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Total disrespect!!!

imreadytorun's picture

Well SD came home from school Monday and loaded up the rest of her stuff. Her BF and his friend came and got her dresser. She hasn't spoke to me in 2 weeks. When her dad got home she told him she was done with her finals and had to go to school the next day to turn in books. She left and he came inside. So I asked him if he knew she was packing up and leaving. He said no. So yesterday I asked if he had heard from her and he said no. I told him I thought it was pretty shitty how she's handled this whole situation and how she left without even telling him she was gone or that was move out day...he said he thinks so too. So at work lastnight I was browsing Facebook and noticed she deleted me. So now I guess WW III will start when I get home and tell my husband that I have decided not to go to her graduation. We already had this discussion and I told him I hadnt decided if I was gonna go...his response was the eye roll and that's just gonna make things worse. I told him I was not going somewhere I wasn't wanted and not gonna be put in that situation with his entire family there. I was going to suck it up and go but after this charade I do believe it wud be best for me not to go. I am just so sick of this crap with her. She's so disrespectful!!


imreadytorun's picture

He tells me not going to her graduation will make things worse. I really don't see how it could make things any worse than they already are. It has now been a week since she left and she has not even attempted to make contact with her dad.
I did find out from one of her friends that she didn't even go to prom. Which sent me through the roof - all that nagging about her prom dress and us spending $250 on it - not to mention her grandmother taking the time to altar it and spend the time doing her hair and make-up for her and then to have someone else take the time out of their day to go take pictures. I'm guessing they met up at a location to take pictures and then went and did whatever else they decided to do which obviously was not go to prom. That's $250 that could have been spent elsewhere that would have been appreciated!
So....I have to wonder if she even plans on walking at graduation.

clydella's picture

Not your toilet, not your turd

I just laughed out loud sitting at my desk and everyone is staring at me. That's one of the best things I've ever read here, thank you for that.

OP, I wouldn't go to the graduation, just tell your DH no, I'm not going. Don't argue with him, don't say anything against SD, just a no, I'm not going. When you argue and point out all the things SD has done to you, then your DH will go into defense mode. He will feel that he has to protect SD from you, cause your the big bad SM.

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh hell, I'd go to the graduation! She's graduated! she's gone out of your house!! she hasn't spoken to you in two weeks!!! Those are ALL reasons to party hearty in my book.

I'd go, put on a super smiley Joker face for an hour and be done with it. You know not going will be a "win" in her column, which is all the more reason I would go. But I'm a beeotch.