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Little more headway

IAMGOOD's picture

After the meeting with the DS and BM and SS my husband stepped up and called out the stupidity of the last few years listening to a young man say how unhappy he is with us and how much he hates me and the latest how much he hates me, and two of the other kids.

Well, DH reiterated tonight that he can live with BM full-time if that will make him happy.

So either way - it is really sending a message - "you don't put crap on your SM's stuff" and "leave if you are so unhappy".

I have never seen a kid manipulate and utilize a bad co-parenting system to get his way. Like he said "mom will let him do whatever he wants". Well good luck lady.

He is going to let us know Saturday if he is going to say. The little brat is coming back - he knows he got it too good here. SS wanted to know why DH is so willing to let him go so easily. DH says "I have listened to you for years now bad mouth us when all we have done is provide you a good home, meet all your needs and only ask for you to be a part of the family".

I have to say FINALLY DH is stepping up!!! Peace would be nice - but my guess is he won't leave. He knows he has been pushing it for a long time now.

Counselor required too! Just trying to find one and make appt has been a challenge this time.

Maybe we are finally reaching a head here and some change. DH said over and over "you want to stay you need to change".


IAMGOOD's picture

Thank you. one thing at a time but the pressure is on and the message clear. Either change - knock off the BS or leave. This had to come to this. He needs a good dose of BM and now the BM and sidekick GrandM can stop using him to cause problems in our home. This young man is not in charge and will not cause a break-up in our relationship so he can make things like back to before. DH has a new counseling appt set up. Pattern being broken. Time for choices to be made by this almost adult male.

IAMGOOD's picture

Hi. Well I can see your point. There are never clear answers only personal judgement for each situation. It just make more sense for us to give a choice BUT once he chooses he was told he can't come back in near future. He asked that question last night.

My guess is we won't get lucky and he won't leave - but we are about 50:50 right now. We will know in a couple days. BUT, you are right. He may come back and slowely stir pot again and then he will have to be booted and WILL BE. DH has had it!!! Finally cause I had it a long time ago.

It is a risk.

Cdngirl's picture

We did the same with SD 14 this year. She was informed to either step up or ship out. She choose to ship out, infact her and BM had been discussing it for a couple of months prior to this. DH and I's relationship was heading down the toilet so we said fine, SD if you want to live with BM go for it however there were some rules put into place. SD was to live there over summer holidays and if all parties were okay after that then SD would live with BM for a full year no exceptions.

Well lets just say life isn't what SD thought it would be and BM and her are constantly fighting. However I have to give DH credit because every weekend when SD calls to say she wants to come back DH tells her "no, you made your choice now live with it" This has also given DH and I time to work on our marriage which is still in the balance but we are trying. DH actually has more power in dealing with SD now because BM can't go behind our backs when SD use to get in trouble at our house. It is working out in our favor.

IAMGOOD's picture

YES!!! It is BM's power that is being taken away. Nail on head tog. No more leverage. BM and also another family member that have united (previous hated one another) so this is sadly about much more than a kid intentionally disrupting our home and trying to cause a break up between me and DH. HE has the support and backing of two disturbed woman. One of these woman has Borderline Personality disorder and teamed up with a passive aggressive narcissist. I feel bad for SS but he has to grow up and decide for himself and not be a puppet anymore or deliverer of their hate in our home.

IAMGOOD's picture

I agree dtzybldn. Can't stop a teen from listening.
Not going to change their behavior and not going to stop him from listening - he is old enough to know better. DH has pointed out the elder one's behavior is wrong.

IAMGOOD's picture

it really is tough love but a kid WILL intentionally make your relationship rocky and life awful and that power has to be taken away. You want it!!! You got it!!! But although we are doing the same now - one has to feel for these kids but not enough to allow them to ruin people's lives. Divorce is really a terrible thing but I see my kids and how my x and I co-parent well together. But the whole situation in house is wearing on them too and our SD. Not fair. One sour apple can't spoil the bunch.

IAMGOOD's picture

Great point about the modeling after the BM. BM has made many bad choices. She has emotionally tied him in and drawn him in and made him feel like she is the only one worth trusting. SS trusts no one but BM. She needs to be this powerful with him. SD has rejected this. I am worried about SD taking heat if SS moves out. Will BM work on her next?

IAMGOOD's picture

kids are almost 13 and almost 16. SS 16. I do believe he may be the golden child but she is going to have her hands full of kissing his fanny all the time. HE can do whatever he wants in HER house. ha ha ha ha

ironick's picture

A lot of you on this board sound like bad parents. Not talking about the stepparents, who have the absolute right to choose not to parent. But the parents they're married to who are also 'disengaging" or in this example telling the child to choose where he wants to live. No good parent disengages from their minor child's life, or makes the child choose between household. But then, good parents don't choose other people over their minor children either. :sick:

IAMGOOD's picture

This is not about parents or step-parents disengaging. This is about a child who was alientated and poisoned by two adult woman in his life at a tender age of 12. This poor kid has been placed in the MIDDLE and is so confused at this point he can't get out of the middle. This young man now needs to make this choice. The choice was that he stop doing all the disruptive and passive aggresvie behavior that included putting sh%t on my personal belongings if he wanted to stay. This young man has been treated VERY WELL!!! HE is very much loved but is so trapped in the MIDDLE that he is suffering and unhappy. He has stated repeatedly for over 3 years he wants to live with BM and is unhappy with us. We fought for him. We changed, talked, listened and counseling, etc. YES, sometimes it is the best choice to love someone enough to set them free. That is not only being a good parent but feeling such a loss that is unimaginable when you are a kind loving person. DH is a kind loving person and your post does not belong on a support site for people struggling with making big decisions about people they love. This kid is old enough now to make a choice and this happens quite often. So if you know anyone in your life that is insecure as a BM, and not supporting their co-parenting agreement by promoting positive support to the person they are working with I strongly suggest you speak to that parent and point out their ways. Every child should be encouraged to love all the parents and step-parents in their lives. This isn't supposed to be a tug of war for a kid. Also, a kid shouldn't be used as a weapon against someone's ex=spouse to try to destroy their new relationship. By FAR this was no CHOICE! If there were a choice to be made it would be that we get full-custody and let this kid live in peace. Any mother that rips a kid apart because she wants to use the kid to pressure his father into making a choice between his new wife and him is the one forcing the choice here. Kids should be encouraged to be happy in BOTH HOMES and when one co-parent has not respect or boundaries for the other co-parent this tears a kid apart. No child should have to choose who they love. I suggest since you are new to the site that you start reading the stories on this site and really exercising some compassion and non-judgement for people. We just freed this young man!!!!! We hope he comes back - but we just pulled him out of the middle.

IAMGOOD's picture

p.s. DH is FAR from disengaged!!!! FAR!!!!!
Someday the kids will look back and see what an emotional mess BM is. That her marriage is hanging by a thread and her new husband never stopped being a player. Hang onto your son and keep him emotionally cripped for life. Make sure they don't love anyone but BM. Sad sad BM. So sad. A woman that knows she made some bad choices in her life and her son is still paying for them. Someday hopefully she will see that jealousy, insecurity (both emotional and financial) are her driving forces here. Someday maybe BM will find peace & just do the right things. When she is ready then maybe the response from other people will be different. When she can be respectful & keep boundaries and stop calling her ex-MIL to keep the fire burning - then maybe peace will happen.

IAMGOOD's picture


At this point where this goes is in this young man's hands. May we all pray he turns out well. May he be able see what is real - and what is best for him but also realize that although he is a teen and so caught up in his own feelings that other people have feelings too. Someday I hope he is able to unconditionally love someone that can help him on the road to empathy & compassion for all (not just himself). But that may just be too much to expect of such a young man. May he realize that he can put adult matters aside and tell any adult that won't allow him to do this to STOP and just love everyone. Idealistic but I can still hope.