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My story

Bethy's picture

I went from being married to a man, with no children, to overnight, being separated from that man, and living with a woman with 4 kids, 12,000 miles away from that does that happen you ask? I came out to my mother as a lesbian (well, bi, because I thought that would break it to her easier) when I was 15. She was less than thrilled to say the least, started crying and carted me off to a pastor to "pray away the gay". For those of you that may stick to that "logic", I will be the first one to tell you that it doesn't work....but because I did not want to be sent away (that was her threat at the time), I told her it was just a phase, and went back into the closet for 15 years. I married a man, because that was what I was supposed to do, and after 8 years of doing what he wanted, when he wanted, while he played video games for 18 hours a day, I decided that I needed to make myself I got online and found a support group for bi/lesbian women. I wasn't going on there to meet anyone, just for support. I ended up meeting Jess, and I fell in love, hard....I decided that I was going to leave my husband, and fly 12,000 to be with her, and her 4 kids, E (boy) 9, AJ (boy) 7, A (girl) almost 3, and J (boy), almost 2...I have been involved with the family since J was 4 months old....


Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Welcome! Sounds like you've had it rough. Sad How do your partners kids treat you? I hope they are accepting since that's what you need most.

Bethy's picture

For the most part, they are's the whole going from 0 kids to 4 that's difficult at times....but they are definitely accepting of our relationship....

JingerVZ's picture

Welcome to StepTalk.

Stepparenting - as you may have discovered- is an equal opportunity thing: it doesn't care about your religious persuasion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, blah, blah, blah, it's just gonna piss you off anyway... So stick around and get some brilliant advice, rotten advice, tears, laughter and experience sharing with a great group of people. (I joined recently and the people here helped me not go crazy! I am thankful. Smile )

MamaFox's picture

Wow Lady! I dont even know you (yet) and I am so flippin proud of you! You will totally ROCK this SM thing! (even if it totally sucks on occasion)