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desensitized and demoralized generation

TickedOff's picture

If you have a racist bone in your body do not read this post and do not comment. My heart is beating and I am very emotionally charged right now. Had my girlfriend over after work and one of SD15's friends was here. She was talking about who she and her boyfriend were for Halloween. Her costume was racially insensitive towards my friends cultural. She was making a joke of it. I would rather not repeat this ridiculous choice of costume but for the sake of the blog and getting my point across they were dressed in middle eastern attire. His costume very insensitive not only to middle eastern culture but to everyone affect by 9/11. I will not go into specifics as to not offend anyone on this board. Her costume was a mockery of the Muslim religion and very disrespectful. it was slutty and done in very poor taste. She came running over to show the pictures on her phone to us and my friend became very upset and got up to leave. I handed that little girl's butt to her. How dare she think that is an any way funny at all and to take pictures with your middle finger up how disrespectful could you be. I dared her to post the pictures online and see how many people find that crap funny and she starred at me like a deer in headlights. Needless to say she is never allowed back into my house. I don't roll with that.

I looked online and saw a lot of people went all out on Halloween with offensive costumes. If you got something to say about people being to racially sensitive please don't comment I will delete it. There are lines that you just do not cross. This world is made up of many races, religions, and cultures. It is one thing to offend someone on accident another to do it as a joke and not care. Like I'm italian and I'm officially over the jersey shore and Mafia crap. Its not really racially insensitive just ignorant to dress up like that and put a fake accent mocking my culture thinking we all act that way. I'm just tired of this generation thinking everything is funny. wrong is right and right is wrong. Being a virgin in college is like :jawdrop: OMG you must be joking. I see girls get mad at other girls who dress modest and don't curse " She think she better than us". If you don't smoke or drink you are boring. High fives to those who go against the grain. I just want to go outside with a blow horn and walk up to every dumbass teenager I see and yell "stop being stupid! What happened to the days when everyone was inside by the time the street lights came on?


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

What the hell is wrong with people? I took my kids to a child-oriented indoor Trick or Treat event that was part of the Toys for Tots charity drive that the military here puts on for kids.

There were racially/politically/culturally insensitive costumes, and slutty costumes galore. Now I'm all for some holiday fun, but seriously, this was a children's event. For kids. I literally saw buttcheeks!

It's not funny to me to make fun of things like that. Your SD's friend sounds disgusting. I'm glad you stood up to her. Somebody in her life sure needs to.

TickedOff's picture

WTH :jawdrop: buttcheeks hanging out at a kids even woooow SM. Dont even get me started on disrespecting what the military stands for wearing politically insensitive costumes to a military function. I can't!

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

I hate when people are racist and insensitive. It irks me too. Both of my SDs are half Mexican (their mother is Mexican and father is white). I used to hear them getting picked on, called wet backs and all sorts of other names. It pissed me right off. What makes me mad too is that my good SD who is 22, going to school full time, great GPA (3.8, yes I am proud) and working her ass off at a job working 32 hours a week on top of it, gets shit because her boyfriend is also Mexican and is here on a work permit. He is the nicest guy in the world to me, I love him to death and think he treats her so well and not to mention he works his ass off too, 6 days a week to keep him here. He is wonderful to her and our family, very family orientated guy and I think that is what brought her so close to DH and I was him helping her. She always suffered with weight issues until him, he works out and eats right with her and always supporting her in all ways. I hate that people say negative about him just because he is here in the states. He is working a job that no one else would do, actually I would dare someone to do what he does. Anyways yes, I went off a bit, but I get a bit sensitive when people think they want to be racist.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

The other thing people say is he is only with her to marry her, well she tells me everything and marriage is NOT on their mind at the moment but being together is. They have been together for 2 years.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I hate my generation.

I went to a festival (think 4th of July type thing) this summer with my 2 year old and a couple friend's kids. Oldest was 8. A guy walked up in a red, latex thong and red knee highs, looked straight at our group, and started air humping in our direction. I diverted the kids' attention and DH asked the guy to leave, or please at least put some clothes on. The guy caused a huge scene, saying that DH was homophobic and harassing him because he was gay. We honestly didn't give a rat's if he was gay, we didn't want our kids exposed to that kind of stuff.

I know a guy who has slept with over 200 women. People still say "Oh, yeah, he's a great guy."

I'm a "freak" because I have never drank, never smoked, and never done drugs. I was a virgin when DH and I got together. DH is the only guy I've ever slept with. I get told regularly that I'm a horrible person... because I'm Christian (and therefore automatically think I'm better than everyone... *eyeroll*). I was raised in the rural south. I'm told that makes me racist.

If I had to sum up my generation in a sentence, it would be "F*** you I don't care what you think, I do what I want."
It really is horrible. All I can do is pray and teach my girls that that is NOT how you behave. Sad

Rags's picture

I have no problem with people using costumes during halloween. However, there is a line between acceptable and offensive. Often it can be a very fine line.

As for Middle Eastern costumes. I often have worn an authentic thobe, ghutra, agal, etc... for halloween when I lived in the US. I grew up in the Middle East and even live and work in the ME now.

For sure I am not a proponent of racism in any form but I am far less a proponent of political correctness and over sensitivity. People need to put on their big people underwear and quit being so rediculously sensitive to this kind of crap. If a behavior crosses the line then absolutely it needs to be confronted and dealt with just as you dealt with your Skids GF but far too often people take offense to things that are rediculous and only offensive if people chose to be offended by it.

The whole esteem movement and everyone is special because no one looks, walks, talks, etc.. like them is as load of horse crap IMHO. Special is earned not granted. Bullying and teasing, etc... is part of learning to socialize, stand up for yourself, etc... Grades in school are an indicator of performance and should be recognized when they are good. Excellence in sports should be recognized and mediocrity should not. Trophies should only go to those that excell and not to those that just show up.

Racism is unacceptable but judging "insensitivity" is a slippery slope that IMHO society needs to stay far away from. What one person finds insensitive another may not and neither party should have their perspective quashed. We have the whole freedom of speech thing to protect both sides of that coin.

I may not agree with what someone says or believes but I absolutely believe they have the right to say and believe what they wish.

All IMHO of course.

floridianmama's picture

I see your point but I don't think barring her from the house is the right thing to do. Children are a product of their upbringing. You have situation where you can change her view point while she is young and impressionable. By discussing it with her you can break the cycle of hate. But if you walk away and wash your hands hate wins out. Just marinate on it for a while before you say she can't come back. She comes back you'll have plenty of chances to expose her to tolerance and give her a better understanding that stereotypes are harmful. You're actually in a GOOD position to make positive changes. We have no way of knowing how far the ripple affect will be. Maybe she will stop a hate crime one day because you opened her eyes. You just never know!