If you were my friend on FB...you would know....
That I love my furbabies and there are lots of pics of them on FB. Most of my pics are of the furbabies. And the featherbaby.
That my BS spends most of his time without a shirt on.
That DH rarely smiles for pictures.
That I probably drink way too much when I go out and when I do, I take a lot of pictures with my friends.
That I like sarcastic humor, memes and things like that.
So anyone else want to share?
I always think its funny when you become FB friends with someone (that you know IRL or over the internet) and then its like HOLY SHIT they love to take pics of their house or post about their bitchy mother in law or they have about 500 selfies.
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I love my
I love my furbabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and have big boobs!!! haha
and have big boobs!!! }:) haha just teasing
Actually, I won't put that on
Actually, I won't put that on FB lol Goodness knows the reaction I would get out of DH's side of the family.
haha probably smart!
haha probably smart!
If you saw my facebook...
If you saw my facebook...
you would know how close my sisters and I are- they love to take pictures. You would think we were dorks for always matching but don't plan our wardrobes in advance, just shop at the same stores/have similar taste.
you would think I am a Disney parent- my facebook is covered with pictures of my kids/skids including a lot of fun things and vacations. Of course I don't post pics of them sitting in time out or doing chores lol, but a lot of my family lives far away so facebook is great for them to see how big the kids are getting
you would know that I am not a fan of a certain political party (although, I'm pretty careful about what I post because of my job so it's all cryptic)
you would know that I have a very silly/immature sense of humor as there are a million posts/likes with pictures of silly puns and jokes.
you would know that I am kind of a tomboy and a huge sports fan!
Im in on this dream as well
Im in on this dream as well
sounds lovely.
The little red eyes get me
The little red eyes get me lol
My furbabies rule. I effing
My furbabies rule. I effing love science, and snarkiness, and my FDH is a cutie patootie.
I love those quizes too! What
I love those quizes too! What rock band are you? What generation should you have been born? Or the "You know you were from the 90s if....." LOL
You would know from my
You would know from my facebook page that DH and I are very much home bodies. Working on building our hobby farm piece by piece. Love our kids and really dont post to much on facebook.
You'd think I lived on a farm
You'd think I lived on a farm and a have a strange fascination with backyard fowl. You may notice I have some skids, but that I'm really interested in date-time with my husband, organic gardening, and animal rescue.
You'd also notice that I'm never on FB outside of work hours. I'm not a "location check-ins" kind of person. I don't own a smartphone, so I have no means to interrupt my activities for status updates.
You would know from my
You would know from my facebook page that my life revolves around BS. All pictures and posts usually center sround him. That is so grandma's get to see what he is up to.
That I love a particular
That I love a particular sport
That I appear to only have 1 girl child, my older child is at a very difficult stage and we are not close.
She happens to play said sport and is likely to go somewhere with it someday
That I generally am a happy person, who drives a convertible (my baby) rides motorcycles (my girls) and enjoys life through many activities
if i HAD a facebook, ya'll
if i HAD a facebook, ya'll wouldn't see much! i guess u'd figure out that i'm an intensly private person
and that i love my dog.
Haha! You probably wouldn't
Haha! You probably wouldn't know a whole lot! I don't go on FB much, only really to see what's new with my sisters and cousins. You would see a few pics of my BS17, DH and fur babies, and a couple of my martial arts tourneys. That's about it. Oh! And the deer in the backyard and the Christmas tree. I get obsessed with the Christmas tree every year and take like 100 pictures of it!
I'm a liker. I follow
I'm a liker. I follow several dog personalities and comment on their pictures a lot. I love my family. I do not post much of my personal life.
I am the same way tryingmom.
I am the same way tryingmom. I like things and that is about it. My DD set up my FB about 5 years ago and I look at things, but rarely comment, only like. I usually change my profile picture about once every year or two. lol
I know people that change FB profile pic every darn day! ugh.
My son (who will not friend
My son (who will not friend me on FB) has the same group of friends since 4th grade. One of his friends got married and moved away, I am friends with he and his wife, so I can be the great Auntie, he calls me the liker, if I comment on any of the great nephews pictures he always comments that its nice to see me come out of the liker phase of FB. LOL, he is like my second son.
you would know that I love
you would know that I love memes about duck face. I don't post a lot of pictures of my family. I love tattoos. I have a lot of animal rescue fb friends and follow several animal rescue orgs.
You would know that I rarely
You would know that I rarely post anything but my husband tags me in EVERYTHING. Ugh. Every single time we go out to eat...check in. Every single show we go to....check in. Every trip we take....check in. Every single cute dog or cat meme...tag. Every single pic (and there are hundreds per month I think) of our own animals....tag.
He tags me in embarrassing photos and statuses and I'm so glad I have blocked all of my co-workers.
You would know that I am a science nerd. I get tagged in lots of cat memes about my profession. You know, the same old lame corny jokes that have always existed but now they are bearable because there is a cat in a lab coat telling the joke.
Nope, you're not the last
Nope, you're not the last one. I would waste too much time on there too!
If you saw my FB.... You'd
If you saw my FB....
You'd know I'm a young woman who loves her cats, riding motorcycles and have gone to too many funerals this year. (Not to be a downer, sorry guys) and that I am currently preoccupied planning my wedding and having fun on thursday ladies night with my girlfriends.
If I were to post my real
If I were to post my real life on my facebook, then my friend's and families jaws would drop.
I have been across the country, twice. I have at least one date night ( sometimes two) with my husband every week. We also enjoy at least one day date while the kids are in school or at camp. We enjoy going to adult cocktails, a little gambling, and other fun stuff. We spend the night in different cities, sometimes with the kids, and sometimes without, to go and try different breweries and explore new places. We have been to most major cities and some nice small ones in between. We get babysitters for our kids at least once a week, sometimes more. I enjoy getting really dressed up and looking great, and my husband does the same.
But if you looked at my facebook you would think that I live a very bland life only snapping a pic of my kids on a holiday or two. And that our lives were just work, home, rinse repeat. So facebook is very decieving.