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My own mother cutting me out of the family

newbiestepmom25's picture

I just need a second to vent my emotions before I get tears all over my keyboard at work. I got a text from my brother asking me if I wanted to carpool to the family reunion and if I already had my hotel money. No one even told me the family reunion was happening this year. He assumed our mother filled me in. I messaged my mother to tell her I was coming after not answering my text for two days I received a call this morning.

* this isn't an exact transcript just the best of my memory*

Mom: Hey honey I just think it'd be best for you to skip the reunion this year.

Me: why? I have the money.

Mom: You know how the family gets. They'll ask where your stepsons and husband are.

Me: Ex husband mom and most the family knows about the divorce anyways.

Mom: Hun just listen to your mother for once.

Me: Wow your still upset with me over the divorce aren't you?

Mom: I just think you could have tried harder that's all.

Me: Mom he cheated on me. He put me through hell.

Mom: If you start crying I'm putting my phone down. You could have forgave him and really worked on it. If your dad would have tried harder and stayed then you wouldn't have had to witness divorce because I would have tried. I did try.

Me: Mom this isn't about you. Its over its been over.

Mom: Those poor boys. Your step sons. They've had the rug pulled from under them twice.

Me: That's their father's fault

Mom: It takes to end a marriage or salvage one.

Me: Mom. I'm going to the reunion. I have to go to work now.

Mom: Well maybe I won't go.

Me: Bye mom

Mom: I'm praying for you. Its never to late.

My heart burns. She doesn't get how her words alone affect me. She makes me feel like dirt. I don't even feel like going to the reunion anymore. Right now I would just like to let out this cry that I'm holding in. I think I'm going to plan a trip for me and DS to my father's farm and spend some time with my dad and stepmom. I don't even want to be around a mother that doesn't want to be around me.


hereiam's picture

Wow, what kind of mother wants her daughter to stay with a man who treated her like your ex treated you? So sorry.

Do you think she will really not go to the reunion if you go? If not, I would make sure she knows you are going and then go and have a good time with the rest of your family.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Okay. Your mom has problems and I think it's time to recognize that you can't fix crazy so don't get too upset over what a sick old woman says.

I think this you hit the nail on the head when you said "This isn't about you." because I think there has to be some trauma related to her divorce, which is causing her to get triggered by yours. She's pissed you left because she may be superimposing your father (the one who gave up) onto you.

My mother is also one who stuck through it (my dad cheated on her twice), and that's also her view. Although I respect her beliefs, she knows I would rather die than stay, and she respects mine as well.

I wish someone else from your family would stick up for you, and show your mom just how crazy she is.

bluehighlighter's picture

^^^^ This... Your mom sounds shitty and she is making it about her own regrets etc. You are loveable, I'm sure you've done the right thing for yourself. You shouldn't stay with some asshole that cheats this isn't the 1960's.

My mom is crazy they never really get better, have to set boundaries with her. Just know that you ARE NOT crazy and she's not being a mom right now she's being a selfish worrier about her own problems and issues. You didn't cause any of that. It's her problem not yours.

I know it feels completely shitty. maybe do something fun with a very supportive and fun friend. I know I can't count on my own family to be supportive or warm or anything but I have some kick ass friends who are my chosen family. Go to the reunion if you want! They are your family... all of them you're right that it's not about her.

misSTEP's picture

Definitely a projection of your mom's own issues with her own divorce onto you.

And anyways, this is NOT the 50s anymore. Getting a divorce does NOT make you a leper.

overworkedmom's picture

OMG!!! ((((HUGS)))

Screw her, that is the stupidest thing in the world! You did the right thing leaving that jerk off. Don't feel bad for standing up for yourself for even a minute. Shame on her for not supporting you!

hereiam's picture

I wish someone else from your family would stick up for you, and show your mom just how crazy she is.

This is why I think you should go to the reunion. Your family can see you for themselves and hear your side of the story, if they're interested, and your mom can't just go around giving her version, convincing everyone that YOU screwed up and that you're the crazy one.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

You know what? I bet that's why your mom doesn't want you there, because then you'll expose her lies.

BadFairyII's picture

This is heartbreaking. I am so sorry your mother is treating you this way. If your mother is willing to stay with a man who is unfaithful, that's her idiocy but don't you dare let her make you feel bad for making healthy lifestyle choices. (((((hugs)))))

Shaman29's picture

Go to the reunion and have a great time.

Your mother obviously has some personal issues she's projecting onto you. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.


Midwest Stepmom's picture

My mom loves to play the victim role and it sounds like your mom does too. Everything revolves around these type of women. When I announced my pregnancy my mom tried to steal the spotlight because it was her first grandchild.

There is just way to many stories for me with my Mother - over the years I've slowly been cutting her out of my life, she causes nothing but pain. I am usually not a crying type of person but there are two people that can make me cry for hours - my Mother and my dh ex.

Maybe put distance and time between you and your mother if your not ready to cut her out. Make her be the first to say anything, and make her see what she said was wrong. No women should feel bad for leaving a cheating husband.

DarkStar's picture

Sweetie, your mom can't cut you out of the family. I'll bet she's the only one having kittens about your divorce, the rest of your family will probably welcome you with open arms. She's being a nasty bitch, and boy, do I know how that hurts. Mothers just seem to have special knives that tear our hearts out.

Go to the reunion and enjoy yourself with the family that loves and welcomes you.

Bojangles's picture

There is no doubt that you made the right decision, that was made even clearer by his behaviour after you told him you wanted to separate. I only wish I had had your courage a long time ago. You know why your mother is saying these things, but I know that doesn't make it any easier to hear words which undermine you from someone who you really want to support you and have your back. Go to the reunion, to not go is to collude in this daft idea your mother has that you have done something wrong. Go with your head held high and I'm sure many other family members will understand what you did and why.

tabby yabba do's picture

After reading this, I feel a little more compassion for my SD12 and SD8. Sometimes I forget how hurtful it must be having a toxic mother. I imagine being subjected to this toxic behavior as a kid must have been even more terrible.

Hang in there, newbie.