bd19 forgot her lunch today. she texted and asked me to bring it to her. bs9mos is sick and I am not leaving or taking him out today. I texted back and told her to just buy lunch today. she said she didn't have any money on her. so now I'm annoyed. how the hell do you forget your lunch? you take it every day, you would think walking out she would have felt like she was missing something. I asked SO to take it to her, and I'm sure he could tell by my tone that I was annoyed. had it been a book or something, I would have just said no. do without. but it's her lunch, so this one time, ok. if she forgets it again, she will do without. maybe then she would not forget again. her school is about 10 mins away. SO was bitching and moaning about it, acting like it was ruining his whole day. well I was pretty aggravated about it too, but let me tell you why his reaction pisses me off...
a few years ago when sd21 was living here full time, she slept in as usual and missed the bus, which was a habit for her, on the days she bothered to go to school at all. she went to a different school, the one she had been going to before her mom ran off with a boyfriend to another state, and that school is a half hour drive from here. so SO having to take her there pissed me off when she had a bus that would take her, but just didn't feel like getting up in time to catch it. so he takes her to school when she missed the bus. he gets all the way back home, and she calls him and asks him to bring her Tylenol because she's having cramps. :O wtf? first of all, can't you get that from a friend or the school nurse? second, why the FUCK did she not either take it with her, or ask him to stop on the way to get some from the store? no. she waits until he is all the way back home and wants him to make another trip for her. and.....he fucking did it. yup. he made another trip in to take princess her Tylenol. so he drove a total of 2 fucking hours that day, burning up gas unnecessarily all because she didn't feel like getting up on time and didn't bother to take a fucking aspirin with her. yet it's a big damn deal to drive bd her lunch 10 mins away? really? you can bet he wasn't bitching and moaning when princess wanted her fucking Tylenol!
I was so tempted to bring that up, but he wouldn't remember it and would deny it anyway. asshole. (sd pulling that shit is why I dreamed once that she forgot to put her class ring on and called to ask SO to take it to her at school and he did it!)
If it were SD she probably
If it were SD she probably would have told her to deal with it, but it was her Bio.
no it was my kid that forgot
no it was my kid that forgot her lunch. if she forgets again, she's SOL. I'm annoyed, but I think after what SO did for sd repeatedly, he should stfu about it.
In steplife we can always
In steplife we can always count on drama and double standards!
well, he could either take it
well, he could either take it to her or watch the baby while I did it, so either way, he was gonna have to do something. furthermore, he and bd have a good relationship. nice assumptions on your part, though. as usual.
whatever you say. go find
whatever you say. go find someone else to pick at. I've never been impressed by you, and I am not going to defend myself to you or your kind.
see above comment to your
see above comment to your sister.
Meh. I understand your
Meh. I understand your frustration...probably would have bothered me too. And that's what this board is for! Venting! It's fun!
I don't see the point in attacking OP - we're here to vent about things. Whether it matters to others or not is inconsequential. No need to try to tear others down.
those 2 are here for ONLY
those 2 are here for ONLY that reason. I learned long ago to not pay any attention to anything either of them says because it's constantly argumentative, off target, and just plain wrong. they are here to stir shit. they apparently haven't learned that I won't have it with either of them. and thank you for understanding.