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Anyone else having a long slooooow work day

TickedOff's picture

Fridays always go on forEVER for me. Don't get me wrong I love my line of work but every job has their days. I'm so tired been here since 6 this morning and still have all day. Can I just say I hate menopause it makes everything that much more irritating and annoying. Its not my intention to get on here everyday and bitch but I've just been in such a bitchy mood lately. I'm just fustrated with the world and the dumbass people on it. I have a headache and its too hot inside but to cold outside. Ughhhhhhh this day is just dragging along.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I'm having a long ass day today, too. I'm exhausted from last night (too much candy, too little sleep) and I'm just dragging my ass through my eight hours today. It's freezing in my office, though, so that's annoying. But I guess not so bad because it's keeping me from falling asleep at my desk.

Tuff Noogies's picture

PHUC yeah.....

this day cannot possible get any longer... *knock on wood*

kathc's picture

yeah, I'm staring at the clock and wondering why it hasn't moved much...feels like I've been here all day already!

skifamily25's picture

Agreed... it's only 9:30am where I am... Friday afternoons always drag for me. Hoping my boss lets us all go home at 3 since this week has been brutal for us all. It's freezing in my office, too and I've got on boots and a very warm sweater.
Preparing myself for the inevitable task of having to see BM at SS11 football playoff game tomorrow. I'm too tired to fake smile at her.