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Correlation between guilty parenting & non-productive, needy , entitled, selfish children

Trying to Understand's picture

Hi, I have started to use a new name to protect my identity.

I would really appreciate it if someone could spell this out to me so I can try and communicate the same to my FDH. Whilst he is starting to recognise his parenting skills have not been and are not the best (major understatement), he fails to see and/or understand the repercussions and the harm this is having on his daughters (18 & 20).

Is anyone able to help me clearly understand the correlation? Not least so I can understand myself & try and make some sense of this whole 'situation'. Many thanks


PerseveringStepMom's picture

Thank you for this. There is so much truth in what you're saying. I feel like the strict parent, which doesn't help my plight, considering stepparents aren't very popular or well liked to start with. Sad

askYOURdad's picture

I think the best advice that I received as a young mom was "you aren't raising kids, you are raising adults. you don't just baby your kids and make them feel special and then send them into the wild at the magic age of 18."

Trying to Understand's picture

AskYourDad thanks very much for your response.

So am I right is deducing that giving them responsibility, i.e. chores, and goals, shows that they can achieve and thus will make them set their own achievable aims and goals for the future.

FDH’s youngest wants to be a ‘singer’, she went to private school, then some expensive music college for 2 years & now she is working a couple of days only in a retail store (not that there is anything wrong with that, just why only a couple of days). She posts stuff about, big dreams and not wanting to grow up, and my FDH just makes excuses for her & also blames their mother. Just seems crazy to me that an otherwise ’intelligent’ man is just so blind to the error of his ways….sigh. Sad Sad

furkidsforme's picture

Kids who are raised with no accountability for their actions and no ability to self motivate and self police fail in the real world.

I see this as a business owner. Even kids with 8 year degrees that I've hired seem directionless, unable to think through and resolve challenges on their own, and need hand holding guidance for EVERYTHING!!! They are highly educated and functionally stupid. And hardly any of them have ever know how to be accountable for their own failures or shortcomings.

It's frustrating. My own DH is a "feel good and want you to be so speshul and happppppy all the time" kind of dad. He hasn't realized that this type of parenting is exactly why the two kids who have launched from the nest have fallen flat and are floundering through life.

momagainfor4's picture

I just told SO that I hope the trust fund doesn't run out for sd14 bc she's screwed if it does!!! someone that is used to designer clothing, shoes and bags at age 14 won't be happy if the money dries up. As well as where she "thinks" her place is in society. Right now she's bought into the cool kids group.

What I'm really afraid of is that she will always be a spoiled self entitled brat and no one will ever tell her no or she won't ever get a set down.

Most of us, well that is how we learn and build character. But I'm just wondering about these kids that have someone to buy everything for them, schools, friends, jobs, cars, living accomodations and so forth.. what do those ppl ever really learn about life?

Hanny's picture

My SO's 2 girls are the only kids I have ever known that hated having a birthday. They just didin't/still don't want to grow up. They love the enabling both of their parents have given them. The 19 year old, second year of college can't seem to get along with her roommate last year and now a different roommate this year at college. The 24 year old is finally working after a great deal of trouble with DUI/felony, but she thinks she shouldn't have to be in a training position at her work. They are self centered young adults, who are both struggling in life because they were enabled and had everything handed to them with nothing asked in return from them. I love the list that tog put up, it is perfect, and these girls have not been taught any of those things, they think they are the specialist people in the world and everyone is wrong, never them. It's quite sad.

Justme54's picture

My thoughts are as followed...Daddy owes the kids til dead do us part because mommy and daddy got divorced. Many divorced dads are what you call a "Disney Dad". In some cases,dads admit to their outrage of overinduging the kids. In most cases, nothing will change. My Dh gave his low life oldest 35 year old son 2K for a wedding rehearsal dinner. His son quoted 1k for the dinner. He wanted to give him extra becasue he did not pay for the 25K to 30K wedding that his 28 year old daughter wanted. We gave her 3K. She let DH know that her in-laws would pay for WHATEVER SHE WANTED> WTF! DH moved in with me. MIL was living in DH's old 2 bedroom house with us paying ALL the bills.

ctnmom's picture

I love my kids more than anything and they are the best thing I ever did. That being said, I think a parent's responsibility is to turn out a productive member of society. I also felt it is/was my responsibility to raise my kids Catholic. If they end up happy, that's great and that makes me happy too, but it's not my JOB as a PARENT to make them happy. Another thing is, I love spending time with my kids and yukking it up with them. But I am NOT their friend. I am their mom. Guilty parenting feeds into the egocentric nature of kids and cripples both the kid and the parent/child relationship. And ultimately it leaves the child miserable, because in real life everything isn't handed to you, as another poster said. Self esteem, the holy grail of touchy feely parenting, actually comes from doing for other people. Guilty-parented kids will never get this.

Trying to Understand's picture

Thank you so much for your comments and insight.

KKD I think my FDH & his ex-wife did the same thing. But the children have totally used, manipulated and abused the situation to their advantage. Which is sickening in itself but made even more sickening by my otherwise 'intelligent' partner not being able to see/comprehend this. Although if he were witnessing it elsewhere I am sure he would.

The children often slate the mother & her husband, but funny how when child support stopped & she had to return to either FDH or BM's house, she returned to BM.

I think he just wants to believe that she is a horrible person. Maybe she really is, I don't know, I have only 'met' her a couple of times & I am indifferent to her.

They lie to him & do not give him respect, but he believes his parenting style is the best..."I did my best, that's all I can say."

How he can not see through their lies & manipulation is beyond me however, I think it is more a case of not wanting to, hence to million pathetic excuses, because if he did see it for what it really was he would have to admit his terrible parenting & dreadful mistakes. He would find it very, very difficult to do that.

There is a lady who is the mother to 2 girls that attended the same school as his children, he was desperately trying to buy a car for YSD, who hadn't even got her provisional licence, anyhow I digress. This lady had a car to sell. So she was being a bit illusive getting back to him to arrange for him to see the car. He just kept popping round there. Why. Well turns out her ex-husband didn't 'do much' for their 2 girls (I really do not know to what extent - just hear say), but the girls are normal. Anyhow, I finally realised he liked going round to see this lady because she kept telling him he had been a great dad as he hadn't missed any Child Support payments & had been around, something apparently he ex did neither - again apparently. She also said, apparently, that his ex was not a good mother (no further explanation as to why). So every time he went round he got the validation he was looking for that, surprise, surprise he could not find anywhere else....that he was a 'good dad'....funny how she has been the only one person to say that....and 'apparently' she is a "really nice lady"....exactly ...she was just probably being nice....

Give me strength

Trying to Understand's picture

Lol....but to be fair she has done a great job of bringing up her own children up and she has a partner who she supports financially .... I just think she is being nice