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Frugal and cheapy tips please

TickedOff's picture

I know there have been other blogs like this. My mother had some pretty large medical bills and DH and I gladly handled them. More than worth it. But now we need to cut way back. We also have SD16's and DD's college funds to worry about. I'm looking for ways to save on our water and gas bills. They've gotten beyond ridcoulous. We pay around 1,500 for gas water and electric combined each month.

Also how to feed a family of 5 plus 3 furbabaies without getting crap food. We have been trying to eat healthy but our grociery bills have been over 650 a month. We need to cut waaaaay back. The couponing thing is confusing and most of my local stores won't double or stack coupons. Just the basic toileteries are emptying our pockets especially with DD and I having dry skin.



Anon2009's picture

About the groceries, use lots of coupons and load up on the stuff you like when it's on sale.

About the electric bill, switch off and unplug appliances when they're not in use. DH and I do this all the time. It has made a difference in our electric bill and it is also good for the environment.

Starla's picture

Have you tried going to the food shelf? Also some churches give out food, clothes, and other stuff too. You would need to fill out a simple form and bring a bill to verify your address then if you qualify, they give you a card which you have to renew yearly and go from there. Maybe try for welfare too, the worst they can say, is "no".

That is really sweet of you guys to handle your mother's medical bills like that. Smile

Willow2010's picture

Make your won laundry soap and cleaners.

Buy and stock up on sale items. 650 dollars a month on groceries for a family of 5 is so high!

When you shower. Turn on the water and get your hair and body wet. Turn off the water. Lather up your body and hair. turn the water back on and rinse it all off at one time.

I have so many tips and they are all escaping me now!

Elizabeth's picture

There are four of us her and I spend less than half of what you do on groceries monthly.

1. Make your own food, buy less processed (which is more expensive because you are paying for the convenience). For example, you can buy one can of beans for $1 or buy a pound bag for the same price that yields the same as four cans of beans.
2. Buy produce seasonally when it is on sale. Straweberries aren't on sale, we don't have them. Green peppers are on sale, we eat more of those that week.
3. Use up what you have. Go through your pantry, freezer, refrigerator. What do you have that you can put together into a meal? Get creative.
4. Make more meatless meals or stuff that doesn't require a lot of meat. I make a potato soup my kids LOVE and it only has about 1/3 of a pound of bacon for garnish, plus some shredded cheese. The rest is potatos, onions, chicken broth. Cheap (get potatos on sale), filling and delicious.
5. Buy meat in bulk, divide it up. I'll buy boneless skinless chicken breasts when they are on a good sale, but I'll get like 10 pounds. Then separate them out for separate meals. Same goes for ground beef, pork roast, etc.

With regard to your electric bills, check and see if your provider discounts rates during low usage periods (like after midnight). If so, program your dishwasher and washing machine (if you can) during those times.