Input on how to deal with lying from parents of teens/stepparents of teens
So, I'm looking to get some input from step and bio parents who have had to deal with teens lying about stuff. But first, here's where FDH and I are:
SD has a long history of lying to both myself and FDH. We decided in November to give her a mostly clean slate as far as lying goes; we told her that she was going to get more freedom than someone who had lied to the extent that she had would normally get from us (because we wanted to show her that we wouldn't let our interactions be completely colored by past mistakes), but that it was up to her to prove that she was deserved of that freedom. FDH is extremely disappointed and pretty pissed still about SD lying to him this past month (which might be fueled by the fact that it was this time last year that he found out SD had been lying to him for a month about being enrolled in school and that this is the second time that SD has lied to him about doing her schoolwork at GUBM's). I'm not thrilled with SD either because we have had a couple conversations with her over the past two visits about lying. She appeared to be pretty apologetic about it and even had told me that she doesn't like not being trusted, understands that it is her own actions and behaviors that ever led to us not trusting her, and that she's going to work hard to do better in the future and prove that we can trust her. So, I'm pretty disappointed in the fact that the first opportunity she got to prove herself, she up and lied again.
FDH and I were brainstorming last night about how we can get it across to SD that lying will not be tolerated. My idea was that we could give SD the chance to avoid a consequence for lying by asking her to fess up to lying. The incentive would be that she would only face one consequence if she fessed up. FDH feels that it's best to just address the lying directly with a consequence as it's the second offense. He also feels she is just going to defend her lie from here until the end of time, so, he doesn't think it's worthwhile giving her a chance to come clean.
He's planning on having a talk with her, explaining the reprecussions of lying (aside from the consequence), and then he's going to give her a consequence for lying - he's thinking about taking away her access to her DeviantArt account, YouTube, personal laptop, Xbox, and Pandora for at least a week. Basically, he would take away all the 'fun things' that she would rather do/play with than do schoolwork - and there's the added benefit that many of these things distract her from her work even when she's doing it so she might get more done and catch up quickly. It's going to be a little bit tricky because he isn't sure how "locked down" her school laptop is and her cellphone is a smart phone, but, he's going to look into ways to lock that down as much as possible. This is his initial idea but we're not married to it and are still considering the possibilities. Either way, the consequence for lying will be on top of SD having to work on her schoolwork daily (7 days a week) rather than just Monday-Friday.
This was the agreement we made with her after the disaster that was December (when SD didn't do any schoolwork when she was at GUBM's and had fallen behind in every subject - she lied about it then, too, which resulted in a talk about the importance of honesty and telling SD that if she does that again she's going to face a consequence); anytime she fails to do her schoolwork at GUBM's and falls behind, she's to spend 7 days a week working on school at our house so she can catch up to where she should be. He's also hoping that the consequence of a potential expulsion if she slacks off again will be enough to light a fire under her ass both here and at GUBM's (he said she had texted him over the weekend to let him know she finally submitted this English assignment she's been sitting on since the beginning of January in order to avoid a note in her school file, so here's hoping she starts taking this seriously).
FDH is also going to remind her of the previous conversation we had in January and then explain to her that if she had been honest this time around rather than lying again, she would only have the one consequence - seven days a week working on school until she catches up- to deal with. But, her choice to lie got her the extra heaping. Our hope here is to make sure that she understands that lying is not desirable because it means getting into worse trouble than being honest about doing something wrong.
The only problem I forsee is the length of time between the action and doling out the consequence. We knew that having SD 50/50 would lead to some difficulties, especially with improving certain undesirable behaviors, but, at least we have more time to make an impact on her than we did when FDH had her EOWE or only a few weeks a year. Sadly, though, we can't always address these things as quickly as we would like. Last month, FDH had the benefit of finding out SD didn't do any school work during December the day before her visit, but, this time, it's going to be at least another week before she is back here so I think we're going to deal with the "I have no idea what you're talking about!" looks from SD.
I am curious though, how do YOU handle lying with your teens? I've read so many different articles about this ever since SD started her less than stellar habit back in 2012, but, I want some real-life input from people who have been there and done that! We're still in the brainstorming phase on deciding her consequence for lying, so, what sorts of consequences did you use? Did you find one worked better than another? Thanks
- attempting_to_maintain_composure's blog
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Still pretty helpful and good
Still pretty helpful and good information to keep in mind ^_^ Especially given the similarities in our situations. It was incredibly hard to treat SD's lying when she was with us less, because GUBM rewarded the crap out of it. I'm just hoping that having SD 50/50 will at least make a dent in the lying and make it less of an option for her. Though lord knows how SD's going to handle it now and in the future.
Recently a poster (can't
Recently a poster (can't remember who, but maybe someone else can find it?) found a very long and specific essay about lying. The skid was told to read the essay and copy it out. I personally think that your SD should also be asked to give examples of lies she's told or lies she's been told under each category (things like, people lose trust in you, you have to work hard to keep lies straight, etc etc).
She is at an age where she can lie successfully - she's only caught out when contradictory information comes to the surface. So she can choose to lie to avoid consequences - and also, as a result, relationships - or she can choose to deal with the consequences.
I think you and FDH have always been very upfront with her in terms of consequences in general. Did you address lying specifically? Because now might be a good time to come up with another consequence as well, because if/when she does it again, the essay idea would have lost impact. And I would do both at once.
For example, in this situation here's what I would do.
SD, you lied about doing your schoolwork. I'm very disappointed that you've chosen to break trust with me. I would much rather have an open and honest relationship with you. I would like to know why you made a bad choice in this case, but your reasons won't affect the consequences I'm going to give you. Can you talk to me about what happened this time? (Maybe she does, maybe you get a sob story, maybe you get angry-teenager... meh, it's an opportunity for her to open up, hopefully she does.)
SD, I'm glad you talked to me about how you've been feeling. (If there is something relevant to the schoolwork itself, like, an eyesight problem, then take steps to address it.) Because you're behind on your schoolwork, we're going to support you getting back into the habit of doing your schoolwork by requiring you to work on it xyz hours 7 days per week. This is the consequence we told you about way back when.
Because you lied about doing your schoolwork, you won't have access to any electronics except the ones you need for school for two weeks (or similar). That is your punishment.
SD, you are an intelligent young woman and in a few short years will be making your own way in the world. I want to give you every opportunity to build strong and happy relationships. Lying has no place in a loving and happy relationship. Because you lied and broke trust with me, I would like you to read this article, and to write me an essay with examples from your own life about the consequences of lying. Either FDH or ATMC will help you with it if needed. We will all read it and talk about at dinner on Friday.
Just my two cents.
Thanks! We might not have SD
Thanks! We might not have SD write an essay (just so that way she can focus on writing the essays she needs to write for school!), but I'm definitely going to share this with FDH. Lots of helpfulness in here
And a pretty good guide to talking it out with SD. And hopefully I can find the essay or some proximity close to it that exemplifies the negatives of lying for SD because at the very least, we'll have a dialogue about it with SD.
We have talked about the lying with her before and let her know we expect honesty, but, we have yet to institute a set consequence for it. That's what the result of our brainstorming is going to be. In the past it's been a fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants type of consequence, but, I think it's high time that SD knows what the consequence is if she lies to either one of us. And it needs to be a high stakes consequence, I think, because we need to make sure she gets that lying is not tolerated in our house. For her, nothing is as precious as her personal electronics/DeviantArt account. So my guess is FDH is going to stick with those. In the past it's been, like "go to your room" or some mundane crap like that which isn't really that big of a deal for her. If she's behaving enough like a brat that she's lying, she'd much rather be in her room by herself, lol.
Hey, I always find your posts
Hey, I always find your posts thought-provoking. So my thoughts were provoked - whatever consequence you decide for the lying, you guys have to consistently deliver the consequence (when you catch her in a lie) but then act like it (the lying) never happened. It will be SOOO hard, but it really has to be that she did a wrong act that is now forgiven (behaviour), NOT that she is becoming a nasty little liar (character). If you see what I mean.
And saw this on another
And saw this on another blog...