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CrazyIs's picture

This is my first time posting but I'm at my wits end and don't know where to turn. All my problems stems from the BM. She is not a very nice person and is so destructive to my 2 step-kids (SD11, SS20). She does things behind my husbands back and tells the kids not to tell him because he will be mad at them. She brought them to therapy without my husband's knowledge to have them work through their fear of him and his anger issues. If you met my husband you would laugh at either of those descriptions. When we first got together she called all the shots and he took it. Since then we have gone back to court and evened the playing field. The quack therapist put in her notes that my husband has anger issues and the guardian was going to take away all of our visitation until he came to our house and met us.

The best thing we won out of court was the right to take my SD to Kids in the Middle, but her mother refused to attend and constantly told her it was stupid that we made her go. My SD was really a mess though. When she was in first grade she was "suffering from panic attacks" and was afraid that everything would kill her. She would be spending the day at our house and her mom would call several times and pressure her into saying she was sick or upset until she was crying. If she was having fun and forgot to call her mom she would freak out. We took her on vacation and she cried the whole time because her mom was upset and she was the only one who could take care of her. It took some time, and the court rulings, to work through those issues and she has spent the last couple years somewhat crazy-free. Although her mom still tries to play her against us, (even texting her while she was at our house and telling her that her dad would be mad and yell at her if he knew she was talking to her mom and how to delete the messages when they were done), my SD learned in therapy that she needs to be stronger than to let her mom manipulate her all the time.

There have been an inncident here and there, we are hard on her about grades and following through on committments and her mom is her "friend" and enforces no rules. The latest issue has been severe stomach problems, normally occuring after spending the weekend at our house. She apparently doubles over in pain and is up all night crying because of the severe pain. However, we have never seen these so called stomach problems. Last night BM calls to tell my husband that she is sick with the stomach pains and wanted to know why we didn't do anything about them because she said she was sick all weekend. When my husband called to talk to her daughter she said she was sick but afraid to tell him. I can't tell you how fine she was all weekend. She was happy and healthy and having fun the whole time she was with us.

So, obviously it isn't going to end. Do I just ignore it? Have no expectations from the kids or BM? Know that we are just going to be lied to all the time? I love my SD like I love my own daughter, but it's so hard to fight crazy.


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

She's probably having stomach pains associated with anxiety and stress because her mom badgers and harasses her constantly when she has her.

While there are legitimate stomach problems out there, there are quite a few "stomach issues" and "digestive issues" that are purely a side effect of stress.

BM3 recently pulled this crap with our SD and we flipped it right back around on her. SD was fine and happy as a clam, but when BM dropped her off at school, she made a big to-do to DH and me via text, and sent a note to the teacher about how upset SD was about having to come to our house. What was ACTUALLY going on was BM wanted SD to stay at her house for the weekend, and SD didn't want to, so BM guilt tripped SD about how much she misses her, and got her all worked up. DH decided that since SD was SO upset when she was with BM, but seemed perfectly fine and well adjusted the second I picked her up from school, she must need a break from BM and the stress of the situation and the badgering. He didn't put her phone calls through that weekend and declined BM's request to drop by and visit SD that weekend. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

Has your DH ever thought of just shooting BM a text and letting her know that SD is fine, and enjoying herself, but as a family, you'll be enjoying some media free time, so the cell phones are going to be shut off for a day or so? You don't have to allow her mom to text her constantly while she's at your house. There's no reason for her to be doing that on your DH's parenting time. I'm sure he can handle anything that comes up while SD is there. BM needs to find another focus for her attention during that time.

Justme54's picture

You need to start video taping her(SD) time with you all. Ex. are taking up a little side job...recording special event...for little extra cash.sports, baby shower, etc. 2.Then you next not make a big deal...KEEP IT SIMPLE. 3. you need to practice...tape SD. 4. this gives some proof that SD is ok. Other thought, security cam in your home...and keep clips of SD having a good time.


CrazyIs's picture

She was texting her from her ipod and has stopped. We have gotten the phone calls down to a minimum which is good. I just don't want to see SD sick and don't know what to do about it. If its actually something that is happening at our house that is making her sick I want to get to the bottom of it, but I think it's like you said - guilt and her mom's need for my SD to be constantly sick. It's not healthy anyway you look at it. But my husbands hands are tied to do anything about it.

When they decided she was having panic attacks they wanted to start medicating her. She was 7! We fought that and she healed through proper therapy but I just don't know what to believe anymore.

CrazyIs's picture

I like the idea of taping her and we have thought about it many times. We need to just start doing it. I journal pretty regularly about all the craziness and when the gal wanted to take away our custody because of allegations from the BM and therapist the journals were what saved us and brought the gal to our side. I feel so bad for her though. She lives in two totally different worlds and to make it worse, she's a born pleaser.