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Today is the Day.

TinyDancer's picture

Dh is in child support court to get a ruling on ending support at 21. He's been in twice since he filed back in May, and she's had problems every time. He's hired an attorney, they've been working every night for the past two weeks, making sure all the potential issues are covered (if that can ever be done).

The things I've learned from this; #1 Don't take anything for granted. #2 It ain't over till the fat lady sings. #3 Keep your cool no matter what. Lastly, #4 The internet can be your very best friend if you learn how to work it.

In the past few months we've learned that neither *(adult) skid is in College.
SD21 lied her ass off. Oh yea, she's enrolled and here's list of classes.... And with a little checking, we learned that not only isn't she in school - they dismissed her academically for having such a low GPA. (i've had a really hard time not laughing about that or even repeating it to my friends. don't want to embarrass DH).

According to her, finals are next week. Which they are. For people who go to school.

SD19, no pretense there, she dropped out after one semester of community college (not that there's anything wrong with CC). She works part time. At a day care center. AND as a reward for having no ambition or goals, she got a brand new car!
(I will admit that last one gall's quiet a bit as I lost both cars to Hurricane Sandy last year and haven't replaced either yet.)

So, today is all about ending support for SD21, who's legal custodial guardian would like to keep it going until 25, as DH's divorce decree says that 'if in uni it would continue'. I stayed home so I wouldn't have to worry if I would lose my shit and try to do something to 'that women' as she does thrive on making my life miserable.
Also, I don't want to wind up DH, as I would probably do by accident as he's so tense already.

Adding insult to injury..... SD19 decided today was a good day to start communicating with her Dad via text. Dh was happy about it. I walked away and kept quiet. Not my kid, not my relationship. But I do wonder about the timing of it all.

Things to be thankful for today; Xanax, chocolate, a warm purry cat, and StepTalk.
Thank you all for reading.


hereiam's picture

Can he have CS stopped for the 19 yr old, also?

My SD got married (and dropped out of HS) and tried to keep it a secret so we would not know to terminate support. These people are something.

I hope everything goes in your favor. Sounds like you have solid proof that she's not in school but you never know what they will try and pull.

tryingmom's picture

Good positive thoughts for your DH to end paying for an adult that has lied about being in school when not to continue CS.

StepKat's picture

That’s odd the divorce papers didn’t state a final age for CS. In my DH divorce papers it says he no longer has to pay CS when they turn 18.

TinyDancer's picture

THANK YOU ALL!!!!! Thank you for the good thoughts!!! Must have been something in the air today!! No more support for SD21. DH did have proof that she was dismissed from the college and that was the end of it. 'Continuous Education' were the key words. They actually did try to lie, couldn't prove enrollment, DH pulled out his paper and it was over. Oh, and she has to pay back the money that she received since that 'child' turned 21. I can't stop grinning every time I think of that.... Smile

Now it's going to be a paperwork battle with the state of NY to get them to stop taking the money out of his paycheck. But I can live with that, knowing it will end and soon. And she has to pay back money.

So, thank you all.... Without StepTalk, I might be in jail. Or divorced.

And now off to continue to do the happy dance of my people.....

Rags's picture

Woo Hoo!! Thanks for making the day of every NCP and related Sparent on the planet with that news.

Congratulations to you and to DH. Go celebrate then start the campaign to get SS19 off of daddy's payroll. Hopefully since he dropped out of school he is now ineligible for CS $s too.

Rags's picture

Our CO ended CS for SS-21 at 18 or HS graduation whichever was later. For SS, he turned 18 3mos after graduation. Supplemental County Rules continue CS until age 22 if the kid is a full time college student in good accademic standing with the school. The only difference being that at 18 CS would have been paid directly to SS instead of to my wife.

The Sperm Clan let SS know in no uncertain terms that they wanted him to NOT nail their toothless moron asses the the wall for CS. The full court press guilt trip was extensive during the final CO'd visitation the summer after HS. He did not go to college directly after HS graduation. He is now in college and could nail his Sperm Idiot for CS for another year or so but he won't. I don't know if SS did not go straight in to college right away because of the Sperm Clan guilt trip but it would not surprise me. He is easily manipulated by guilt. His mom and I outlined clearly that we would cover his costs while he was in college. Tuition, rent, food, car, etc.... He never even applied.

HE enlisted for 6 years and is doing very well and is attending both the CCAF and a local university where he is stationed. He has little to do with ther Sperm Clan including not nailing them for the CS that he could collect from them.

Were I the SKid, I would have enlisted in the USAF and gone to college and nailed the worthless POS Sperm Idiot for every F-in penny while the USAF paid me to go to school.

But, that is just me. }:)