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3LittleDragonflies's picture

So SD came over on Christmas eve and was in a size 6 (she's been in a 7/8 for months.) Then we got a call from our lawyer. They've hired a lawyer. Cool. Good for them.
Lawyer apparently told them they had to give Dh his time. SD came for the weekend tonight and my sweet loving little SD is suddenly telling us she doesn't want to be here, doesn't want to love us, doesn't know who we are...
We all know who has caused SD to suddenly have amnesia...


3LittleDragonflies's picture

Oh. And they sent a pillow and blankets because apparently ours are strained and dirty. Wtf???

HadEnoughx5's picture

Yup, PAS does that to kids.I would document any strange behavior SD says or does. It will show that the adults she is with now are poisoning her against her Dad.

It's so sad that grown adults use children for their own benefit, money. I'm glad that you're getting time to spend with her. I'm sure she will have a great time. Just remember, SD will probably tell BM the fun she had and that will send BM into another ZONE }:)

Ex4life's picture

She is young enough that you should be able to remind her of all the fun and good times you have had. Show her pictures of the trip to the zoo or birthday parties or whatever you have done. Hadenough was right, document everything that is said and done that has changed about your SD. Keep a list too of the eople who know your SD that knows how she acted before this and can help verify the differences in her behavior. Preferably not family.

snowdrop's picture

just keep telling her that you love her. and that it must be hard for her to feel that way. you know it's not her coming up with this crap. don't get angry with her, stay calm, inviting, and loving. I bet by the end of the weekend she'll be done talking like that and will be smiling and loving again. maybe read a divorce book for kids with her (like dinosaur divorce) or leave it in her room. remind her that she can love everyone and has a heart that's infinitely big.

good luck smomma! it's hard to hear that crap!