SS.
Teaching these lessons is good parenting. Not teaching these lessons is failing your child.
Next time SS complains to Dad, the first question out of his mouth needs to be "Did you ask?" If the answer is no, then "Well, SS, your stepbrother is getting things because he speaks up when someone asks a question. You can't expect to get what you want if you refuse to speak up. And you certainly shouldn't expect that people will take your complaints after the fact seriously."
I told DH he same thing. I
I told DH he same thing. I cannot read SS's mind. I am happy to anything for him but he has to tell me. DH thinks I should have made the offer. It never crossed my mind. He did not show any particular interest in anything so I never thought about letting him borrow money.
I have told DH the same
I have told DH the same thing. When SS has a complaint lets all sit down together and work it out. The thing is I don't think SS even realizes there was an issue....I think DH has created the issue in his head....
This was the reason behind my
This was the reason behind my disengagement. DH was ALWAYS creating issues. Nothing I did was ever enough. He complained about how I did the laundry, why a certain dish I prepared for dinner was not good enough etc. Finally I stopped caring about whether he thought I was a 'good' stepmother or not because he was using it to jerk me around all the time.
I love doing for my family,
I love doing for my family, but I refuse to be treated like the hired help.....
I guess I am lucky, DH does not complain about the meals I cook or how I keep house. Just my interactions with SS. I just don't think he knows what role he wants me to play. I am supposed to care for him when DH is not here, but I can't correct any behaviors or question him about anything because I might hurt his feelings, but I am supposed to make sure he is up by 9:00 and has 2 eggs for breakfast. But what do I do when e refuses to get up? I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to get him out of bed, finally I just said, "fine, explain to your Dad when he gets home why you did not get up".He is going to come waltzing in the kitchen in a few minutes and want his eggs, which he is going to be taught how to do himself and how to clean up. I LOVE doing for my family, but I refused to be treated like the hired help!
I've had this issue with both
I've had this issue with both my SSs although more with YSS. BS will come in and ask "Can we have some ice cream for dessert?" now I caught on quick that YSS and at time OSS in cahoots, were sending BS to ask me, so my new answer was, "Yes BS you may have a bowl of ice cream, get out the ice cream and I'll get the bowl" BS would say, "Okay!!! I'll go tell the boys!" my reply, "No BS, you don't need to go tell them, if they wanted something they are perfectly capable of asking" My SS are 4-6 yrs OLDER than my BS. YSS would come up, see BS having ice cream, get pouty, and whine "Why does BS get ice cream?" My response, "because he ASKED" Did he get it?? No, because instead of saying, "May I have some too?" which absolutely he could, he turns, pouts and heads back to the TV. This happened repeatedly with many different things. My response was always, "Because BS asked for _____" At some point SSs whined to DH about it and he asked me about it, my response was, "Because BS ASKED for ______. Neither of your boys ASKED. If they asked they would have gotten the same thing" Either my SSs finally figured it out on their own and will ask, or DH clued them in by telling them, "well maybe you should ask"
SS son often asks BS to ask
SS son often asks BS to ask me soemthing. It drives me crazy, I tell SS he has a mouth and he can ask for himself. Really, over all SS is not so bad, but DH has created a situation where he scrutinizes my every interactions with SS. He makes me so uncomfortable, I have not even spoken to SS for the past 4 days. I hate being like that with a child, but I just don't know how to interact the way DH wants me to...........