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I should press charges or file a report

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

On SD's FIL who physically assaulted me by tripping me but I don't have their kind of meanness in me.
Besides he and the rest of them would probably lie and say I kicked him.

Instead I'll just watch for the karma bus and try not to laugh when they get hit.


bearcub25's picture

You should have just got up, turned around and kicked him in the balls. That works as well too.

furkidsforme's picture

I don't think you should file a report, simply because you know they will spin this into a "Positively is CRAZZZEEEEE" scenario.

That said, your SD's FIL is a bully, and bully are actually cowards and can't stand to be confronted. I agree you should avoid any contact if possible, but if you ever are around him again and he does it I would LOUDLY say "SD's FIL, why are you blocking my way and trying to trip me? Do you think that is funny? I don't think it's funny to pick on anyone, especially when a man is picking on a woman. What are you trying to do by standing here and trying to block me?" I bet he would be humiliated.

What a douche. Was he trying to be funny? Playful? Threatening? Was he drunk? Who does that?

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

"I don't think you should file a report, simply because you know they will spin this into a "Positively is CRAZZZEEEEE" scenario."

I'm sure they would, which is why I was okay with just leave and be done with it.

"That said, your SD's FIL is a bully, and bully are actually cowards and can't stand to be confronted. I agree you should avoid any contact if possible, but if you ever are around him again and he does it I would LOUDLY say "SD's FIL, why are you blocking my way and trying to trip me? Do you think that is funny? I don't think it's funny to pick on anyone, especially when a man is picking on a woman. What are you trying to do by standing here and trying to block me?" I bet he would be humiliated."

People that sick in the head are not capable of being humiliated or shamed by their behavior.

No, that would also be spun as P4S is crazy. They are all a bunch of remorseless psychopaths who would lie and deny until they're six feet under. Better to just shut up and leave with this bunch.

I'd bet money SD put him up to this, but my husband refuses to see just how manipulative she really has been all these years or he gets a vicarious thrill out of letting them do his dirty work(he is abusive)for him. He gets to see me hurt, but he looks like the good guy because he's not the one who did it.

I have been punished for marrying him and seeing things as they really are. It is not my fucking job to take the blame for everything that ever went wrong. It is not my fucking job to put up with everyone and their abuse.

I am working toward getting a job. When I do, I am going to save as much money as I can and if I am ever forced to leave again, I will never come back.

I can't picture myself marrying again at this age. Anyone I meet will have kids by now. I am never doing this ever again.

I had reached the point of indifference. This incident brought the hatred back again. I don't want to be hateful. I just want to never have to deal with them again.

Maybe the time for family outings is over if my own husband will continue to offer me as a captive plaything.

(I should change my user name to Mattel.)