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Happy Mother's Day (of sorts)

Drac0's picture

Some of you may remember that last year, on the same day, I picked up SS the morning of Mother's Day and stopped by the store on the way home. I asked SS if he would like to come inside with me to pick out some flowers and a card for his Mom. SS said no, as he was too busy playing on his phone.

This year, I didn’t give SS any cues whatsoever. As far as I am concerned, he is old enough to go to the store to buy flowers, or make a card or whatever he wants to do give to DW on his own.

I pick up SS, and not a word is spoken about Mother’s Day. The whole time SS is just blabbing about some scary movie he saw last night (which probably meant he stayed up late again).

So we get home and everyone is awake. I prepare a Mother’s Day brunch. Little BS and BD even want to help me. SS? Nope. He just parks his duff in front of the couch and asks if he can change the channel. I haven’t even heard him wish DW “Happy Mother’s Day” yet.

Now, before I go any further, let me explain that Mother’s Day is usually the day where men on my side of the family, do all the cooking and cleaning and the Moms just relax. My Dad, myself and my brother arranged a pot-luck dinner at my Dad’s place. My DW was cool with this and told SS about it. SS just shrugs his shoulders and continues to watch TV. I spend most of the day cooking/looking after BS and BD while DW and SS sit on the couch and chill.

Apparently Mother's Day is also "Mother and SS Day"?

SS then goes downstairs and spends the rest of the afternoon on the Xbox. When it came time to us to leave, we call SS. He comes back upstairs, flops himself on the couch and says he doesn’t want to go to my parents.

“I don’t feel good.” He says.

DW asks him what’s wrong and SS just shrugs his shoulders saying he feels tired and weak. I tell DW that he most likely stayed up all night and now the sleep deprivation has caught up with him. DW asks SS what time he went to bed. SS says he doesn’t remember (SS NEVER remembers what time he went to bed at his father’s). DW tries to goad SS into coming saying that Drac0 and the men on Drac0’s side of the family have made a feast for the mothers on this special day.

SS still doesn’t budge.

By now, I have had it. I didn’t yell at SS, I just said “You know what SS? Next year, I am NOT going to pick you up from your father’s to bring you here so you can spend time with your mother on Mother’s Day. Next year, you can find your own way to get here, or you just stay at your Dad’s.”

SS finally relented and came to my parent’s place. He sulked the whole time which ended up angering DW. My Dad, ever the pragmatist just said “Why didn’t you just leave him at home to sulk at home?”. When we got home DW ripped into him and SS started crying (reset SS waterworks meter!) and then sent him straight to bed.

So....How was your Mother's Day?


bearcub25's picture

Yes, he should have just been left home.

SD didn't even see BM this weekend. She went to the twins house. I don't think that is right, but last year, we had to get SD from BM at 8am on Moms Day so at least I had the day for to do what I wanted.

Unfreakingreal's picture

DH took BS16 to the store to pick out a card for me. BS couldn't even bother to fill it out and give it to me. When i get home today, I'm ripping his fucking face off over it.
I hate teenagers.

Drac0's picture

Hey, my parents had that spoon decorating their wall in the 70's. It got thrown out when the 80's came around though....

By "divide" I took it as meaning how BS and BD are being raised and how SS is being raised? Probably. I will probably have a hand in that though as I have every intention of keeping my promise to both DW and SS in that if SS fails/drops out of HS, I am done and I expect him to pack his bags and move out. I refuse to support any children if they won't even put in the minimal amount of effort in their education.

ETA: By "any children" I mean, any child who has reached the age of emancipation

Drac0's picture

I headed him off at the pass and prepared everything in advance this time. By the time Saturday came around, everything I needed for Mother's Day was bought, wrapped and signed.