Simple questions
1. Do you let you children swear?
2. If so at what age?
3. If not, if they continue to swear (like 3-10 times an hour) do you
a. Ignore it
b. just say "don't cuss"
c. discipline them
If c. What do you do???
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For me? Just no. I'm 35 and
For me? Just no.
I'm 35 and don't swear infront of my parents OR even my siblings. My kids better not EVER.
Nope. I don't even want my
Nope. I don't even want my son to say dang it. It sounds too close to the real deal. I'm curious to see if he's going to test me though, let's just say it won't turn out well. }:)
I don't let MY kids say "f
I don't let MY kids say "f word alternatives" like freak, freaking, friggin, etc. Not crap, shoot, etc
SS12. DH would say "I don't let him cuss, I tell him not to." But he swears constantly. When my boys were little they tried to swear. They got a pump of soap in their mouth. Problem solved. DH says bio moth & her family swear like sailors. I don't care!!! We don't! Adapt. He's almost 13. Come on!!!
I don't have kids, but if I
I don't have kids, but if I did, I would not let them swear. My mom cussed (but rarely the "f" word) but I knew that I was not allowed to to.
To this day, I do not swear in front of my dad and I cuss at my own home like a sailor. It's called r-e-s-p-e-c-t. I have always had a certain amount of respect for my parents, even as a rebellious teenager.
No. if my future child
No. if my future child cusses, they will get a swift pop in the mouth just like I did as a child.
DH deals with SD7. She doesn't cuss but if she were to, that would be his problem.
1. Do you let you children
1. Do you let you children swear? NO
2. If so at what age? I now have an adult child if she slips in front of me she gets "the eye" if she curses at me she's homeless
3. If not, if they continue to swear (like 3-10 times an hour) do you
a. Ignore it
b. just say "don't cuss"
c. discipline them
If c. What do you do???
My rule because I curse and the F word is frequently out of my mouth, we taught the kids they were "grown up words" that until they developed a mature vocabulary and were adults they could not use shortcuts and curse. Did it happen sure! First curse words out of my oldest at 2 she tripped and out of her mouth "shit." everyone looked at me I explained it was grown up word and she was not allowed to use it, if she did it again it's be a hand smack.
Little while later she falls again "God damn it all to hell." That was probably the hardest it's been to NOT crack up she didn't use shit. But I told her those were also grown up words and she took her hand smack.
There for a bit she would smack our hands for "unnecessary use of grown up words!" we broke her of that because we cut back.
My kids have stood with a bar of soap in their mouths but that was for serious sass and not cursing. I know they do it around their friends but out of respect not in my home or the presence of adults they were raised better. I've been lucky it worked. I ate a lot of soap over the S word then commenced to march to school everyday mumbling every curse word I could make up just because I could. Only person allowed to say shut up is me, and if I hear "stop it" more than once skids have to be separated for 2 hours. I also don't allow "I hate you" that will get a pop in the mouth heck I don't allow hate to be used just willy nilly either. Skids ever curse at me they will likely get the pop in the mouth after eating soap if that doesn't teach em my hand will.
Im sure i will get slammed.
Im sure i will get slammed. LOL but, yes i do.
BS is 16, swears in his room while playing video games.
Does he swear in front of me? No. Not in normal every day conversation. I have let him say a few choice words as he was talking with me about passionate or serious subjects. In the same breath i have corrected him if his swearing became a word ot two too many.
He cusses all he wants in his room. Honestly i dont care when he does it in his room. If i hear him too much i go up there and ask him to quiet down. He does.
We dont swear much in the household over all as far as everyday conversation goes, but if were venting or getting worked up we may drop a word here or there. (We meaning me and fdh)
When I was with my BM I wasnt
When I was with my BM I wasnt allowed to swear, when I was about 13 or so I swore at my step dad, which saw me get dragged to the kitchen to have my mouth washed out by BM, soap doesnt taste nice but it worked I didnt swear at him again.
With my dad I was "allowed" to swear, but never at someone, it would be swearing in frustration or so. At various points if there seemed to be too much swearing then dad and step mum would have us all try to not swear so much and we were never allowed to say the c-word.
Whenever there were young children at the house, anyone under 10 there was no swearing. At one point my step mum got pissed with how much my dad and step brothers were swearing, particularly when they were out smoking in the garden so she installed a swear jar.
I think there is a big difference whether the person is swearing at another person or swearing at a game or in frustration or so. There are certain games I cant play without saying ffs.
As long as its known theres a time and a place and its still the judgement of the parent as to what words/how much and in which circumstances its ok then its ok.
You could never swear around my grandmother, swear words to her were damn bugger and sod, she would say all three when she swore, anything stronger wouldve given her a heart attack
I waited until bd was about
I waited until bd was about 15, but aside from that, I did pretty much the same thing you did. I let her do a lot that most parents would not have allowed. she had 2 piecings in her lip. one at 14, one at 16. I let her dye her hair. I let her dress in that annoying all black goth bullshit. I let her go through her stages. not because I'm over permissive, but because I know that if kids don't get to express themselves within reason, they will go overboard when they are of age. she just turned 19, she decided months ago to take her lip rings out for good, and she said she is done dying her hair (after she overdid it last year and fried it all, just like I told her would happen). she wears normal clothes now, even dresses (!) and clothes with actual color in them. my plan worked. she got all that crap out of her system and now that she is an adult, she isn't doing any of that, she looks appropriate and is heading off to college in September. much rather she looked like a jackass as a teenager then as an adult!
1. Do you let you children
1. Do you let you children swear?
Heck NO!!
2. If so at what age?
When they have their own house they can do what they want.
3. If not, if they continue to swear (like 3-10 times an hour) do you
a. Ignore it
b. just say "don't cuss"
c. discipline them
If c. What do you do???
I find making them hold a bar of soap in their mouths for 2 minutes while standing in the corner like a baby works wonders! My bios both have never cursed in front of me again and SS now will start crying and apologize and we are good for a few weeks. They have only done the actual punishment once.
kids are usually going to
kids are usually going to swear whether their parents like it or not, they just do it away from their parents. we all know that. I let bd19 start swearing in front of me at about 15. they are certain words I won't allow. I don't like GD or JC. HATE THEM. and she better take it easy on the F bombs. she's been a mild curser. usually just "damn" or "shit". and she knows enough to not talk like that all the time, just at home. had she made a habit of overdoing it or doing it when she was younger, I dont' know for sure what I would have done, but it would have been addressed. I probably would have made her write sentences. she HATED writing sentences.
No and never. This is sort of
No and never.
This is sort of a current issue for me. My kids are toddlers and repeat words. My father, DH, and SD curse like crazy, especially the f word. I think cursing is trashy, and is really only acceptable in very rare circumstances, like extreme pain or something like that. I'm almost at the point where I'm going to stop allowing my own father around my children if he can't control himself.
My mother never allowed me to curse, or use any similar words (frig, freak) and I appreciate that now very much.
I did let bd19 curse at about
I did let bd19 curse at about 15 (within reason), but I do agree about the trashiness when it's all that a person ever does. my brother says "fucking" just about every other word. it's very annoying and it makes him look stupid. well, he is stupid anyway. but still.
My youngest BS15 is not allow
My youngest BS15 is not allow to swear. Occasionally if he is really upset and trying to describe someone else's conversation to me he will ask first like "Can I use the H word?" Depending on the situation I will allow him a pass every once in awhile. I base this on his age. If he were much younger it would be soap in the mouth.
My oldest BS21 had the same set up. Now that he lives on his own I don't have a problem if he drops a swear word or two in a conversation with me. He's an adult. He can make his own decisions.
That being said, I raised both of my boys with manners and they know when and how to speak with respect and how to behave with courtesy and kindness. I'm pretty damn proud that my boys know that they had better open that door for the girl with them or they are going to hear about it from me!! It's ingrained in them now from years of me telling them "open the door for ladies, take your hat off at the dinner table, etc."
SS8 - he's doomed. DH cusses in front of him way too much. I'm pretty sure BM and her husband do also. Not my kid, not my problem. This kid has trouble using utensils properly at a meal. Cussing is the least of his problems.
BS17 swears now and then, but
BS17 swears now and then, but only around DH and I and only in a joking context. He knows not to swear around other people or in a mean way.
SS14 really doesn't swear. In fact, I think he said the "mofo" word once, was told it wasn't to happen again, and it hasn't.
If swearing was an issue, there would definitely be some kind of consequence, like maybe a swear jar or an essay on swearing and why it's disrespectful.
I probably swaer worse than anyone in my house, LOL!
Maybe I need to be the one writing the essay!
I have a 4 month BS and a 3yr
I have a 4 month BS and a 3yr old SD. So definitely not yet. And we don't cuss around SD, she is in her parrot stage.
My brother and I were allowed to cuss in front of our parents at 16. They didn't care as long as we never used them in anger towards them. Now, we all swear to each other in conversation in private. If we are all like out to dinner we behave better as to not upset other people and there might be kids around. We all have mouths like sailors.
Hey, a good alternative to
Hey, a good alternative to washing mouths out with soap......VINEGAR. Soak the end of a washcloth in vinegar and stick it in their mouths.