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LittlePanda's picture

Mediation yesterday for BM wanting visitation.

First of all..that mediator...what a B!! My husband and BM don't talk. Ever. SD is raised by BM's mother so that is who he speaks to. She was also at mediation. The mediator said that she thinks that anyone who has a child together should "co parent" and that the fact he and BM had not spoken in years was "the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard." Her jaw was dropped, she just couldn't believe it. .... Well, BM is a junkie felon who has fucked up MANY times, and BM's mom just WISHES SD was hers and has completely taken over as the parental wtf? Who else would my husband talk to. If BM's mom wasnt there I don't think he would feel safe sending SD over there.


Then this mediator goes off about what a good step mom I am. She says she has a few clients where a step mom is involved and she found out the SM doesn't wait with a ten year old boy at the bus stop in the morning with him....AND, the bio parents literally live across the street so the kid goes to his moms for the bus. She literally said, "if you would even call her a woman" about this SM. Really? Mediator asks father why SM doesn't wait with him at bus and he says, "because I don't ask her to." Sounds good to me! The mediator thought that was NOT OK. Um , first of all the kid is TEN. Second of all, the parents live across the street from each other, if I were in that situation id probably be completely removed too! WHo the hell are you lady and who the hell do you think you are talking to? Just because I showed for mediation does NOT mean that you think you know me. I couldn't believe her.


Jsmom's picture

I would report her to someone....Sounds like a terrible mediator....She has pre-judged the situation.