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23 yrs old and in a relationship that involves 8 stepchildren and 2 together

MarNChar's picture

I am in a relationship with someone who has 8 kids with bm and 2 with me. Bm and him text and talk almost every day about kids and money, I'm not sure if this is normal but I'm not find of it. I haven't been but I do understand they have kids together. He doesn't talk to his other bm's though so just because he's known her since they were 14 he still talks to her? She asks for rides grocery shopping and to drs for the kids...and we are using my car. She doesn't have a license, her and my boyfriend are 37. I know my parents, who were separated, didn't talk like this or as often. He has told me she wanted him back before I got with him, but sd told me her mom would only take him back to cheat on him like he did her. She shouldn't know things like this, but she does unfortunately. Bm is very nice to me and texts or calls me if there is something important, which I do like. I just don't know if it's me being jealous and immature by not wanting them to be texting or talking so much or if it's normal.. Anyone have any input on this situation that could help make me feel better...or let me know if I should be feeling this way???

MarNChar's picture

They have ss19 ss17 sd16 sd14 ss13 and together we have ds11months and I'm 5 months pregnant. I'm serious... I do love my sk's, but I have so many problems with how she raised them and how they act which I know I can do nothing about. I hate how she says needs more money, yet he gives her more than what he was ordered to through the courts. She has a bf and always wants mine to do things for her. I just get so bothered by everything and I'm not sure if I should be.

twoviewpoints's picture

between the two threads OP has going at once, I got one kid for OP who is also pregnant, 5 skids from chatty BM (who OP is posting about excessive communication with OP's guy) and 3 more skids by 3 other BMs.