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suprise breakfast

dandy7's picture

Typically our 4 boys (2BS & 2SS) eat at school, but this morning im trying to reconnect our family and work threw the childrens differences, as its been a huge arguement with my spouse. So I decided to bring fast food breastfast as we dont usually buy out due to having 7 children 5 of them growing boys.. I texted my SSs and said"im bringing home breakfast...tell BS13 to wait for me." As my BS13 phone is not I get home and the boys run downstairs to eat but my SS11 leaves for school, I run outside to ask him why he left, for him to say "I was just gonna eat at school" hurt, cause im trying lil things but still get shut out...


twoviewpoints's picture

With seven kids and all but one racing down to eat together but one, I'd consider it pretty successful. Yeah, you had one pouter and I'm sure it did bite a bit, but six who appreciated your effort. is he the youngest of the bigger kids? Pre-teen is an awkward age and having older siblings to compete with (who usually think you're the little tag-along dork), then add on their stepbrothers trying to blend there's bound to be rough times.

DH might try talking to SS11 and telling him you went out this morning to treat and surprise all the kids this morning and it wasn't very nice to snub his nose and not even say 'thank-you'. Then Dad go on to inquire what's going on and what's troubling SS11. IMO when you have so many kids under one roof it's sometimes too easy not to remember to sit them down personally individually and just talk to them. Issues at school, issues at home...just reach out to the kid and give kid a chance to tell Dad/Mom how kid is doing and feeling.

On the otherhand, maybe SS11 is just being a little brat causing his own troubles and you should have just let him keep on walking this morning. You know what is and isn't going on at your house better than anyone here might. If he's being a pouter buns just to be difficult, let him stew.