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bitchy wife of friend

bluehighlighter's picture

bitchy wife of friend decided that she doesn't think me and SO should be together b/c we took away from her and her husbands time with him last week. They see each other once to twice a week with their kids playing mostly just drinking.

This is the same woman who when I first met her I rode with her to a "girls dinner" /wives of my SO's friends and the whole way she decided to tell me all the gory details of Biomom and SO along with SO's brief dating history and preferences. Then fast forward a few weeks later at a concert with same group of couples and she decides to announce in a van full of people BioMoms' name a few times into random conversation. (everyone hated biomom including her)

then fast forward a month or two later and she decided that I should know all about SO's past sex partner and she invited the past one time sexual encounter partner to our family camping trip where I had invited my best friend her husband and kid. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO after we learned she invited this girl (who never actually get's invited to anything b/c no one really talks to her anymore) We decide to ditch the camping and go to the ZOO. After that we go over to this bitchy wife of friend and friend's house and she corners me in the kitchen to tell me all of the details again of this girl SO slept with once 15 years ago. I listen to her for a bit and then she gets personal. "oh (past sex partner) doesn't want children b/c she knows she can't travel after she has them, she and her husband have a wonderful life being childless and traveling around the world....blah blah...."

finally one day I told her "look I don't know what the point of you doing all this is but I don't need to know about it any of this stuff SO will tell me or we can talk about it ...etc but basically lay the F off of me with this nonsense"

So yesterday she decided to tell me she thinks I'm bad for her and SO's relationship :jawdrop: YOU HAVE A HUSBAND. This lady blabs her mouth about everyones business shares "Secrets" and "gossip" that shouldn't be shared about people if you consider them your friends...

I've learned to deal with her but she's now saying that I affect her and MY SO's relationship. HAAAAAAAAAA seriously. I haven't even told SO b/c it's not worth mentioning and spending the time or attention on her stupidness. but seriously????

She blames me for anything that's ever happened in his and my relationship most of which she has no clue wth she's even talking about b/c no one tells her anything for fear that it will be on CNN.
She tries to be mothering I'm 30 and a hell of a lot more mature than her at nearly 36.


zerostepdrama's picture

Why does she know so much about your SO's sex life? Does she get in good with every woman he has ever slept with and get the details?

This lady has serious boundary issues. Do you think she has a crush on your SO? Even like a friend crush?

She is rude.

bluehighlighter's picture

idk everyone thinks her husband is gay and she kinda trapped him with they were younger with a pregnancy. She's a good babysitter and that's about it. She is very rude. I don't think she has a crush on him no, I think she likes that he would come over with his son but that was to see his best friend her possibly gay husband. IDK what's wrong with her. At the beginning of our relationship I really cared what she thought of me b/c she was a good friend to him I thought but apparently no one really likes her and they just put up with her in order to hang out with her cool husband and all their friends from college days.

SO says she has no friends b/c she is the way she is which is sad. I try to be "nice" to her talk about throw pillows and random shit and not let her get to me but she's like "you aren't gonna like this but I told SO you shouldn't be together" excuse me??? LOL LOL no no no no hahahaha joke is on you lady

bi's picture

she hates her life. plain and simple. so she wants to make other people unhappy, too. I can't believe you referred to her as a "lady". you are way nicer than me!

ltman's picture

She wants your SO. She tells you things to make you go away.

I would next time all of you are together ask her in front of everyone why she has been so interested in SO's partners and sex life. It just may shut here up.

bluehighlighter's picture

She really doesn't want him I'm like the only person that wants him she's just nuts. Sad

bluehighlighter's picture

I stood up for myself again to her... that I am NOT going anywhere and that she can be support to SS and SO or not...

I told SO about her most recent crap and he admitted that she'd been telling him at every opportunity to leave me etc. That he blocks her out and grabs his son to leave and just says "yea yea whatever"

I told him that he needed to stand up more than that he agreed and said the next time he would tell her "i don't care for your opinion and I don't want to hear it. you are to respect bluehighlighter end of discussion."