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We survived the Big Snow

Last-Wife's picture

Princess 21 came home for the weekend with her new boyfriend. PITA 19's girlfriend was over Friday night to meet him and stayed, since the two girls have become friends. And then the snow came... We've been snowed in together since Saturday. Lazy Boye 18 had one major blow up late Saturday afternoon. His anger gets the best of him at times, and he had the nerve to throw in "I can't wait till I leave for boot camp in 5 months and never have to come back here again. I f***in hate it here, and I hate you." Loghead and I quickly addressed that issue, and I went so far as to tell the both of them if it ever happens again, he can move to Grandma's for the last few months of HS. He is so quick to remind everyone he is 18 and an adult now, that at 18, he knows he said hateful things, and I won't tolerate it anymore...

He straightened up. So the skids and their significant others and my BS 12 spent the rest of the weekend playing games and watching movies. Remote batteries were dead so no video games, which was kinda nice. We all discovered early on Sunday that school and work was cancelled for today... Princess and her boyfriend were able to leave today, but theire 2 hour drive took nearly 4 hours. Loghead was going to take PITA's girlfriend home, but the only vehicle designed for the snow and cold wouldn't start. We all go the calls early today that our schools are cancelled tomorrow too. I'm a little annoyed PITA's girlfriend is still here, but she has been very good about helping with clean up after all the meals, and even did laundry this morning from the extra sheets and towels after Princess left.

All in all, it hasn't been so bad...
