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Just HOW exactly did he THINK I would react?!

Last-Wife's picture

Loghead sent his son, PITA 15, to live with his grandparents back in May for some things he said and did to me. IT was VERY ugly and hateful!

Loghead was very supportive of it all, and told PITA he could not return home until he made amends and attempted a better attitude towards me and the son Loghead and I have together. I'm at a point right now, where I don't want to be around that kid at all...

So how exactly did Loghead think I would react when I came home from my mini-vacation with my SD to find PITA was here?

I stormed through the living room and closed the door for the night...

How exactly did Loghead think I would react when I woke up this morning and PITA was still here?

Let's just say it was VERY silent around here today... Until I blew up about an hour ago. I just couldn't keep it in. I played every scenario in my head, all day long, but I couldn't keep silent any longer. It was not pretty when I reminded Loghead this was my house too and I would not be subjected to PITA's behavior any longer and he was not welcome back in MY home until I was damn well good and ready! Loghead didn't really say anything, he just huffed off.

Turns out PITA was here because my in-laws had to be out of town for the weekend, but PITA had a ball tournament so he couldn't go with them...

Great...So stupid. Why the hell couldn't Loghead have just TALKED to me about it first? I'm not just a pawn in this game to be moved around, I'm the QUEEN. Any decisions in this house should have to be discussed with me, whether I'm actually in the house or not...


Last-Wife's picture

Thanks! That was pretty cool, wasn't it? LOL I didn't realize I did it until I re-read it, but I guess it came to mind since I had watched DH and BS play chess earlier in the day...

oceangirl3's picture

I think he owes you big time for not discussing this with you first. I would have been furious as well. My BF does not discuss things with his kid with me. Plans change and I am not made aware of it. Uh, did you forget I live in this house as well and the plans with her time here affect me as well? I don't understand why men only think about their kids and forget about their partner. Their partner is there for life, while the kids will eventually move out and have a family of their own. What are they going to do when they burn all the bridges with us and realize they are all alone? Some men are just so dense it is unbelievable.