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What nice things does your SO do for you?

zerostepdrama's picture

Okay we are always (righfully so) complaining about what our SOs do wrong....or what they can do better...or what they dont do.

So what do they do that is right? Or something nice that they do for us? That makes us think....awwww this is why I am with this person.


Smellissa's picture

Oh boy! Hubby IS an ass, but..

He rubs my back whenever I ask. I have a medical condition where it is just a bad idea to get too hot, so he rubs my back with a cool cloth or alcohol.

Things that everyone else complains about, Hubby says "You are my wife, and I think you are beautiful. That's all that matters!" I get random texts that say how much he loves me, and how beautiful I am. In his phone, I am "My Beautiful Wife" (the SDs get a kick out of that one!).

If Hubby gets a few extra dollars at work, the first thing he does is call me to see if I want him to pick up carry out on the way home. He could be down to his last dollar, but he does NOT let me run out of pop or cigarettes, EVER! He doesn't drink pop, most of the time, but makes sure I have mine!

He doesn't get along with my family all the time, but he attends every single family outing. Doesn't matter if my family is mad at him, or if he feels out of place. He goes with me, and we take the girls.

I never do his laundry (He doesn't want me to, except maybe put what's in the washer into the dryer) but he will do mine.

Smellissa's picture

Ten years ago, my step-dad was dying. Mom was in denial, and step-dad was kept at home as long as possible. However, Mom wasn't able to care for him. She couldn't roll him over, or be available whenever he needed something.

I wanted to be there and to help Mom and Step-dad, but wasn't able to roll him over either. Hubby would take me over to Mom's house as soon as everyone else left. He would sit with me while I sat with Step-dad. If Step-dad needed to be rolled over, Hubby would get on one side, and I'd get on the other.

Hubby slept on Mom's sofa, in her bedroom. Mom slept on a love seat. Step-dad slept in bed, and I slept on the floor, if I slept.

If Step-dad craved an icey in the middle of the night? I would wake Hubby up, and he would run to the gas station. It didn't matter what Step-dad wanted, or what I needed Hubby to do for Step-dad. Hubby never complained.

A week before Step-dad died, he was taken to the hospital, but not one close by us. Hubby would drive me to the Hospital an hour away, drop me off, and pick up my mom. I'd sit with Step-dad, while Hubby ran Mom home to take a shower. While Hubby was at Mom's house with her, he'd watch her, and come back to the hospital and tell me what Mom needed (don't leave her alone at the hospital, she needs to get away more so encourage her, she's limping, offer to rub her feet).

Mom only drinks Caffeine free diet Dr. Pepper, and it's only available at the grocery store here. If Hubby and I were leaving to head to Mom, Hubby would ask me "Did you call your mom? Does she need pop?" In Step-dad's last days, Hubby slept in the hospital waiting room with me.

Hubby is USUALLY an ass, but he went above and beyond to make sure that Step-dad was taken care of in his last days. He had only known Step-dad a year and a month. He did all that for me.

Tuff Noogies's picture

dh sends random texts most days "good morning my beautiful wife i love you".


Frustr8d1's picture

DH pays every week to send SD to an after school program so I don't have to deal with her until he comes home at 6. He puts her in a full time summer camp too. Oh, aren't I such the happy stepmother?! *SARCASM*

katielee's picture

DH sings to me every morning:D Usually made up lyrics... like "I feel the turd a'comin'" (to the tune of "I See the Train a Comin' by Johnny Cash lol)

So he makes me laugh.

He calls me baby and slaps me on the ass.

Brags and brags on my cooking.

Fixes stuff for me when I need it.

Built me a chicken coop.

Kills spiders even though he's just as afraid of them as I am (the man will jump on a gator's back or catch a rattler by the head, but spiders? Oh hell no...)

He takes care of me and makes me feel safe.

Unfreakingreal's picture

My DH drives my teen to practice and to his games. He helps me with that boy as if he were his bio son. It's the nicest thing he could ever do for me.

CBCharlotte's picture

I stayed in a hotel for a wedding without SO last weekend, and we fought before I left and barely talked the whole time. While there, I got bit by bed bugs on my face! It was awful....about 10-15 bites around my eyebrows and one on my hand. Even though I was angry at SO and we were barely talking, he surprised me and left work early and brought me home a tube of benadryl lotion to help with the itch.

Kind of gross, I know, but it meant a lot. Then we talked about everything and went out to dinner and tried to convince me no one could tell I had bumps on my face.

Then proceeded to sing different versions of songs changing the lyrics to "bumps" to make me laugh, like "My bumps" by black eyed peas, "Bubble Bumb" by Major Lazer, etc.

He can be a pain in the @ss but I love him!

zerostepdrama's picture

My DH sends me a text almost every morning telling me he loves me, have a good day, etc.

He will bring me home flowers.

He find stuff at yardsales that he thinks me or BS will like and brings them home.

He will usually go and get me food or wine or whatever when I ask for it. Even if he has to get out of the bed. LOL.

He has done a lot of nice things for my BS- that costs money and time and I appreciate that. He built him a treehouse and spent a lot of money to do it.

He loves on my cats... I know he loves them too... but it means a lot that he treats my cats so good because I love those cats!

I can tell he appreciates sex. That he enjoys making sure I am fulfilled. My ex was very selfish when it came to sex and my needs. I appreciate that with DH (most of the time) he makes it feel like something we are doing together, not just for him to get off.

He will take my car to get fixed or do it himself, so I dont have to spend money or sit at the car place.

He is always nice when my family comes over.

He will drive me to my BFFs houses that live 2+ hours away and spend the night with me there. He does get to hang with her husband, but its more for me then it is for him. That means a lot.

blayze's picture

- He puts a pot of coffee on for me before leaving for work, kisses me on the lips while I sleep...then calls and makes sure I'm awake.

- He doesn't yell or scream. He fights fair. He stays cool as a cucumber.

- He never goes out. Even though he's popular and gets asked all the time, he'll invite his friends over instead.

- He calls to ask about my day and to share funny work stories.

- He kicks in extra money to the house whenever he gets bonuses.

- He is polite to my mom and stepdad and is SUPER kind to my son.

- He appreciates and compliments my cooking. Even something simple like - "Damn baby, these are the BEST chili dogs!"

- He keeps a raging boner for me - even when I look a hot mess.

- He shows me to my spiritual side while not condemning my distaste for organized religion.

- He's thoughtful; he picks up my and my son's favorite snacks when he's at the store.

- He remembers our conversations, asks me about my friends/clients, and encourages me to be in contact.

- He NEVER complains about anything. He has a perpetually sunny outlook.

- He keeps the conversation going. He also keeps me in the loop about everything in his life.

- He tries to be a good man.

Thanks for this, OP. I'm going to have to bookmark it for when I'm feeling resentful.

zerostepdrama's picture

Dang Blayze! I am jealous. Sounds like a good man Smile

My DH NEVER remembers stories I tell him or things about my friends and family and that really annoys me. I connect that way and he is the TOTAL opposite. It even hurts my feelings because its so non important to him and very important to me.

blayze's picture

Zerostepdrama, Ha! Before you give unnecessary praise... remember I'm here on Steptalk for a reason. SO is too freakin' nice to EVERYONE, not just me. Wink

That sucks about your stories. It does hurt when a man doesn't remember. My ex was like that. I felt like I was talking to a tree because he would never remember anything about my life. However, my ex and I could talk for hours about our shared interests and passions. SO and I don't have much in common so conversation is strained on my end - a lot. Catch-22.

misSTEP's picture

Yeah, that rock wall thing is pretty special. I don't know too many guys that "get" romance like that.

But my DH (of 13 years) will:

-text me constantly just to let me know he is thinking about me and loves me
-tell me I am beautiful even if I feel like hell
-tell me I don't need to say 'thank you' when he tells me I am beautiful because I am the one who should be thanked
-cooks all the time and is an amazing chef
-do laundry even though he has a sensitivity to sensations (kind of like autism)
-serve me surprise breakfast in bed
-run a bubble bath so it is waiting for me when I get home from work
-clean and fix things
-will do various chores or errands if I ask him to (not good at thinking of them himself but meh)
-protect me in any way he can think of
-make it his mission to see how often he can make me laugh every day
-hold my hand in public (maybe not a big thing but to me it is - especially how much social anxiety he has)
-Put his arm around me every night so I can fall asleep within seconds on his chest
-rock my world in bed OFTEN }:)
-do special things like filling up a room with balloons and baking a cake after I told him I wasn't looking forward to my birthday because birthdays are only special for kids.

Oh, and when I had a major surgery recently and wasn't in a room in the time frame they told us I would be, he broke out in HIVES by the time he got to see me, he was so concerned. I complained about how I would have a hard time sleeping without him. He bought me a stuffed monkey and sprayed some of his cologne on it in hopes I could sleep easier. Then he was my nurse while I recovered at home.

queenofthedamned's picture

Yay! A happy blog!

-My FDH tells me over and over how beautiful and sexy he thinks I am, even when he's seen me in nothing but yoga pants, workout clothes, or scrubs for weeks
-best. lover. ever.
-deals with his kids laundry, messes, etc
-brings me flowers
-kisses like he means it
-is hilarious
-puts up with me dragging him to plays that are not his style
-believes in me pursuing my dreams, even though it will mean tightening the belts for all of us for a while

K.C.'s picture

He actually started doing laundry now. He opens the car door for me. He doesn't yell at me for my smoking even though he quit. (I smoke outside only). That's about it. Smile He used to compliment me all the time but not anymore.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

He compliments me all the time, will do yard work when I ask him, help my parents company if I need it for free, clean BD's poop diapers when I'm sleeping, drive me to places if I don't feel like driving....

A lot of small stuff that just shows he's being considerate.

Then you have things like leaving his plates in the sink or pouring coffee grounds down the sink that he knows makes me nuts but still does it. But I leave his garden tools in the rain so I guess we all have our quirks!